Episode 69 — Mystic Liquid

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~ Part 2 ~

When Kyousuke’s arm was blown away, Rin called his name. Exactly at the same time, Karasuma and the others joined the party.

“What’s happening!?”

First thing first, Karasuma Yoshitsune asked.

“Are those humans!? The one fighting them is Utsurogi!?”
“Ahh, everyone! There’s not much time to explain!”

Unusual for her, Mitarai Azuki interrupted Karasuma in a loud voice.

His arm blown away, lighting attacked him, yet, Kyousuke’s feet still firmly treaded on the sand.
As for the swordsman, lots of blood was bleeding from his left eye. Just by watching that, Rin felt her entire body shivering. When she was human, she had never thought about wounding someone.
When you’re hit, it hurts, when you hit others, that hurts as well. Himemizu Rin understood that well.

According to Rin’s common sense, it’s not good to wound people.
Being wounded is painful and harsh. Rin couldn’t force that onto others.

Because of the Filter, she had forgot that for a long time.

That not good thing, Utsurogi Kyousuke did it. Losing an arm, still, he swung up the remaining arm. He knew that his sharp finger could become dangerous weapons. He stabbed his bones straight at the swordsman before him.
Cheek bones was gouged, blood flew. She knew that Azuki gulped next to her. Kyousuke further tore off the man’s cheek meat.

“Kyousuke, kun…”

A ghastly way of fighting. A cruel fighting method. Rin didn’t stop shivering.

“Yukinoshita, let’s go help Utsurogi!”
“All right! Understood!”

Karasuma and Yukinoshita simultaneously started running. It seemed their filter hadn’t cut off yet.
During that time, Kyousuke continued fighting. He broke his own bones, tore the opponent’s skin, plucked meat and let blood fly. For him who was a skeleton without holding any weapons, this way of fighting was the only thing he could do.

Honestly speaking, it was a hair raising, terrifying scene. Back when they were humans, if this kind of things was to be sown on a videos site, Rin would avert and close her eyes.
But now, Rin couldn’t turn her eyes away from Kyousuke.

What did she said to him?

If you’re lacking a heart, I’ll become your heart. If you have no contents, I’ll be that contents. I’ll be your flesh, your organs, your skins.
That was the promise, or it should have been.

Until now, Kyousuke had killed 3 people. That was the same for Rin.
And then, as long as they continued fighting in this world like this, it wouldn’t end with just that. 4, 5, 6 people, Kyousuke would continue to kill. And the 4th person might appeared in this place right now, or a little more in the future.

Killing people was a wrongdoing.

Making only Kyousuke carry that wrongdoing, was it okay to let that happen?
After this, Kyousuke would kill one or two, or even tens of people, at that time, could she coolly stand next to him.

Her resolution wasn’t suppose to be this naive.

Yukinoshita and Karasuma cut in to support Kyousuke. But the swordsman was probably strengthened against magic, his attacks didn’t let the two people approach. Meanwhile, the magician released lightning, striking the 3 people including Kyousuke.


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Shouted Rin inside the wooden bucket.

“Kick me flying!”


Lightning ripped through the air, burning his body. Karasuma and Yukinoshita became his shield, so Kyousuke didn’t receive that much damage. Karasuma gripped his leaf fan and made a big swing, waking up a squall, the squall blown the swordsman and the magician away. Only at that instant, the lightning stopped.
Taking that chance, Yukinoshita started moving. The desert heat had already melted most of her body, but she raised her right arm, exuding enough cold air to forget the heat.

“Molecular motion, breaking through the imaginary area! Minus 1 trillion 20 millions degree!”

After uttering a spell no one knew if it was a fact or a bluff, the accumulated cold air was shot from her hands.

“Cold pita cool beam!!”
“«Light Wall»!”

