Episode 72 — Frost-burn

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~ Part 3 ~

“Utsurogiiiiii! Step backkkkk!!”

Hakuba’s shout was approaching a scream. What is it? Thinking so, Kyousuke turned around and was speechless.

That was a much more unrealistic scene than snow falling in the desert. The tightly worn white clothing was fluttering, the snow woman held out her hand from which appeared a giant fireball like the sun burning down heaven and earth. That scorched the sand, the imps were blinded and started crashing down.
The snow woman who supported that fireball was definitely Yukinoshita Suzuka. Kyousuke was dangerously about to be charmed. He hurriedly tried to evacuate, but the Wight King wouldn’t allow it. As he turned his back, Kyousuke understood that a barbaric blade was swung down toward him.

“Growl! My! One trillioon! Twoooo milliooonn degreeeeee!!”

Along with a yell, Yukinoshita released the fireball. The sun gouged the ground, while burning the surroundings, it swallowed the Wight King. Kyousuke only felt a strong heat grazing his back, immediately afterward, one big arm dropped down in a thunderous roar.


By the impact from behind, Kyousuke toppled forward. When he turned around, there was only a big burned, gouged ground, not a single trace that the Wight King existed remained. The imps also got evaporated without even leaving a corpse behind.

“O–one trillion degree…? Seriously…?”

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Words unintentionally leaked from his mouth. ‘No, if it’s really 1 trillion degree, it won’t end with just this’, ‘but this is a fantasy, you know?’ These two kinds of feelings mixed together.
While sweats were being discharged like waterfall from her skin, Yukinoshita knelt down on one knee with steam raising from her body. She did it. Perhaps, at the eleventh hour, she overcame the filter off and manifested Phase 2 ability. That fireball was surely, certainly, definitely the unique ability Yukinoshita had attained.


Kyousuke called her name and rushed over.
The minute she saw Kyousuke, the sweating snow woman cracked a smile. Leaning against Hakuba’s body, Yukinoshita stood up, she softly held out her hands to Kyousuke.

And bashed his face with her fist.


By the unexpected attack, Kyousuke’s head flew away while raising a surprised scream. There appeared a skeleton frantically chasing after his skull rolling on the beach.

“That’s good.”

Hakuba tiredly answered.

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“What are you doing, Utsurogi-kun. Hurry. That horde is going to catch up again. I’ve had enough of all this tiresome stuff.”

Saying so, Yukinoshita started briskly walking on the beach. Kyousuke who picked up his skull and placed it back on his neck, rushed over to Hakuba and asked in a small voice.

“Hey, did that girl’s personality got worse…?”
“This Yukinoshita is also nice!”
“Ahh, really…”

Was she a pessimist, a hot blooded girl, or just an ordinary wicked girl? Somehow, he didn’t understand anymore.
But not any of those were her face. A wicked pessimistic hot-blooded girl. Apparently, Yukinoshita Suzuka was that kind of girl. For know, Kyousuke was relieved to know that they had escaped from the dilemma and that one of her problem seemed to have been settled.

How did the pessimism and the hot-blooded desire agreed with each other? He decided to try asking again after things calmed down.

“What are you two doing! Your spirit is insufficient! Efforts and willpower!”

As expected, her character is getting shaky, isn’t it? Thought Kyousuke, but Hakuba was muttering «This Yukinoshita is also nice», so he didn’t want to say anything anymore.

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“As I thought, those guys are involved in this…”

Gazing at the 3 people from the shadow of a rock, the adventurer Rezbon sighed.

“At the point they said a talking unicorn, I’m already having a bad premonition.”
“What do we do?”
“What do we even do…. You saw that? That fireball. Besides, we promised not to lay our hands on them anymore.”

He shrugged off Filhana’s words. Rezbon got his arm lopped off and became one-armed, but it doesn’t mean he was extremely resenting that skeleton. He might even thank it for overlooking his life.
The skeleton wasn’t acting together with the certain slime right now. It appeared that it was weak alone, if they attacked now, he felt that they could win, but Rezbon didn’t feel too enthusiastic about that.

Those two red-eyed adventurers were absolutely suspicious. Frankly, he didn’t really want to believe them. While the person herself didn’t say any details, Filhana was excessively wary of them, and that also worried him.

“By the way, what’s that giant that defeated the unicorn? If that kind of monsters are living here, we should’ve seen them more though?”
“That’s the ‘Death King’ replica. It’s something artificially made.”

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Rezbon tilted his head to Filhana’s words.

“Replica? Of gods?”
“It is said to be being researched in the magic institute of the Empire. Only, the fragment of the Death King wasn’t being kept at the imperial capital, which means, someone must have obtained that king fragment with some kind of method.”
“You’re well-informed huh.”
“It’s general knowledge.”

Anyway, it got genuinely stinky now. Talking about king fragment, it would be relics of the mythical war era that was prohibited in individual transaction. Now there was a bunch who took out that kind of thing, make a replica of gods and have it attack talking monsters. That itself was plenty enough to tell the abnormality of this situation.
As expected, the ones that came to mind were those two. It might be better not to trust those guys.

“Then, what do we do?”

Filhana looked up at him.

“For me, I feel it’s better to contact them. They’re being targeted by the bunch who seems to have a king fragment. If we skillfully get the information, we may be able to receive the Empire’s protection and safely return.”

Even if you tell me that.
Rezbon, while seeing off the three strange monsters going along the coast to return to the green area, scratched his head.

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