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“But Utsurogi-kun, the skull Gojou wears around his neck was certainly those of the previous Genjou, right?”


Ryuzaki himself had also experienced the effects of Kyousuke’s Phase 2 ability «Characteristics Amplification». When battling the Pawn in the western fortress line of the Knight Kingdom, Ryuzaki was able to spread his wings and fly in spite of the clearly excessive weight. That was probably the result of Kyousuke’s Phase 2 ability had applied to himself as well.

While melting iron with high heat as ever, Akira said in a cool tone.

Sakuma as the group leader, adding the orc Okumura, the unicorn Hakuba, the hanuman Saruwatari, and then Kyousuke made up the group this time. Bulwark role, magic attack role, adding the recovery role, it was relatively ideal composition. Hakuba’s recovery magic had no effect to the undead but there was Saruwatari to recover Kyousuke’s injuries.

“That’s true! Well, please treat me well!”


Sakuma, while confirming the memo in hands, fluently said.




“There there, you’ve tried your best. Surarin.”

Answered Ryuzaki as he gazed at the work schedule Kuremori the Gremlin handled over.

Come to think of it, it was the first time Kyousuke was incorporated into her group. He had heard the story, but when actually seeing her splendidly taking command like this, frankly, he couldn’t suppress his surprise. Even her countenance looked so gallant.

“I feel like it will be faster to put me to Nekomiya group who could use shadow magic though.”

~ Part 1 ~





Bringing out a big voice that made Kyousuke unintentionally wanted to block his ears, Saruwatari nodded.


He was thinking to have Rin use her ability to filter seawater and make salt. If fresh water, they could make it with spirit magic, but with Kogane gone, that burden was concentrating on water attribute magic users such as Uozumi Masuyo. If Rin could filter seawater, it would be best, he thought but….


Recovery magic that could applied to undead as well were «Aqua Heal» of water attribute spirit magic, «Shadow Heal» of shadow magic, etc.


“There’s nothing to be done if we can’t carry it. Let’s leave it be hind.”


“Because we’re going to cross the ocean after this, It will be difficult for Hino to move. Naturally, the pattern of Utsurogi and Rin combing will increase, I think, so while there’s still time, it will be better to try thinking of a different movement method.”

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After dividing into group, the one who welcomed Kyousuke in an excessively loud voice was Saruwatari Futa, a hanuman (wiki).


However, he should consider the possibility of Rin and Akira becoming unable to move from now on. In that case, it would be necessary to have Kyousuke walking about independently and thinking for himself. Of course, even if it was called independently, the premise was to join a common front with other classmates.

“What’s wrong, Sakuma! Your voice is small as ever! If there’s something you want to say, say it!”

“”Yes, ma’am.””

Saruwatari could take up the frontline and use magic, a rare position. Just that his defensive power wasn’t so high so you couldn’t expect him to work as a bulwark.

Akira said unfeeling words. Ryuzaki as well, floated a bitter smile and nodded.

Okumura crossed his arms and said something plausible. Next to him, Hakuba was tilting his head.

No well, there was no problem though. It wasn’t as if they were going to India after this, and it’s not like Kyousuke didn’t have the uselessly cool backbone of Sa Gojou so there was no problem. Incidentally, there was a theory that Sa Gojou being a water ghost was a mistake, but that was unmistakably irrelevant.


“If there’s any objecting opinion, I will hear it, but I think this is the most safe and reliable formation. Exploring cheerfully is also important, but the most important thing is to make sure no none die. For that reason, amplifying Hakuba-kun’s life magic is the best. Are you okay with this?”

It was a rational plan, but Kyousuke also felt a little bit awkward somehow that he alone was riding in comfort.

“Apparently, the filtration has failed.”

“(I have to apologize to Rin later…)”

A scream was heard from the direction of the sea, so he moved his gaze over there.


Kyousuke reflexively retorted. What Okumura was talking about was the story Journey to the West. Party leader Genjou Sanzou was Sakuma, the riding horse Yulong being Hakuba was, well, understandable, the orc being Cho Hakkai, the hanuman being Son Goku was certainly acceptable, but why the remaining Kyousuke was Sa Gojou, it wasn’t convincing. If that’s the case, then Uozumi older brother who was presently working in the heavy cruiser branch school was much more Sa Gojou.

