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A little bit away, there were shadows watching over that group of Kyousuke.

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However, yes, it’s however.

Unnoticed, they had started calling each other by their first name. Even if she was to enter the fray now, she probably wouldn’t have a chance. She did, however, feel envious, and if possible, she herself too wanted such a relationship.


The day they departed from the old castle, she had said well to Kyousuke «I will do my best!», but then she didn’t know how to do her best.


Her feelings that didn’t become dirty so far might have been caused by her naivety and childishness about love affairs. Nevertheless, she did have ‘envy’ of Rin, she did feel irritated at herself for not being able to do anything.

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At this timing, Sakuma Sachiko belatedly recalled that she had no inkling of how to use «Temptation» at all.

“All, all right…”

“It can’t sail without wind. What do we do?”


Just when he thought so and aimed his feet toward the sailors room.




Naturally, the effect of «Temptation» was temporary, the degree of effect could also be regulated. Having said that, Sakuma still didn’t feel like using her power on Kyousuke at all.

No, I must not think about whether there is or not. I have to do my best and push in.


Gofunkawahara, having completely gotten used to the position of the helmsman these days, showed up from the cabin. Ryuzaki nodded as well.

“If there’s no wind, you can just make it.”

«No good Sachi, you still didn’t use «Temptation»? Since you have become a succubus after much trouble, you have to finish it early.»



“But those two are high-school students, isn’t that right?”

Despite not preparing for battle right now, Sakuma was wearing the aforementioned bondage-like clothes with excessively little clothes area; not the usual neat and clean one piece purchased at the Knight Kingdom bazaar.


“Well then~.”

Sakuma Sachiko, and Okama Kaoru. Succubus and incubus, indeed it was an impure combination, but the appearance of the incubus pushing the succubus’ back clearly could only be seen as intimate brother and sister (or sisters). The truth too wasn’t too far off.

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“How do I whittle down its power…”

So with that reason, Sakuma Sachiko had been so tedious in this way.

Sakuma Sachiko, white skin faintly flushed, said this:

When Ryuzaki headed for the deck as well, being left behind, Kyousuke was completely bored stiff.

“She hasn’t, I think, but…. But then, those two absolutely are already lovers…”



“Ahh, it’s time already? I’m coming soon, please wait for a bit on the deck.”

In the direction Ryuzaki was pointing, several students was having a meeting, talking about something.



“B–but, using «Temptation» on a person you don’t like, is, somehow…”


Naturally, most of the caravan members were strongly wary of this side. It wouldn’t be a good idea to poorly let monsters coming and going, stimulating them. It was better at a degree of letting the minimum contact personnel standing-by on the other side and periodically changing shift.


Next to Kyousuke was Himemizu Rin. Since they were a skeleton and a slime, such things like expression couldn’t be seen, but they looked to be having fun talking. Was there really any room for her to get in there?

Kyousuke looked back, there stood the owner of the voice.


Sakuma, as of now, was way behind others. Speaking without holding anything back, it’s a love story.

She had already fallen behind quite a lot. If she could take even a little advantage by using «Temptation». That feeling started to winning over little by little. As expected, she was jealous when looking at Kyousuke and Rin being on good terms with each others.


«Hmm», Kaoru greatly stretched.

“If there is this much difference in the ships’s size, it may have been better to look after some of the caravan’s luggage.”

After all, the sense of distance between him and her remained ambiguous. Even these past few days, he mostly couldn’t shorten it. There was also the reason that their workplace were different.

Big Burst, Hakuba’s words flitted through his mind.





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Incidentally, incubi and succubi have a racial ability call «Temptation». It was something that could turn the other party good will toward themselves, making them do their bidding. Kaoru appeared to have completely mastered it, even imps and sahagins had been subdued. Even right now, he had entrusted the caravan’s guard to the subdued monsters and showed his face over here.



~ Part 2 ~


Okama Kaoru spread her wings and disappeared into the darkness of night. Sakuma, clenching her fists, once again looked at Kyousuke’s direction.


Said Kaoru.




Even now, Sakuma could contribute plenty to the class as a combat member. But Okama Kaoru probably could contribute more than what Sakuma had been doing. Adding to the magical ability similar to Sakuma’s were the monsters he subdued using «Temptation». If imps and sahagins could be instructed freely, the class’ performance would rise significantly.


“Ou, Ryuzaki. I want to talk to that human call Welkano about the route soon.”



Think about the class, Sakuma should quickly master «Temptation» as well. But, using «Temptation» on opponents she didn’t even like felt wrong somehow and she couldn’t use it until now.

“Ehh, eehhh. Wait, wait a minute…”

But Rin now, had been continuing the suspicious action called «Special Training to Get Used to Sea Water» following what happened a few days ago. Since interfering with that too much was bad, should he go see the state of Akira who had become completely groggy in preparation for the voyage after this.


At the same time as he thought it was unusual, this costume of Sakuma was a little difficult to directly look at. Her appearance showing just a little bit bashfulness was reminded him of her just after the transference.

“How should I put this, it’s a sailing ship?”



