Episode 70 — Pessimistic Girl

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~ Part 2 ~

With their life temporarily stabilized, Kyousuke and the other started groping for means to cross the sea and getting to Werneus Kingdom. That giant heavy cruiser was already no more, however, ship was necessary to cross the sea. Speaking further, appropriate navigation technique was also needed.
The process of acquiring the heavy cruiser was very special. Only with the dungeon prepared as the stage by the blood clan and Kuremori Izumo’s racial ability gathered together that they could have several feasible methods. And when crossing the sea, it can be said that because of the maritime caravan’s guidance and the goblin corp Gofunkawahara leaded that problems mostly didn’t occur.

The methods Kyousuke group could take was 2.
1st, somehow collect the necessary supplies to cross the sea and row to the ocean.
2nd, request those adventurers for cooperation.

Realistically, it was the later. But it would be difficult to acquire their cooperation without taking a threatening method.

For the present, they settled on prioritizing the exploration of the surroundings without rushing to a conclusion. Some kind of breakthrough might be found. Even without the adventurers, there was still the possibility of acquiring the cooperation of the monsters living on this New Continent.
Besides, the students who got sent to this continent was not necessarily just themselves. According to Karasuma and the others’ testimony, there was still another group near them, they couldn’t deny the possibility of being sent to the same place based on distance. If they joined force with that group, another prospect might open.

Kyousuke didn’t plan to do this at all, but this team’s directing position, so to speak, the leader was becoming his role. It’s the living up to the name of skeleton staff officer kind of thing. Though for Kyousuke, he wasn’t happy at all.
Originally, he didn’t have a sociable personality. An innocuous acquaintanceship was possible for him though. Only, he could no longer say that, so Kyousuke reluctantly resigned himself to the leader seat. He didn’t know if he could do it well like Ryuzaki, but if there was hope that everyone could survive because of that, he would do anything.

By «he could no longer say that», that was alluding to Yukinoshita Suzuka’s matter.

That night, Kyousuke had asked Rin about Yukinoshita. Alongside Ryuzaki, Rin had been watching the people of the class. He thought to ask her about her impression of the human named Yukinoshita Suzuka (purposely said human).

«Well, you know, Suzuka-chan herself has just a little cold part.»

Rin easily said so.

«I don’t know why she always speaks or tries to speak so positively, but if she has a problem, I think it must be there. Only———»

Only? When he asked, Rin spoke ambiguously for a bit then said:

«I don’t know if there’s a need to hurriedly do something about that at this timing.»

I don’t think so. Now that the extreme situation is continuing, Yukinoshita’s unreasonableness is going to collapse soon. Said Kyousuke.

«Is that from personal experience?»

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Somehow, Yukinoshita’s mental state felt similar to himself somewhere. She looked positive, but had no independent herself.
Sometimes, she was made fun of, «Yukinoshita’s remarks go nowhere». Speaking more harshly, «too hot it’s cold» or «words are too light, impossible to sympathize» and similar stuffs. According to Rin, that kind of opinions existed since before the transference incident. She didn’t speak her own words.

Even if she was to continue the superficial insincere positive thinking, that would eventually break down.
Especially in this situation. If Yukinoshita was a realist who spat severe opinions, that’s fine. If she was a pessimist who spat gloomy opinions, that’s also good. The problem was that she was affecting optimism. He didn’t know her reasons, he had a hunch that it would start creaking soon.

«So then, Kyousuke-kun,»

Said Rin.

«Do you think Suzuka-chan’s problem can be solved? In Kyousuke-kun’s case, you had me, but is there anyone who looks like they can meddle with Suzuka-chan’s heart, I wonder?»

I can’t do it?, when he said so, Rin incredibly inflated.

«I won’t say you can’t, I think it’s typical of Kyousuke-kun, but still!»

Only, this wasn’t limited to just Yukinoshita, if possible, he wanted to solve everyone’s problems, but would that be egoistic? In his case, he was happy that Rin had been there to help him. The person he wanted to return that feelings to the most was Rin, but there were lots of others who wanted the same help.