When looking, there was a masterful slime faithfully spouting out fresh water and salt separately while shouting so.


“This group, is well-balance?”

Among these, the one with fewest risk and highest versatility was life magic that manipulated vitality itself. However, that had no effect to undead which were moving under a principle different from original life force. Being told this was difficult for Kyousuke as he had an awareness called ‘I’m living’, but there was nothing he could do since the practical problem was that it had no effect.

“The group leader this time, is me but…”

Gofunkawahara, accompanied by the goblin group, came along.


First was medical magic and sacred magic. There was no students in 2nd year class 4 who could use these magic that were developed in the human world. Conversely, there were magic that human couldn’t handle such as life magic, spirit magic, shadow magic, etc., the recovery magic the students used were classified as these.

“But there’s the kitchen, the home garden, and then Washio’s altar. So even if we abandon the branch school, I want to do something about those…”

“Utsurogi-kun is on Hakuba-kun’s back.”




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“Say, Saruwatari-kun…”

“First of all, Okumura-kun is the vanguard, Saruwatari-kun is the middle guard, I’m the rear guard. While moving, take a single column, Saruwatari-kun, be most vigilance of the back.”

In any case, they were going to dismantle the caterpillar unit after this. The caterpillar unit was too heavy to stabilize the hull, so naturally, they wouldn’t be able to cross the sea with it attached. It was impossible to put it on the ship and carry it as well. Sinking and making it a fish reef would be best, but they would have no choice but to abandon the branch school after crossing the sea in that case.

“While saying impossible, it doesn’t seem like you can’t do it.”

There seemed to be several types of recovery magic in this world. This was something discovered in Selena memo.

“Ryuzaki, can I have a minute–.”


“Well, that couldn’t be help debu. There’s the thing called party balance, debu?”

“According to Asuka, Knights and Bishops only have 2 each. They will be refilling the vacancy, but there’s no blood clan remaining in this area. Therefore, I want to let him get accustomed to independent action at once.”

During the renovation work of the heavy cruiser branch school, Ryuzaki was asked such a thing by Akira.

It was then when Ryuzaki was muttering such a thing.



“I appreciate it Hakuba. By the way, I suddenly become curious, but is there also virgin judgement to men as well?”

“It’s Rin’s voice.”

“Eh!? Why!? Saa-chan isn’t riding!? You’re monk Sanzou!?”

What Saruwatari could use was wind attribute spirit magic. It couldn’t heal wounds but it was possible to perform dexterous feats such as fixing objects in the air. If Kyousuke’s bones were to cracked or something, they were going to cope with it using this.


“Oui oui. I will inform Kuremori.”


Kaminari Totoha also said that she was able to fly faster than usual when she was carrying Kyousuke in the Extreme Cross state. When thinking about the simple spec-up effect, there would be various ways to use Kyousuke’s power.


“Really! That’s true!”


“That’s fine, but what do we do about the removed caterpillar unit? Kuremori said that because we can’t obtain material beyond this point on as expected, the same thing can’t be made.”

What’s hanuman?, he thought and had asked Akira about it before, simply put, it seemed to be an India sacred beast that became one of the model for Son Goku. More accurately, Hanuman was an individual name, it seemed to be classified as a species called Vanara, but one of the most famous among them, that is to say, ‘Hanuman’ was often treated as one species in Japanese subculture.

“Well, simply put, I’m feeling for a new trend.”


“Wait a minute. Does that make me Sa Gojou?”

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“Good grief…. Utsurogi seems grateful, but why I got stuck with letting a man ride!”

And that was the nonsense Akira had told him in a bad mood. Akira in a bad mood was a common story, but that tone was mostly used when things related to special-effects was worsening his mood so Kyousuke decided to leave it alone. Surely Hanuman might have been put in a detestable role in one of his favorite special-effects programs. It wasn’t like Saruwatari had any sin in particular.

“Oh, Utsurogi is in my group! Welcome! There weren’t many chances to talk after we came here!”


Episode 44 — Saa-chan Is the Group Leader


“I understand that both I and Himemizu have work to do, but it should have been okay not to put Kyousuke in the exploration team. So I’m asking what idea do you have.”

“Impossible impossible impossible impossible–-! Salty! So salty my body’s moisture will come out because of osmotic pressure! It’s hopeless for me! I can’t be one with the ocean!”


