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“The taste is a little thin.”

What’s special training to endure seawater?, Kyousuke thought, but he didn’t poke deeply and left it.

“What’s this, this scene I don’t know whether I should be envious or not…”

To be continued…

“No problem in particular. What happened?”

~ Part 1 ~

Looking at Kyousuke raising his hand, Rin raised a surprised voice.

“It’s okay, Asuka-chan.”

“It’s youth.”



“No, there’s no deep meaning. Will Rin come too?”

Once the repair of the interior was done, next would be to dismantle the caterpillar unit outside. As for this, the Uozumi siblings would dived into the sea and do it, but the sea at night was dark and insecure. So the work would concentrate during tomorrow’s daytime, Ryuzaki was saying.


“If it’s a related species, it may be all right to throw Uozumi at them once.”

“Since I will talk together as well. All right?”

“Or Saa-chan is going to eat it too? Kyousuke’s eat-and-drop?”


Episode 46 — A Succubus’ Homework

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Kogane was kidnapped, Washio died. Kaoru still didn’t know that. And there was also the fact that the original cause was none other than Akai Asuka. Precisely because they were unwisely best friend that she would hesitate to talk about it.



“I’m bringing along Asuka, Goubayashi, Sakuma, and then Nekomiya for recovery in case of emergency.”



“Yeah…. Thank you.”

“I wonder about that. Gillman lives in the deep sea so research about them doesn’t seem to progress much. They were said to be a species directly descended from the ‘Sea King’ who ruled this sea long ago, sahagin and merman are collateral descendants, or rather, they’re species that the blood of the ‘Sea King’ has become thin.”



Goubayashi, same as ever, was crossing his arms and making a frowning face one couldn’t understand what he was thinking about, but Akai, as expected, couldn’t hide her irritation. Once in a while, her teeth would rattle.

Akai nodded with a grim face. The reason was probably not just simple annoyance.

“Rin, what happened to your dignity as a human…”

“It’s been a very long time since I heard that!”

“Understood. Utsurogi is the Skeleton Staff Officer, so it is certainly better if you directly grasp the situation.”



It was completely as if Kyousuke was told his youth was filthy or something, but he had no particular technique to deny it.

“Everyone, thank you for the exploration.”



After nearly 2 hours of heading south along the coastline, they finally reached the heavy cruiser branch school, by that time, everyone was completely exhausted. As Sugiura was making seafood BBQ, they decided to gratefully partake. Her action of handling fishes and shellfishes were considerably expert.

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“Then, Ryuzaki. What do we do about the caravan’s matter debu?”

Nekomiya Miya‘s shadow magic that use the target’s shadow as a resource could demonstrate its power most effectively in the time period after this. It was proper as a choice.

Sakuma had a cramped smile.

“Uozumi was a gillman, wasn’t he? Couldn’t he come to a mutual understanding with them?”

“That nickname is still in effect…?”


“Spitting out things you ate and have girls eat it? The youth I wanted to see was more pure.”


“First thing first, let’s digress a little, there’s a description about fishmen in Selena-san’s memo. In this world, there are 3 kinds of fishmen, the ones who live in relatively shallow sea are merman and sahagin. Among them, the one with wild and aggressive nature is sahagin.”


Deeply moved by the pure friendship of fellow maidens, Hakuba, while shedding large drops of tear, started sobbing. Saruwatari, while pinning down his mouth and moistening his eyes, muttered «It’s youth…». They were guys who seemed to be splendidly enjoying life.

Ryuzaki turned over a page of the documents.

“Can I come too?”




“More or less. Kuremori and Shokuzura have mostly done with the interior. And then the sun will set in a little more than two hours, so we will continue the work tomorrow.”



While digesting a shrimp, Rin said. Hakuba was looking at that situation while pricking at a crab.

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Sakuma comprehended. Everyone else was also nodding.


“No, rather a dog…. You’re a triangular sink tidy.”

Only when she was told so by Sakuma that Akai stopped clattering her teeth and made a little smile.

Sometime ago, Welkano-shi the caravan leader had said these words: ‘Merman’s country’.

“The sea in this area is probably the sahagin’s turf. There’s a possibility this place will receive an attack too but…. Well, this means we better not stay here for long.”

Kyousuke was eating as well, but behind him was Rin, waiting vigilantly, aiming for the eat-and-drop food. Completely a scavenger. The shellfish passed through his throat, falling, and was caught before it touched the sand, when he beckoned Rin, she happily crawled toward him and started eating the shellfish.

“Dragonewt is the same. Dragon-face species like Ryuzaki-kun is directly descended from the ‘Dragon King’ of old.”

At that dining table, Ryuzaki walked in, bringing along Akai and Goubayashi. He walked while holding a bundle of documents in one hand, nowadays, he had completely gotten used to his job.

Although Kyousuke didn’t have saliva, as expected, he still felt awkward about handing over something he had chewed to her. So he decided to assertively leave the one he wanted to enjoy the texture such as shrimps or shellfishes to Rin.


After hearing about it, they seemed to have been really amazing existences but now they were already no long in this world.

Anyway, this was the fresh blessing of the sea. According to the field trip program, the schedule was to treat themselves to this kind of meal in the evening of the 4th day, but before they got the chance to, they were transferred to this world. Okumura, Saruwatari, etc., were greedily devouring everything.

‘### King’ were names that occasionally came out as they tried to deepen their knowledge concerning this world. If about Dragon King, Beast King, Life King, they were closely related to countries and cultures in the continent so they often heard of it, but ‘Sea King’, they heard for the first time.

“Ryuzaki, is the work in the heavy cruiser branch school going fine?”

“Err, no. I have special training to endure seawater here, so go without me.”



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“Hi, Himemizu-san…”


“Eh, I can!?”

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“I have read Sakuma’s report. Humans’ caravan, fishmen called sahagin, and then Kaoruko.”


With a smile, Ryuzaki said, Kyousuke answered that while feeling complicated.


“What? You want to say I’m like a dog?”

“About Kaoruko, we need to explain the situation to that guy later. I want to entrust that to Asuka and Sakuma.”


Sakuma, with a smile, addressed Akai.

Well, if the person herself was happy then it was fine though.


Despite saying so, Kyousuke, with the reason that she seemed to really want it, handed a fish that had passed through his throat to her.

Which means merman was a species of fishman who had build a friendly relationship with human. Sahagin was the opposite.

Catching this much marine products, as expected, it must have been Uozumi siblings’ efforts? When asking so, Sugiura shook her head and said «I caught them myself». Speaking of weak, she was a scylla. Her lower half was that of an octopus and swimming seemed to have been her specialty.


Ryuzaki easily answered Okumura’s question.


“Sakuma, I feel like even you are becoming a triangular sink tidy, but…”

“Ne–. It’s mysterious. Is there something like soul in taste as well?”




Sakuma nodded.

“I will go to talk with them directly after this.”

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