MEIWITA Chapter 756: Beauty Effect

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Romanya’s gaze was very innocent. He simply wanted to invite Lou Mu Yan to go to the place where they were going to snatch Sea Berries to train together.

Arub was very helpless towards the little young master. How could he dare to invite so casually someone they had only met once?

Meanwhile, Romanti knew that his younger brother had an ability to see through the truth and hypocrisy of people since he was a child. Although this ability was very weak, but it also reassured them that he could continue to remain innocent.

With this ability, he could at least tell who was good and who was bad, and he could protect himself, living freely and easily.

“If I participate in your Sea Berry snatching event and help you get into the top ten, can I go to the Seastar Banquet together?” Lou Mu Yan’s beautiful eyes were shining brightly, giving a feeling that she was also looking forward to seeing His Majesty the Sea King.

Romanya couldn’t make such a decision. He looked sideways at Romanti and said: “Big Brother, it should be fine right?”

He had a good impression of Lou Mu Yan, the kind of favourable impression where he wanted to be friends.

“That’s…” Romanti was in a dilemma. After all, they weren’t familiar with Lou Mu Yan at all.

What if she was a spy sent by other clans or sea realms? But seeing his younger brother’s pure and hopeful eyes, he also felt like he couldn’t refuse.

“Then Young Miss Lou, can you make an oath on a heart demon?” Obviously, Arub, the steward, was more vigilant. Although he didn’t think Lou Mu Yan was a spy or a bad person, but he had to guard against it.

Lou Mu Yan’s expression remained unchanged, and asked with a smile: “What oath?”

“As long as you swear with your heart demon that you won’t harm the Roman Clan nor His Majesty, we’ll take you with us.” Arub said bluntly.

Lou Mu Yan smiled faintly, “Sure!”

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She could understand Arub’s actions. After all, Romanya was well protected and innocent, and Romanti spoiled his younger brother too much.

If she really was a spy, then she’d definitely drag the Roman Clan into a quagmire if they took her to the competition or banquet.

“I swear by my heart demon.” Lou Mu Yan raised three fingers, and the power of the laws immediately descended, “As long as the Roman Clan and His Majesty the King of the Southern Sea doesn’t harm me, then I will not harm the Roman Clan and His Majesty the King of the Southern Sea.”

The three acquiesced when they heard her words. Her oath was beneficial to both parties.

After all, if she swore that she wouldn’t harm the Roman Clan and His Majesty the Sea King, but they attacked her, then she’d definitely be the one who suffers. It was better like this.

“Let’s go, time’s running out.” Romanti said.

So the three of them got on the flying ship and drove along. When they passed by several islands, they’d stop to look for Sea Pear Flowers, and they’d pick them whenever they’d encounter them.

Lou Mu Yan also picked some and moved a few Sea Pear Flower seedlings into the bell space for planting.

“Are you picking Sea Pear Flowers back to brew wine?” They searched on the nearest islands before returning on their original track, heading towards the Sea Berry Island.

“My paternal grandma is a grade 7 spiritual wine master. She likes to use Sea Pear Flowers to brew spiritual wine the most.” Romanya nodded with a bit of pride in his eyes.

“The spiritual wine brewed from Sea Pear Flowers tastes pretty good right.” Lou Mu Yan was also quite interested in Sea Pear Flowers.

Sea Pear Flowers had a cool, sweet fragrance when used to brew flower wine, and she liked that taste.

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If it weren’t for the wrong timing, she’d want to brew a pot right now.

“Mm, it’s very delicious.” Romanya’s eyes brightened, “Even His Majesty the Sea King likes the Sea Pear Wine brewed by my grandma very much.

“After we finish contending for the Sea Berries and return to the Roman Clan, I’ll treat you to a drink.” He added.

Romanya was the most favoured little young master of the clan, and he had collected spiritual wine brewed from Sea Pear Flowers.