But the freeze beam didn’t hit the adventurers. The priest woman deployed a barrier, obstructing the beam. The cold air dispersed, water in the atmosphere became ice and scattered on the sand. The swordsman put back his posture, readied his sword and resolutely plunged in.
Kyousuke tried to stood up, at that time, he confirmed that his legs were cracked. There was no pain for sure, but he understood that all the bones in his body was unusually creaking. In front of him, Karasuma and the swordsman, Yukinoshita and the magician was restraining each other. But thanks to the support magic the priest woman deployed, they couldn’t attack as they wished.

He had to make a gap to escape at least. Could he do it? With this body?

Holding his body, Kyousuke finally stood up, a wooden bucket flew to his place.

“Kyousuke-ku peh–.”

The wooden bucket sunk into the sand and spat out its contents. Inside was a semi-transparent light blue liquid. Accurately speaking, it was Himemizu Rin.

“Ri, Rin…?”
“I make you wait, Kyousuke-kun! Let’s combine!”

Completely different from so far, Rin spoke in a reassuring tone. Unable to understand her feelings well, Kyousuke was speechless for an instant. However, Kyousuke confirmed that Rin stuck to his cracked legs and was crawling up to wrap up his body, then he confirmed the battle happening before him again, finally, he cautiously spoke.

“…Is it fine?”
“It’s not fine or not or anything.”

Rin’s light blue body wrapped up his body. The fact that the left arm bones wasn’t there made her volume have a little excess.

“That slime is doing something! Rezbon!”
“Like I’ll let you!”

The magician shouted, the swordsman corrected his stance. But Karasuma swung his leaf fan, breaking his posture.

“Sorry, Kyousuke. I won’t hesitate anymore.”

He felt Rin’s body nicely adapted to his bones. Even the slight crack on his body was filled up, his body suddenly stabilized. But still, Rin’s shivering never completely went away. He knew that somewhere, she was still afraid of wounding people, or fighting itself. A clear emotion of fear was conveying through their piled up body.


If you’re scared, you don’t need to push yourself.

Kyousuke swallowed his words. Of course she was scared. Of course she was pushing herself. But even so, Rin came. Disrespecting that feeling itself was blasphemy against her. He would borrow Rin’s power. And then, they would escape from this predicament.

“Thank you, Kyousuke-kun…”

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A thin voice only audible to Kyousuke echoed in the place where his earlobes were supposed to be.

“I’m going to not kill as much as possible. But I think, someday, I will kill someone again.”
“That’s fight. If fighting is a sin, then I won’t let you bear it alone.”

That moment was equal to Utsurogi Kyousuke obtaining 10,000 allies. His body was light, his heart cleared up in one go. Wind started blowing in his body. The flow of water changed at once. Kyousuke gripped his right fist, and started running on the sand.

“Rin, Extreme!!”

While running, a squall surrounded their body. 2 body melted, making 1 body. The lost left arm was regenerated using Rin’s body. Exactly at that time, the swordsman was about to swing down his sword on Karasuma. The movement of the world was distorted, time extremely stretched.
While shaking off the surrounding tornado, Kyousuke’s right arm cut in between the swordsman and Karasuma. The sword was suddenly caught, it didn’t reached Karasuma.


The swordsman leaked a surprised voice. The magician and the priest also stopped moving for a moment.

“What’s this guy!?”

The sword sunk deeply into the arm, but not a single drop of blood flowed. Kyousuke glared at the adventurers with his pairs of eyes.

“Karasuma, Yukinoshita, step back.”
“Is it okay? Himemizu’s condition seemed bad though?”
“I’m here, so it’s okay.”

Thinking about it, Kyousuke felt that the first time he lent his body to Rin was in order to support her.
That debt, she had already returned plenty enough. Surely, after this as well, he would be indebted to Rin. So at least, here and now, he would shoulder her fear, her hesitation.

Karasuma and Yukinoshita slightly retreated to rest their wounded body.
The ones in disorder were the adventurers. Probably because there was no record of this kind of monsters before, well, it was natural. But of course, Kyousuke couldn’t be good natured enough to wait for them. To make a chance to escape, he would have them suffer a little!

“Karasuma! Take Kabeno, Mitarai and the others and escape toward the hill!”
“Understood, don’t push yourself!”

Still with the posture of catching the sword, Kyousuke kicked the swordsman’s stomach.