When everyone boarded the branch school and waited for a little while, the maritime caravan’s sailing ship coming from the north, ran atop the sea. As expected, the scale was remarkably different, so they appeared to be surprised by the size of the heavy cruiser branch school of this side.

It wasn’t as if she was going to make him fall for her permanently. Just a little, just making him interested in her for a bit. If the aftertaste was bad, she could just stop doing it, she wasn’t particularly thinking about thoroughly turning the good will toward Rin to herself. Yes, just a little bit, let’s narrow down the effect of «Temptation»….



“Who knows? I’ve never used it to drop the person in mind. Even if I use it, the effect is temporary.”


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How far have you gone with the boy you’re dating? With that feeling, Kaoru had been forcefully and continuously reproached her.


Gofunkawahara unsteadily started walking toward the deck. If looking at a goblin that could talk so fluently like him, as expected, Welkano party was going to got a surprise again, Kyousuke thought.


“I also suggested that, but they don’t really seem to trust us much.”

“…I should have asked Kaoru-chan to teach me and practice it.”

But Sakuma, while two months had nearly passed since she reincarnated as a succubus, didn’t use such an ability at all.



The communication between the heavy cruiser branch school and the merchant ship would make use of the imps Kaoruko had subdued. Other than those, the flight-capable group, starting from the above-mentioned wind-raising personnel, had been decided to concurrently take the post of liaison because they could freely come and go between the two ships.

Kaoru had been pushing Sakuma’s back since a little while ago, and naturally, there was a reason for it.

However, Kaoru said:

It wasn’t really certain enough to say whether or not it was ‘her beloved’, but Sakuma Sachiko had been conscious of Utsurogi Kyousuke ever since they were still humans. She had, but after Kyousuke came over here, he often hung out with Himemizu Rin, and their distance had been steadily shortening.


Sakuma said such a thing, Kaoru shrugged.



Shall I go to Rin’s place? Kyousuke thought.


“Well, that’s a personal matter of taste. Even love confession such as ‘I like you’ isn’t so different from «Temptation» in the end. If you confess, the other party will look at you temporarily, but whether or not they come to like you depends on the person themself.”


“Could you please, look into my eyes?”

“Nn, Sakuma?”

“…Still, should I use «Temptation»?”

Now that they were going to traverse the sea after this, Hanazono, feeling the salt-air damage, was making a partitioning screen surrounding the field. Furthermore, a rope ladder dropped down from the ship’s tip, allowing the Uozumi siblings to go up and down.

Sakuma clenched her fists and started to walk toward Kyousuke group.


Frankly, she was careless. The human days, no girls would fall in love with Kyousuke, so in that sense, it was perfectly Sakuma’s exclusive market. After coming over here, Sakuma became a succubus, Rin a slime, but that as a conclusion didn’t work to Sakuma’s advantage at all. Unable to maintain the advantage in the human days was Sakuma’s blunder herself.

So the reason Kaoru had been pushing Sakuma’s back was because even any chance to recover would be gone if she didn’t hurry up.

“If he refuse then I won’t recover even a little bit…”

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“I’m going to the caravan again to take over the watch, but you do your best, okay?”


Harui Yuka, Kaminari Totoha, Saruwatari Futa and then Karasuma Yoshitsune. These four people one could hardly find any common points at a glance, but the three beside Kaminari could use wind attribute magic. Since Kaminari could raise wind with her big wings, these four were probably the personnel in charge of sending wind to the merchant ship’s sails.


Episode 47 — To Use, or Not to Use?



“Ne, ne~, Utsurogi-kun.”



“…Is Kaoru-chan any different?”

The fact that she couldn’t perfectly utilize a succubus’ abilities also meant that there was still much she could contribute to the class. In addition, dream demon’s Phase 2 ability was related to «Temptation», without being able to use «Temptation», she couldn’t reach Phase 2.




“Well then, Utsurogi. See you later.”


Kyousuke, as though he had belatedly recalled something, put a hand on his chin.

A few days have passed. The renovation of the heavy cruiser branch school was progressing favorably, the caterpillar unit was finally going to be sunk into the sea. The engine motor once again was connected to the propeller, the heavy cruiser branch school could float on the sea. Kuremori, who had made the caterpillar unit was making just a little sentimental expression.


“High-school students can’t understand something like the subtle difference in atmosphere whether or not ones are dating. Good? So you can’t recognize that they are dating as a fact when they still haven’t put it into words such as ‘we’re dating’, or ‘I like you’. Which is why Sachi, if you go from the side and perfectly said ‘I like you’, you can recover your advantage in one go.”

“Say, Sachi, from what I can see, Rin hasn’t confess her love yet.”

The heavy cruiser branch school would be advancing through the sea by being guided by the merchant ship. Approximately a few hours before departure.

Suddenly, Sakuma halted, inclining her head.




“There you go Sachi!”


However, if she was to put «Temptation» on the opponent she fancied, making him turn around, wasn’t it somehow unfair then? That thought definitely did exist in Sakuma. Moreover, Kyousuke and Rin were on intimate terms. Forcibly turning his interest to herself with a succubus’ ability was, no matter how you put it, not a good thing.

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