Episode 55 — Prepare for Battle

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~ Part 1 ~

Several hours passed as they advanced while continuing a steady questioning of flowers, mushrooms and tentacles plants.
Kyousuke and the others arrived at a building situated in a place slightly away from a village of Delf Island.

It was a wooden building not so different from ones you might see in other villages, but its size was quite big. The place where Inugami Hibiki was brought to was this house. There was no definite evident for it, but they couldn’t ascertain it either. Hiding in the bushes, every members of the team intently watched the building.

“Although I want to rush in right now…”

Said Rin.

“Right…. According to the original plan, we will return to the village and call the rescue unit.”
“We have to report about that ‘Toki’ as well.”

If thinking about Inugami’s safety, time would be too precious to do such a thing. But this alone was a matter decided by the class. Kyousuke team could only break through honestly from the front, so when it came to an infiltration mission, Nekomiya who could travel from shadow to shadow was much more excellent. [Rants]

And because of that, we have to hurry back. The moment Kyousuke was about to say so.

“Umm … Utsurogi-kun…”

Hanazono Hana directed to Kyousuke a gaze in which some kind of determination was concealed.

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“We…. I think we should stay here though…”
“What (are you saying)?”
“The vampires may come out from the house after we leave…. Besides, our movement speed is not so fast, therefore…”

Shokuzura and Kinogasa shook their body vertically, it’s their nodding gesture.

Certainly, movement speed was a big problem. Akira could fly, Kyousuke and Rin could combine and obtain a strong body, they could march at a speed close to double that of humans, but alraune, roper, living mushroom, all of these species had movement speed lower than human. Whether leaving them behind or not would make a considerable difference.
Kyousuke was thankful for their proposal, but there was a house in which the vampires were lurking right in front of him. To abandon his classmates here was….

“Don’t worry. If something happens, the tentacles will protect us.”

When Shokuzura said so, several colorful tentacles that were lurking in the forest wriggled and showed themselves.

“Kyousuke, let’s depend on their proposal here.”
“The rescue unit is also organized centered on agile members with high movement speed. If we just hurry, it shouldn’t even take an hour for a round trip.”

Finally, Kyousuke nodded.

Everyone of these three who was going to remain were monsters that were skillful at hiding in the forest. They would never be found so easily unless they themselves went on the offensive. It would be only one hour, he would returned immediately together with the rescue unit and have them storm in.

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If speaking of what was worrying him, it would be the battle that would follow after that. Judging from the shape of the house, the vampires had to have some kind of connections with the islanders. From the point of view of these islanders, the fact that they were going to fight with these vampires would never be a welcome matter. Things might be different if Ryuzaki could skillfully persuade the chieftains though.

Would the name ‘Toki’ that they obtained truly brought things to a positive direction?

“First of all, let’s hurry. Hanazono and everyone, please stay still. Absolutely still.”
“Leave it to us.”
“Rin, Akira, we’ll go back to the village at full speed. Let’s go.”

And so, Kyousuke’s body slipped through the tree and he quickly started running.

“Ahh, please wait Himemizu!”

Shokuzura’s voice came calling from behind. Kyousuke reflexively stopped his feet. As it was, Rin who was coiling around Kyousuke’s body asked:

“Ehh, you mean, me?”
“Ahh, it’s you.”

Shokuzura meekly announced this:

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“You’re going to come back anyway, right? So leave Inugami’s clothes behind.”


In the end, drawing out anymore information from the chieftain at that stage was impossible. Ryuzaki had to temporarily ended the talk and changed to the discussion about the trade fair. The suspicions in chieftain Bergel’s eyes regarding Ryuzaki wasn’t cleared, nevertheless, just this discussion itself was finished without a hitch.

“What do you think?”

In a corner of the village, Ryuzaki consulted with his friends.

The discussion itself had entered a break, but there was another discussion in the afternoon which would also invite the chieftains of other islands. We will prepare lunch, so do stay in the village, so said chieftain Bergel. If one had to say, then it felt like the chieftain want to detain Ryuzaki group here in the village, not letting them return to the heavy cruiser branch school.

“Chieftain-san is lying, but…. He doesn’t know about the vampires, right…?”
“You’re right, however, he is doubting us.”

Putting her hand on her shapely chin, Sakuma seriously pondered.

Students presently in this village were the 3 people of Ryuzaki, Satomi, Sakuma, and then the 5 people of Inugami rescue unit: Nekomiya, Saruwatari, Kagoi, Karasuma and Goubayashi. 8 people in total. The search unit by means of questioning were Kyousuke group of 5. The ones who remained in the branch school were Akai, Harao, Kaoruko and some base staff members such as Sugiura, everyone else was carrying items to the plaza in order to prepare for the trade fair.
Nekomiya — being very popular with the village children as usual — was being jostled about, no she was being mobbed; As for Saruwatari, even though he should just give up already, he still tried to teach baseball to the children and made them draw back as a result. Other members put their heads together in the discussion with Ryuzaki.

“As I thought, there’s no mistake in thinking that the person who whispered various things to the chieftain is a vampire.”

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Goubayashi crossed his arms and said, in response to his words, everyone nodded.

“So that means the reason why chieftain-san wants to detain Ryuzaki-kun and us here is also because of the vampire’s instruction?”
“If that’s the case, then we should not be here…. But where should we move our people to…”

What was the vampires’ purpose? Because they hardly knew anything about it, they couldn’t move carelessly.

The big favorite would be the branch school. Harao had been stationed there just in case. If the opponent only had combat ability of Pawn class, he would easily intercept them.
In the search unit there were Kyousuke, Rin as well as Akira. They were presently the highest combat potential within 2nd year class 4.
Regarding combat potential, the most anxious place would be the preparation of the trade fair where nearly half of the students had been assigned. But they couldn’t think of any merits for the vampires to attack that place. Even supposing the vampires thought to kidnap the students like the time with Kogane, attacking the trade fair venue where there were also the merchants and other islanders and exposing themselves, was a minus. All the more so if the vampires occupy a position where they could whisper stuffs into the chieftains ears.

At this point in time, Ryuzaki and the others didn’t even taken into account the possibility of there being several enemy vampires.

Delf Island wasn’t wide at all. Moreover, the missing cases that seemed to involved the vampires happened at the frequency of 1 person every 1 to 2 months. They had subconsciously assumed that there would be only 1 vampire lurking on this island. [Notes]

Just at that moment.

“Wha–what’s that!?”

Screams echoed from a corner of the village, reflexively raising their face, they look over there: leaping out from a part of the dense forest was a skeleton, it was cladding a blue slime all over its body and accompanied by a fire ball which was floating nearby. Who? No need to ask, it was Kyousuke.

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