MEIWITA Chapter 860: Eyed

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Lou Mu Yan and the others chatted while drinking tea, and it took half a day before Chi returned to the courtyard.

“I found out how to get the customs clearance token.” Chi took a sip of tea that Ye Qing Han poured.

Ye Qing Han asked: “What way? Is it difficult?”

“It’s not easy. You have to go to a place called the Demon Pavilion in Heavenly Roc Central City to get it.”

Chi paused, then said: “I heard that not only do you have to pay a sum of spiritual stones, but you also need to complete the mission trials from the Demon Pavilion to get it.”

“Aren’t the Nine Great Regions of the Demon Realm communicating with each other? Why’s it so troublesome to go to another region?” Lou Mu Yan asked in confusion.

The several large States of the Human Realm didn’t restrict travel at all. The rules of the Demon Realm had brought them a lot of inconvenience.

Mo Yan added: “There weren’t such restrictions when I was in the Demon Realm.”

At the time, although the territories of the Nine Great Demon Kings couldn’t just be barged into whenever someone wanted, but there were no such strict requirements for interacting with each other, and there were no such things as clearance tokens.

“I found out that it was because of a great revolt in the Demon Realm ten years ago. The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan united with two other clans in an attempt to unify the Demon Realm, integrating the territories of the Spirit Devouerer Clan and the Thunder Beast Clan that they had previously invaded and launched a great war.

“The other Demon Kings then began to defend themselves. Although they have temporarily joined forces to resist the great army of the three clans, but there was great loss on both sides, and each demon clan was beginning to be wary of each other for fear that spies would be planted into their territory.

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“The relationships between the Demon Kings have become very delicate and they don’t trust their allies very much, afraid of each other. They’re afraid that there will be a second wave of ambitious clans like the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, so they’re all a mess.”

“So that’s how it is. No wonder the atmosphere at the junction of the three Realms was rather tense.” Lou Mu Bai rubbed his teacup and said: “But this is a good opportunity.”

The corners of Lou Mu Yan’s lips rose, “Exactly, the more chaos the Demon Realm’s in, the better. We don’t mind adding some fire to it.”

The more chaotic the Demon Realm, the better they could benefit from the disturbances.

“By the way, Mo Yan, do you think it’s possible to unify the Demon Realm?” Lou Mu Yan gently shook the cup in her hand and smiled faintly.

Mo Yan shook his head and said: “Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Demon Realm was once unified, but after a long time, the rebellious clans would be unable to be suppressed and it’ll fall apart.”

He paused, then continued: “The Demon Realm isn’t like the Human Realm where you’re all humans. There are many different kinds of demon clans in the Demon Realm. No matter which side is the strong one, the disadvantages of unifying the Demon Realm are very big. ‘Unless it’s my raice, then they must be outsiders’—this is what many demons think in their hearts.

“But there are still some more ambitious demon clans who want to rule the entire Demon Realm or even a group of demons, just like the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. They’ve started to have ambitions and acted many years ago.”

He looked at Lou Mu Yan with a raised eyebrow: “You’re not thinking to unify the Demon Realm are you?”

Lou Mu Yan had the purest Heavenly Phoenix Bloodline, so she could actually be regarded as one-third demon.

Lou Mu Yan rolled her eyes at Mo Yan angrily, “It’s not as if I have nothing to do, why would I not want to live a free life and come unify the Demon Realm.

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“And I’m still quite self-aware.” She pursed her lips and added.

Unifying so many different demon clans was definitely super big trouble, and she hated trouble the most.

“Then why are you asking about the unification of the Demon Realm?” Mo Yan knew that this woman, Lou Mu Yan, had absolutely no good intentions.

“I originally thought that if we could unify the Demon Realm, we could support the rise of a Demon King, but now that I think about it, it’s not really suitable.” Lou Mu Yan continued after a pause: “It’s better for the Demon Realm to be a bit chaotic.”

