Episode 59 — Preparation

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~ Part 2 ~


Perfectly synchronized his breathing with Rin, Kyousuke’s fist directly pounded the vampire.


His face beaten, Toki was greatly bounced away. He crashed into the wall, then powerlessly rolled on the floor.

Extreme Cross. It was the form of Kyousuke and Rin perfectly becoming ‘one’ by Phase 3 ability of Utsurogi Kyousuke who had reincarnated as a skeleton. The appearance was neither man nor woman, a human with light blue hair. This was also the image that represented their determination that was said once before: every parts that Kyousuke was lacking, Rin would make up for it.
Kyousuke’s expression was stiff. While everyone was holding their breath and watching the situation, he once again glared at the vampire Toki.

This form had even instant killed Knight Suou. There was no way it couldn’t bury a mere one vampire in front of him.

What made Kyousuke hesitated was Toki’s strange state.

“Fu, fu fu…. Ha ha ha…”

He was laughing. But that was not a powerless laugh coming from despair, neither was it laughter of one who lost his sanity. It was full of confidence, a smile of a winner filling with some kind of conviction.
Everyone in this place was watching Toki with a puzzled expression, or possibly an uncomfortable expression.

“…What are you laughing about?”
“Think I’ll tell you? Fu fu, but I guess it’s fine. I’m going to be killed anyway.”

Toki’s tone expressed his extremely good mood. The countenance of the middle aged man without any special characteristic, now warped in joy.

“Now, I’m definitely convinced. This battle appears to be our victory.”

Was it a bluff, or was he saying that seriously? There was not enough basis to judge it at this stage. Kyousuke tightly clenched his fist, and again glared at Toki.

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“…What’s the matter? You’re not attacking?”

Kyousuke couldn’t grasp the real intention of the smiling Toki.


He turned his clenched fist toward the opponent, and slowly took the Jeet Kune Do stance.
No matter how he was unable to surmise the opponent intention, anymore than this was as the opponent said. Even if he kept waiting forever, he would never be able to get the truth from Toki. He didn’t now what was happening on this island, or what had made Toki convince of his victory, but for Kyousuke, the choice of leaving Toki here and possibly let him escape, didn’t exist.
It was almost certain that Toki had some kind of connection with chieftain Bergel. According to Ryuzaki, the chieftain shouldn’t know about the existence of the vampires, so perhaps, Toki had one-sidedly tricked the chieftain and won him over. If he let that kind of man escape, it was no guarantee that he wouldn’t escape to the meeting place and strangely stir it up. Neither was there any guarantee that he wouldn’t assist the 5 vampires that was supposedly attacking the branch school.

Now, here, there was no way but to kill him.


Rin shouted.

“Right, let’s do it!”

Toki was calmly smiling, but he spread red wings from behind the tattered black armor, then he turned his gaze toward Nekomiya direction. ‘I’m going to be killed’, despite saying that, he was stubbornly looking for away to prolong his life.
Just before Kyousuke started to run off, Toki moved. At a speed that made one doubted just where in his body this kind of strength remained, he was closing in on Nekomiya group. Karasuma and Saruwatari, each readied their weapon and came out in front. But, the vampire’s strength disregarded the two people’s resistance and knocked them down, then he reached his hand toward Inugami who was still connected to the chains.

He wants to make a shield, Kyousuke instantly understood.

But, Kyousuke didn’t stop his feet. He clenched his fist, held it aloft, and kept quickly approaching Toki. Seeing Nekomiya stood in front, trying to protect Inugami, Kyousuke shouted.

“Nekomiya! Leave it to us!”

For an instant, Nekomiya grimaced for being told to turn her back to her comrade and avoid the attack, but she instantly nodded and jumped aside.

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Toki’s hand grabbed Inugami’s neck. Immediately, he held her in his arms, making her body a shield. The weakened Inugami couldn’t even offer any decent resistance and was handled as he pleased.

“”Extreme Blooowww—————!!””