«Well, If Kyousuke-kun says you want to help, then I’ll help out, but still…»

Err, sorry. Said Kyousuke.

«Don’t apologize.»

Rin flatly returned.

«Wanting to help people itself is a good thing, since I was also helped by Kyousuke-kun like that. I didn’t really said it these days but walking, running together with Kyousuke-kun is very fun.»

Thank you, he bowed.

«Conversely, about Suzuka-chan, I feel there’s not much I can do for her.»

As Kyousuke felt, Yukinoshita’s mental state somewhere related to Kyousuke. Therefore, not Rin, but Kyousuke should get involved, she also said so. The things Rin can do for Yukinoshita weren’t so many.

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If Kyousuke’s essence was emptiness, Yukinoshita’s essence would be ice. What Kyousuke should do right now was to melt that ice, or drive a wedge in it, or should he find a more different plant? That, he didn’t know.

«First of all, Kyousuke-kun, you try making a team with Suzuka-chan and explore variously. I’ll take command of searching for the other members and exploration of the area.»

Even Rin was a Phase 2 user. As long as there was the support of Azuki who could create water, she would never lag behind the monsters around Concerning that the other students’s Filter might be cut, it had been decided at an early stage that Kyousuke and Rin were going to split up wherever practicable.
With that reason, they were split into two teams, Kyousuke was going to search the coastlands with Yukinoshita, Rin and the others were to search the woodlands.

«Kyousuke-kun, umm, you know, I’ll tell you just in case.»

The consultation is over, then let’s go to sleep soon, at that point, Rin started talking to Kyousuke in a small voice.

«I think trying to help others is Kyousuke-kun’s good point, but this is, um, I won’t tell you to do it in moderation but…»

Thereupon, she punctuated her words,

«No, as I thought, please do it in moderation? Since I’ll get kinda anxious?»

What implication does that have? Kyousuke didn’t have enough courage to ask that.


It isn’t easy for adventurers who depart for the New Continent, to return to the Old Continent. The arrangement for the ferry has to be done before their departure, therefore, the ship won’t come until the promised day. Even when the appointed time comes, in many cases, the ship often meets an accident and is delayed. It is standard practice to stock up lots of foods and tools.
This is the adventurer party which was lead by Rezbon, from the fact that Rezbon had lost his right arm and Rein who was the party’s tank had suffered burns all over, they had to all but abandon all exploration already. Rezbon’s prided magic sword — Blaze Blade was snatched by the monster, in overall, even getting a deficit was still a nice way of putting it.

“Shit, that monster bastard…!”

The former bandit — Wombat clenched his fist and punched a boulder.

“If only it didn’t cause any unnecessary disturbance, by this time, we would have got ourselves some rare monsters and just slowly wait for the ship!?”
“Well, I guess, but you know,”

His right arm lost, the swordsman Rezbon muttered while practice-swinging a long sword with his remaining left arm.

“We are adventurers, it’s natural that there’s this much risk. It’s my fault for having bad insight. Everyone, I have to apologize.”

Our rank in the adventurer guild will probably drop considerably, Rezbon grumbled.

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It would be difficult for a swordsman who lost his right arm to continue being an adventure after this. Fortunately, Rezbon was a gold ranker, he had a sizable saving. He could have a latest model magic artificial arm made in the Industrial City Giruazelg and plan a restart, or use it as fund to start some business. Either way, it was fortunate that his life had been spared.
Among monsters, there are those that have intelligence and reason. While that may be true, you must not hold any unnecessary empathy, that was Rezbon’s adventuring philosophy, but this time, it was thanks to that intelligence and reason that he had survived, so his mental state was complicated.

“Even if say so leader, I can’t accept it…!”

Wombat ground his teeth, Rezbon watched him with mixed feelings.