The magician released lightning, directly hitting Kyousuke. He slightly bent back, but his hands and feet could still move. Kyousuke gripped his fist, then he bashed the enemy swordsman once, two times. The swordsman again held his sword aloft and rushed at Kyousuke, that instant, Kyousuke’s body liquefied, avoiding the slash.


The swordsman’s eyes widened in surprise.

“This guy, is it an aqua elemental!?”
“Rezbon, use enchant!”
“I understand!”

The swordsman again corrected his sword stance, then a faint purple light lit on his sword blade. Kyousuke put himself on guard. It was the first time he saw the weapon that guy was holding. It was probably a kind of the so called magic item. It was probably the kind that added magic attribute to attack that looked like it could even give some damage to a liquefied body.

In that case. Without any hesitation, Kyousuke stepped forward. The magician chanted magic, fire this time. But Kyousuke approached the swordsman faster than the magician could invoke it. The magician clicked his tongue and stopped chanting. As expected, that magician couldn’t skillfully released magic in a free-for-all fight.
The man’s body was further wrapped up in a faint light. The priest woman applied strengthening magic. The sword was swung with speed incomparable to so far. Still, Kyousuke further stepped forward.


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The sword sunk really deep into Kyousuke’s body. Burning pain ran in his body. However, Kyousuke caught the man’s arm with his left arm, and swung his right sword hand.


The sword hand struck, bit into the man’s arm, shredded his flesh, and went straight to smash his bone. The adventurer man raised another big scream and twisted his body. The sword was still stabbed in Kyousuke’s body. Blood was spouting from the wound of the right arm that was splendidly snapped off.


The priest woman called the man’s name, and rushed over.

“Filhana, it’s dangerous!”

The woman didn’t listen to the magician. She embraced the swordsman who was writhing on the ground, protecting him.

Kyousuke thrown away the man’s right arm and pulled the sword from his body. When he glared at the priest woman, she too, glared back with gaze containing a strong will. It was now a simple matter to swing down the sword. Kyousuke had that resolution, so did Rin.

“Those guys are our comrades. Don’t put your hand on them.”

But, Kyousuke said so. This priest woman, despite on the attacking side, seemed to have some hesitation compare to other adventurers. If it’s talking, only her was possible.

“I understand.”

Hearing the woman’s answer, Kyousuke was slightly relieved in his mind. Rin also seemed the same.

“But please tell me. What are you? Are you monsters endemic to this continent? Why human’s words?”
“There’s complicated circumstances. I don’t really want to talk about it.”

Kyousuke said so and picked up the scabbard that was dropped on the ground.

“We are looking for a mean to cross the sea…. But well, with this feelings, it doesn’t seem like we can get along…”

Was it because of pain? The swordsman was heavily sweating. It was unknown if voices could reach him, he only raised an enduring groan and didn’t try to utter any words. The magician man also didn’t show any sign of attacking. He probably think that Kyousuke would slay the two before him if he made any move. In fact, Kyousuke planned to so.
The priest as well, after staring at Kyousuke’s eyes, made a small nod.

“I understand. I thank you for overlooking us here.”
“I want to return your weapon, but it’ll be unpleasant if you attack us again, so I’ll take care of it.”

Be careful of the lesser demons, as he tried to continued, Kyousuke stopped. Saying such a thing despite robbing their fighting power, what bad personality. Having said that, the fact that he didn’t finish them off here might be bad personality as well.

«Let’s stop with the difficult thought.»

Rin said in a small voice.

“Well, that’s true. We’ll be going first. Be careful of the lesser demons.”

In the end, he still said it. He was a little hesitant to turn his back, but Kyousuke immediately chased after Karasuma and the others, heading toward the hill. Behind, there was sound of the magician and the priest rising the swordsman, but there was no sign of them attacking.

Kyousuke heaved a relieved sigh and canceled Extreme Cross. His left arm returned to the missing state.

“Sorry, Kyousuke-kun, if I moved a little faster…”
“Nn? Ahh…. Well, can’t be help. I was happy.”