Kyousuke, without stopping, resolutely struck with the fist he had been holding aloft. His fist, at the moment it was about to pierce the chest of Inugami who was made a shield, bursted opened like water and disappeared. Thereupon, Kyousuke’s body stopped moving, both Toki and Inugami didn’t quiver either.
A deadly silence perfectly wrapped the basement, immediately following that:


The vampire man spat out blood and let go of Inugami. The liquefied arm tore a hole in Toki body and flew out. Immediately after that, it returned to Kyousuke’s body and reconstructed in the form of an arm.
The girl who lost her support and was collapsing, he caught her with his left arm.

«Fu shuu…!»

Rin took a breath. In front of Kyousuke’s eyes, the man who coughed up blood, still in the posture of facing up, was thrown out on the cold stone floor. His armor was completely broken, in his chest was a gaping hole. His heart was bitten into from inside. As expected, he wasn’t living.
It was said that vampire doesn’t leave corpse behind. His body rustlingly crumbled like sand, and became a mountain of ashes piled up in the underground cavern. The traces that he was there was only those ashes and a large amount of blood flowed out on the floor.

“(Blood still remains even in death…?)”

Kyousuke thought so as he watched the blood remained on the floor.

«Ah–, n–, ahem.»

Rin unnaturally cleared her throat.

«Kyousuke-kun, till when are you going to touch Hibiki-chan’s body?»
“N, u? Uh oh! Sorry!”

As he was supporting Inugami, he almost unintentionally dropped her, but he instantly laid her down on the floor again. The chains on her hands and feet had been cut at some point in time. Probably, Karasuma and Saruwatari did it while Kyousuke was fighting with Toki.

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He didn’t forget that Inugami was naked. He didn’t forget, but….

“Nevertheless, Utsurogi, just now, you were staring directly…”

In a place slightly apart, Nekomiya was crossing her ams.

“That, is not good.”
“That can’t be helped! I can’t fight if I don’t look in front!”

As much as possible, he was trying to expel it out of his mind, but Inugami’s body line was clearly recalled in his brain.

“I, Inugami, sorry…”
“Ahh, it’s fine…. Rather than that, do you have my clothes?”
“I’ll ask Hanazono bring them. Saruwatari, you guys go call her please.”

Instructed by Nekomiya, the boys of the rescue team reluctantly flew away.

Once again, Kyousuke looked around the area. This place appeared to be a natural underground cavern. In addition to furnitures such as shelf and desk, he saw places where lamps were placed, even here, Toki seemed to have done various work. When he shifted his gaze a little, in the back of the cavern were small skulls piled up like a mountain.

«…That is, children bones, is it?»

Rin muttered.


Still sitting on the ground, Inugami nodded.

“Once a month, this man sucked blood and those are his victims. Disgusting.”
“It seems various things are going to come out if we look around here, but I’ll leave the investigation to Nekomiya group.”

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Kyousuke said so and directed his gaze aboveground.

“We’ll head to the branch school. «Our victory», those words Toki said before he died are also worrying.”
“Right, please be careful.”
“It’s okay it’s okay.”

Nekomiya’s face turned meek, she nodded. Rin stretched out her arm from Kyousuke and flutteringly waved it. Unlike when she was in slime form, a realistic arm was growing on top of the clothes so appearance-wise, it was gross.

“If you’re heading to the branch school, I’ll also accompany.”

Hearing the voice of Akira who had been there since who knows when, Rin screamed. Looking over, a fireball burning coolly as usual was floating over there. Since a boy came down first, Inugami openly grimaced, she covered the area around her chest and backed off. It seemed an average, ordinary shyness came back when the state of emergency ended.

«Hibiki-chan, you don’t need to worry. Hino-kun is probably not interested in a woman’s body, you see.»
“Don’t say misleading things please. In fact, it’s not so much though.”

When he talked like this, Kyousuke started worrying whether Akira was more empty and lack of greed than himself.

“I, I understand for now. It’ll be helpful if you could come along though.”
“Well, what I can do doesn’t amount to much now, does it?”
“That’s not true.”

Kyousuke laughed a little, but he instantly tightened his expression and jumped high above. When he left through the hole opened in the ceiling, it was just at the time Hanazono was about to carry Inugami’s clothes down the stairs, the boys group who was trying to follow her, was bound by Shokuzura’s tentacles and was grumbling their grudge.

The next aim was the branch school.
The vampires heading over there probably counted 5. With the war potential left at the branch school now, they wouldn’t be able to compete with those.

Kyousuke had to hurry.

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