“Sure! Thank you!” Lou Mu Yan still rather liked this simple-hearted boy.

She didn’t expect that Lan Si, that fox, liked to drink this kind of wine. She rubbed her chin, and there was slight cunning in her eyes.

Seeing that the two got along so well, Romanti just smiled helplessly. Obviously, his younger brother had already regarded the other as a true good friend, otherwise he wouldn’t have thought of entertaining Lou Mu Yan with such valuable wine.

He just prayed inwardly that Lou Mu Yan wouldn’t disappoint.

Three days later, the flying magic tool they took arrived at an island.

Right now, there were many flying magic tools flying in mid-air here, and it was very lively.

Finally, the flying magic tool stopped on a huge island, and there were many people standing around the island.

The two brothers of the Roman Clan greeted the people they were familiar with and walked to the Roman Clan’s party after finding them.

Many people cast their eyes on Lou Mu Yan faintly, filled with curiosity and astonishment.

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Lou Mu Yan was wearing a light blue dress today, looking elegant and refined.

Her black hair and eyes were very conspicuous among the brown hair and eyes.

The eyes of majority of the sea race were brown, and only the royal family had blue eyes and blue hair, which was a symbol of status and bloodline.

“Who’s that? She looks so beautiful.”

“Yeah! Why did she appear with the Young Lord of the Roman Clan?”

“Could it be a concubine of the Young Lord of the Roman Clan?”

“Impossible, I noticed that the two Roman Clan young master are very polite to that beauty.”

“This is the first time I’ve seen a beauty with black hair and eyes, she should have the bloodline of the human race.”

“Not necessarily, occasionally people with black eyes and hair will be born in the sea clan too, just very rare.”

“The last few times the Roman Clan came to contend for Sea Berries, they all fell outside the top ten. They didn’t bring this beauty here to boost morale for them did they.”

“Haha, with such a beauty cheering me on, I’d also be in good spirits.”

“Maybe the two brothers of the Roman Clan will take the beauty to participate in the snatching competition.”

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“No way, that beauty seems to be only at Core Elemental Realm. This time there are quite a few pupils of Earth Elemental Realm and Heaven Elemental Realm from the clans participating, wouldn’t she just be a hindrance if she went?”

“That’s not necessarily the case. After all, there aren’t many members of the Roman Clan at Earth Elemental Realm. The only person at Heaven Elemental Realm is Romanti. The beauty’s cultivation isn’t at rock bottom.”

“Let’s wait and see.”

“I sure can’t wait to meet His Majesty the Sea King.”

“…” The voices of discussion shifted from Lou Mu Yan back to the competition and the Sea King1.

This was the ‘beauty effect’. People who looked beautiful and had a good temperament were objects of attention wherever they went and couldn’t be ignored even if they wanted.

But most of them just wanted to watch the Roman Clan’s ‘good show’.

After all, the Roman Clan had once been a glorious clan on the Mandi Archipelago for a very long time, until it gradually declined after their two Upper Unification Realm Ancestors went into a secret realm to explore and never returned.

In recent years, the Roman Clan had been suppressed by several newly rising clans. In the last few Sea Berry Competitions, they even faded out from the top ten, and they weren’t even eligible to participate in the Seastar Banquet.

Therefore, there were many clans present who wanted to ‘throw stones down a well that the Roman Clan had fallen into’, waiting to watch their embarrassing show.

Compared to the other’s curiosity, the people of the Roman Clan were confused and surprised that the two brothers came back with a peerless beauty.

At the same time, they had many questions—were they really planning to let this beauty participate in the clan’s Sea Berry Competition?

1HAHAHAHAH This, that I translated: [“…” The voices of discussion shifted from Lou Mu Yan back to the competition and the Sea King.] (“……”四处的讨论声从楼慕烟身上又转移到了比赛和海王身上。) was translated by google translate into this: [The voices of discussion shifted from Lou Muyan to Xi Jinping and Neptune.] ???????????? 

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