What are the other members doing? When he suddenly moved his gaze, Filhana was desperately writing down something. It was semi-automatic writing by self-controlled magic. Perhaps, she was using facsimile magic to write down information received by telepathy.
Filhana had qualification as a telepath mage. A telepath mage who could participate in battles and have qualification as a gold rank adventurer was valuable, so it was good fortune that they could bring her. Filhana was using telepathy to contact the mainland adventurer guild and negotiating if they could arrange a ship a little earlier. Only, even if they were to hurry, it would still take one week. If it was a big merchant ship, this route would take close to 1 month.

“Filhana, what’s going on over there…”

As he started talking, Rezbon noticed. What she was writing down with facsimile magic wasn’t communication records.

«Zelga great martial tournament, the participating teams have gathered! The dark horse of the demon beast division!» «Hot-spring hotel managed by monsters in Werneus Kingdom’s hidden spring!?» «Mysterious steel vessel crossed Argarika Canal!» All of which seemed to be gossipy articles of third-rate newspaper she picked up from the telepath net.
Rezbon sighed, he snatched the paper from Filhana’s hand.

“You are clipping these gossipy articles again…”
“Re, return it please!”

Filhana’s hobby was subscribing to this kind of fake third-rate magazines. Even after crossing over to the New Continent and could no longer touch newspapers, she still often browsed it using the telepath net.

“For adventurers, information gathering is very important!?”
“This kind of things can’t be called information gathering. Find more political stuffs or something…”
“Then, then, what about this!? Signs of coup d’état in Pirika Southern Kingdom!”

Hearing that, Rezbon’s eyebrows twitched. He was born and raised on the outskirt of the western part of the Southern Kingdom. He didn’t have much attachment for his motherland, but certainly, that place was a country stunk of burning smell since long ago. The Empire’s domination was deeply rooted in the top brass of the country, many citizens suffered under their tyranny.

“I heard that the exiled third prince leads the people to take action or something. The royal palace seems to be wary of his movement.”
“The prince’s close aide seems to be a black cat wearing boots.”

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“I’m stupid to have listened to you seriously.”

As I thought, third-rate articles, isn’t it? Rezbon thrusted back the paper to Filhana. Looking at that, Wombat couldn’t bear it any longer, he shouted.

“Rather that that, what are we going to do!? At this rate, we’ll be in the red!”
“Let’s give up. This kind of job is a gamble, isn’t it?”

Originally negative to fight those monsters, Filhana nonchalantly muttered and resumed receiving faxes.

“It would be a different matter if a profitable request comes fluttering in now, but you see, this place is, unfortunately, the New Continent…”

At that time when Rezbon started speaking.

“It’s just right. As a matter of fact, I have a request.”

An unfamiliar voice echoed in the relay camp. Everyone looked over in surprised to see that Wagan — the magician who worked as the sub-leader — brought along two unknown people, a man and a woman. One wore a tuxedo, another a dress, not a getup too suitable to the battlefield.
When she saw them, Filhana’s body slightly stiffened.

“Wagan, these two are?”
“Glen and Sink. They’re adventurers. It seems they arrived at the New Continent just the other day.”

Being introduced, the two adventurers respectfully bowed. It was a strangely accustomed yet seemingly theatrical gesture. The two were intimately entwining their fingers, but their blood red eyes wasn’t exactly laughing.

“In fact, we’ve been capturing monsters, but last night, two of them escaped. I would like you to cooperate in the search. The reward will be prepared properly.”

Requests to adventurers that doesn’t go through the guild are forbidden in the rules. Because it usually causes some kind of troubles.
But adventurers join force on site, request other adventurers for cooperation and pay money as a reward, that was tacitly tolerated, a gray exceedingly close to black. Naturally, this too often creates unnecessary troubles, but in that case, the guild won’t intervene.

Rezbon looked at Wombat. He also understood that guy’s feelings. Despite finally coming to the New Continent, they had to return home in the red, with injuries on top of that, such a situation, he absolutely wanted to avoid it.

“The ones we failed to catch are a unicorn and a lycanthrope. How about it?”
“…I’ll listen. However, it’s still only listening.”

Rezbon put the longsword down on the ground and answered.

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