Nevertheless, it was very inconvenient without an arm. Luckily, it should work if he added other bones.

Well, now, let’s be delighted that every was safe. If that many people gather, the things they could do would increased a lot. The problem was that whether there was any other students who were sent to this continent. They need to investigate the area a bit more.
After that, the blood clan’s movement was also worrying. The New Continent was one of the lands guessed to have the blood clan’s base. They need to move cautiously while considering the possibility that this place was under that bunch’s territory.

“Rin, even after this, I think I’ll have to ask you a lot of unreasonable things.”

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“Yes yes, it’s fine. Kyousuke’s painful thought, I want to share it as well.”

Perhaps, the predicament called ‘Filter OFF’ was going to befall others students as well. But at least, Rin was able to overcome that. Everyone else as well, it wasn’t something impossible for them.
Kyousuke gazed at the setting sun, he muttered.

“I’m glad Rin’s together with me.”
“Heheheh~, me too~.”

While having such a conversation, the two people walked toward the hill.


They were already surrounded. The desert night was cold, it was too plenty to snatch away the body’s freedom. Imps was surrounding them, glaring eyes were attentively watching them, aiming to attack. Their war potential was too meager to break through the encirclement.
Hakuba Kazusumi turned around. Kumosaki Itomi and Shokuzura Nadehiko. Setting aside Shokuzura, Kumosaki wasn’t that accustomed to fighting. On top of that, both of them had low mobility.

In form of Shokuzura protecting Kumosaki, Hakuba and then another person, Inugami was repulsing the imps. Hakuba could use advanced healing magic that was preeminent in the class, it greatly raised the entire party’s ability to continue fighting.
Inugami had already transformed, she continuously attacked the imps nearby, bit their throats and threw them away. The lunar phase was approaching full moon, her combat ability was very near to the status that could display its true value.

Even so, that situation where they mainly entrusted the fighting to Inugami alone was getting worse.


Inugami avoided the continuously released magic, the imps had low magic capacity, aiming at the moment they were out of gas, she again sprung at them.

“What are we going to do, Hakuba, the enemy number is not decreasing at all!”
“We’ll be overwhelm at this rate!”

The two people in the back raised creams. If there was at least another person, the story would be different. In the first place, where was this place? While raising his horn and accepting the challengers, Hakuba desperately worked his brain.
At that time, Inugami who cut deep into the enemy flock jumped around and returned.

“What happened? Inugami!!”

Inugami Hibiki in beast form had no human’s vocal cords. She treaded her 4 legs on the ground, lowered her body and growled. Fangs bared, twin eyes stared at the twilight. She was showing wariness.
At that time, an unpleasant premonition flitted through Hakuba’s brain. Inugami was the natural enemy of the vampires, by natural, she had the ability to discern that lots’ presence. When she showed this much vigilance, it was almost always connected to the vampires.

Hakuba concentrated his eyes, turning his caution to the direction Inugami was glaring at.

“Fufufu…. There’s 4, is it? Is this a hit, I wonder?”

First of all was a woman’s voice.

“May be so. It was worth it mobilizing our war potential.”

Next was a man’s voice.

Two faint shadow emerged in the darkness. It was a girl wearing a Gothic Lolita fashion and holding a spear, and a boy wearing a tuxedo. The two were harmoniously twining their fingers together. Hakuba clicked his tongue. He hated himself for knowing just how intimate these two were just by looking.

“Is it those guys?”

Hakuba asked in a small voice, but Inugami didn’t nod.
A not cute girl as ever, he thought, but apparently, she wasn’t just ignoring him. The reason Hakuba understood that was because he also noticed it, that there was another shadow beyond the imps surrounding them.

A towering terrifying abnormality. Having 6 arms in total, the 4 eyes on its 2 faces shined glaringly. He understood that Kumosaki flopped down on the ground behind him. Perhaps her trauma was stimulated.
Once attacked Hakuba and the others in that underground labyrinth, the Wight King. That was being lead by two vampires, on top of that, at least ten-odd of them were surrounding this place.

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