“Indeed, we can only pray for their safe voyage.”

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Setting aside the first one anyway, the latter was a challenge. Even for the fact that the Pawns Akeno had entrusted to him were concealing themselves.


~ Part 1 ~



Tokihara, being good with number as he was, had come to hold an important arbitration right in these discussions since about 5 years ago. Not that there was no tribe who tried to bribe him, but for Tokihara, the confidence he had in these chieftain conference was definitely the best assets, and he had unyieldingly rejected all those.


What was mainly discussed was the redistribution of the decided fishing grounds to each country, each tribes. Albadanba had marine products as the main protein sources, but the places where one could catch a lot of fishes or good fishes were strictly related to the sea current, and each time they would decide which tribe was allowed to catch fishes at which fishing grounds basing on the haul of the last one month. The penalty to the tribe who broke this rule was heavy, depending on the tribe, the criminals were even given the capital punishment sometime.

According to the schedule, the students lead by the Queen should soon arrive at this Albadanba. The problem was whether or not the Monster Corps would really be allowed to stay in this country, but there was no need to think too hard about that. This Allied Nations was surprisingly open-minded. If Tokihara just mediated a little, a tribe somewhere would readily receive them.

In the Maritime United Nations Albadanba, there was a children disappearance incident happening with the frequency from 1 to 2 months. Even when prohibiting the children from playing outside, it would definitely happen somewhere. There were various speculations such as they were swept away by high waves, devoured by carnivorous beast lurking in the jungle, etc., but a clear answer had never come out.



The chieftain serving as the chairman gravely said.

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Irresponsibility around these part could be said to be characteristic of this Albadanba. Thanks to that, it had been a very comfortable hideout.


When trading, the chieftain of each tribe also participated, and in doing so, whether or not they purchased better or rarer items would influence the chieftain’s evaluation within the tribe, albeit just a little. Because of that reason as well, the trade with the merchant fleet had begun to hold special meaning in Albadanba.

Well, what will be will be. It would be quite pitiful for the credulous chieftains in front of my eyes now though.

“No, it’s fine…. Is there something, some means to prevent it…?”

“Next is about the merchant fleet coming from the continent.”

If only there was literacy culture in Albadanba and they were able to write down records of everything, there might have been someone who noticed that this incident started almost at the same time as Tokihara’s arrival.

Tokihara responded so to the chieftain’s words, but he roughly knew what had happened.

“Tokihara, it seems this happens on the beach close to your house this time. One of the playing children went out of sight and never came back after that. Do you know anything?”

Tokihara feigned an ignorance face. The chieftain, making a tragical face, said ‘Really…’.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be of any help.”

“This is the last agenda. It’s not enough to call it an agenda, but still…. The children disappearance incident has happened again.”


One chieftain said stroking his beard.

This time as well, the redistribution of the fishing grounds had ended without a hitch.

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“Bergel chieftain, what’s the next agenda?”



“No…. When did it happen?”



One of the big game pieces that was mainly responsible for purging traitors, acting under the imperial command of the King. Rook ‘Scar Red’.

It’s just natural, the merchant fleet should be mostly destroyed by now.

“Nothing can be done even if we worry about the merchant fleet.”


Only, Tokihara couldn’t afford to show up during their stay. He would instantly be exposed as a Japanese, speaking further, he would be exposed as a vampire because of the red eyes. That would absolutely happen if he was found by the Queen.


“It seems to be in the evening one week ago.”


“The merchant fleet that is supposed to come along once every 6 months is considerably late.”

That day, like always, Tokihara participated in the chieftain conference.


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The merchant fleet they were talking about was the maritime caravan, dispatched by the Continental Southern Commerce Guild. They carried rare goods manufactured on the continent to Albadanba and traded for special magic ores mined in Albadanba, unusual marine products caught in its surrounding waters, and monster raw materials, etc. Albadanba which was completely out of the Central Empire’s domination had few opportunities to come in contact with the Empire’s technology, and the goods brought for trade were very popular with the citizens of Albadanba.

This story was vexing for Tokihara as a member of Albadanba, but he roughly recognized the fact.


“Voyages depend on the sea and the wind, so this much is still within the common range.”

That merchant fleet won’t arrive at Albadanba.


The ‘Rook’ had moved.

The chieftains weren’t discomposed, but their face uniformly stiffen, the atmosphere of the conference changed.

This chieftain conference that was held once a month was very important to decide Albadanba policy for the next month. As a member of Albadanba, Tokihara who had completely become a regular by now also tightened his feelings and attended.

The criminal of the disappearance incident was Tokihara. Unless he regularly consumed human blood, he would suffer from the blood craving symptoms.


The chieftains unanimously said so and the agenda was washed away in the blink of an eye.


I will explore their future destination without showing myself and report it to the King.

“As expected, I don’t know.”


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In the maritime caravan was one Pawn infiltrated in the Continent Adventurer Guild. That rook, while withdrawing from the Southern Continent war front, received information about the treachery of the Pawn from the King and attacked the merchant fleet. As a result, almost every ships of the caravan had sunk. The remaining ships as well, were washed away to sahagins’ habitat due to the sea current.



“I haven’t heard that the sea nearby was rough…. Still, we don’t know what will happen out at sea after all.”

And if it was possible, collecting the Queen’s blood and delivering it to the King.

For this question too, Tokihara didn’t forget to make a sorrowful face, but his head was already thinking of a different matter.

Therefore, he kidnapped humans and sucked their blood in the longest span of once every 2 months. That those were children was simply because of Tokihara’s taste. Moreover, disposing the corpses would be easier. Because there would be troubles to keep the one whose blood was sucked alive, he had no choices but to kill them regardless of whether they were adults or children.

If those guys were lucky, they would be able to find their way to this Albadanba. Although, even assuming they arrived, it would be one ship. Trading with the merchant fleet would become considerably modest, it was even doubtful if it could be called a fleet, being one ship and all.

Would it be possible to dye this Albadanba in the blood of war?

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Episode 49 — Crossing the Sea

“Fumu, quite so.”





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