Well, as expected, they didn’t seem to think that the students would make this big a land warship though.

Utsurogi Kyousuke in the uncombined status was exceedingly weak. Akira and Rin could play a different role in this way even if they were in a separated state like him, but Kyousuke was completely a ‘combat member after combine’. Presently, if remove Akai Asuka, he was the only one who could oppose the Knight class bloodkins, so Ryuzaki didn’t plan to make light of his existence.

Incidentally, he was in the baseball club of Jindai high-school. He was the so-called ace pitcher, but since Jindai high-school baseball club was so feeble, when going to competition, they usually lost in the first round and went home. Even in the practice match just three months ago they were completely shutout by the girl pitcher of the opponent high-school and it became a famous story.

Read at


Akira was currently raising his body temperature to melt materials. If asked if this was his Phase 2 ability it didn’t seem so. Hino Akira had yet to reach Phase 2 was Akai Asuka’s opinion. Akira originally had enough potential to put out firepower of close to 1000 degree, he just didn’t try to show it to others.

Hakuba shouted with all his heart while drifting a tragic feeling.


Somehow it felt like Sakuma was straining her ears to listen, but Kyousuke decided not to worry about it.

“I feel like there aren’t many chances to talk both after coming here and before in the former world though.”


Kyousuke straddled on Hakuba’s saddle that had completely matched him. He didn’t know if the effects of «Characteristics Amplification» could be invoked over the saddle or not, but well, if push come to shove, he could just grab Hakuba’s neck.

“Understood. Please advance the dismantling centered on Uozumi as planned.”




“Ryuzaki, is there a reason why you make Kyousuke have independent action from us?”

But Sakuma, who had remained silent so far, smilingly said this:





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Sakuma timidly called out to him from behind. Not the one piece as usual but the succubus style with high exposure. It had become her combat uniform, but wouldn’t a more defensive conscious outfit be better, Kyousuke thought.

“Since the uncombined Utsurogi-kun isn’t good at running…. If think about using the effects of «Characteristics Amplification», that’s the best choice.”


The present heavy cruiser branch school was a heavy cruiser fixed to make it usable, a caterpillar unit was installed on the ship’s bottom, that was then linked with the engine. They were able to procured everything such as the engine and materials in the dungeon. It was a more than perfect story, but no wonder, because that dungeon itself was originally prepared to moderately confuse the 2nd year class 4, moderately disturb their unity, and then moderately unify them. Materials and magic reactor, etc., that looked usable were abandoned in large quantity in the lower part, seemed to have been things the blood clan bunch left behind on purpose.


After thinking that much, Ryuzaki got back to work again.




RIn had become dejected, Sugiura Aya the scylla was comforting her.


“Hakuba is Yulong. I am Hakkai, Saruwatari is Goku, Saa-chan is Sanzou. Perfect debu?”

The fact that Akira, who didn’t readily open his heart to anyone beside Utsurogi Kyousuke, was cooperating so easily like this would be because he started to proactively come in contact with them.


“However, changing to water storage mode seems unlikely.”


“I know. Why is Sakuma saying that so happily?”


“Fueeeen, painful salty–…”


Being told that so clearly, both Kyousuke and Hakuba had no choice but nod. The hotblooded baseball idiot Saruwatari was crossing his arms and saying «Youth is nice» and such. Kyousuke couldn’t understand where were the youth elements in this conversation, but if said by that man, 80% of the world population would be in their youth.


This led to the reality that not only Akira but even Rin’s movement would be greatly restricted when fighting on the sea. As expected, crossing the sea seemed to be accompanied by many hardships.

“I also agree with that way of thinking. Is this area safe?”

Certainly Kyousuke was exposing his skull, but it didn’t mean he wore it around his neck in particular. It was troubling even if he was told «It’s Genjou’s skull» along with that smile.

Even against that kind of Sakuma he wasn’t perturbed at all, but that was the man named Saruwatari. No, it didn’t mean that he wasn’t perturbed? His line of sight was turning away a little.

“It seems we’re going to land the heavy cruiser branch school on water after this, and start interior work. After that is dismantling the caterpillar unit from outside.”



“I don’t know. Maybe there is, but if that’s the case, pretty much every men in this class is virgin.”

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