The conflict between the humans and demons weren’t small at all. Before the beginning of the Foreign Battlefield, beast tides often appeared on the border of the Human Relam, and both sides would go to war every once in a while.

If the Demon Realm was really unifed, not to mention the internal disadvantages, but it’d have a great impact on the Human Realm, and it would definitely be a negative impact.

So be it robbing things, or to get revenge for Mo Yan and Lei Huang, or for the peace at the borders of the Human Realm, they must also destroy the other party plan to unify the Demon Realm.

“Which Demon Kings have the best relationship with the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan right now, and which party has the worst relationship?” She looked at Chi and asked.

Chi sorted out the information he obtained and replied: “Currently, the ones standing on aa unified front with the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan are the Fierce Hell Demon Phoenix1 and the Venomous Flame Spider Clan, and the ones with the worst relationship with the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan are the Nine-Headed Hydra Clan and the Stone Ape Clan.”

“Do you have any detailed information about those four clans?” Lou Mu Yan continued to asked.

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“No, if you want to inquire about the confidential information of these four Clans, you need to go to the Heavenly Roc Central City to have a chance.” Chi replied.

“Then let’s rest for a night and set off to Heavenly Roc Central City tomorrow.” Lou Mu Yan had a draft plan in mind.

In the Heavenly Roc Central City, in a quaint Buddhist Tower in the city that gave off a feeling as if it had experienced the vicissitudes of life, there was an elderly man who was chanting sutras with Buddhist beads, sitting cross-legged.

Suddenly, his eyes opened slightly, with a hint of joy and uncertainty, and he asked softly, “Grandson, is it really you who appeared?”

After a while, he called out to the door, “Someone.”

“Greetings, King.” Immediately, a man in armor opened the door and entered, then bowed respectfully to the elderly man, “Does King have an order?”

“Go and find out if a little fellow from the Golden Roc Clan has entered Heavenly Roc City in the past few days. If you find out, don’t make a fuss and report to this King immediately.” The elderly man said faintly while holding the Buddhist beads.

“As ordered!”

After the man left, the elderly man sighed, “I hope I won’t be disappointed again this time.”

Then he closed his eyes and continued to fiddle with the prayer beads and recited a scripture.

Early the next morning, Lou Mu Yan and the others left the inn and rushed towards Heavenly Roc Central City, enquiring for news along the way.

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The demons weren’t good at alchemy and arrays, so a Teleportatin Array could only be found in the Heavenly Roc Central City, and no other small cities had established them.

Although there were special flying ships set up between each small city for the demons to travel between the cities, but it was very expensive.

Lou Mu Yan noticed that the speed of the flying ship wasn’t slow, and they weren’t very familiar with the situation of Heavenly Roc City, so she led the group of people, paying one million low-quality spiritual stones to hire an entire flying ship that went directly to Heavenly Roc Central City.

The whereabouts of the group of people also fell into the eyes of a high-ranking demon cultivator guard, who directly and quickly reported it to above.

As soon as the man in armour received the news, he immediately went to the Buddhist Tower to report to the elderly man.

“You mean to say that the flying ship they chartered is heading directly to Heavenly Roc Central City?” The elderly man was sitting cross-legged, fiddling with the prayer beads.

“Yes, this subordinate checked, and it is all true.” The armoured man replied cautiously and respectfuly.

“When they arrive in Heavenly Roc Central City, come to report to this King immediately.” The elderly man paused, then said in a stern tone: “You can go investigate, but you are absolutely not allowed to harass them.”

“Subordiante obeys!”

Ten days later, Lou Mu Yan and her party arrived at Heavenly Roc Central City.

1the word they used here is 凰 (huáng aka Phoenix) which is the huáng in 凤凰 (fèng huáng aka also Phoenix). Lou Mu Yan’s Phoenix bloodline is the 凤 (fèng) bloodline/clan, which is also translated to Phoenix. Based on a quick wiki and Baidu search, it appears that 凤凰 was traditionally split into two—the 凤 (male Phoenix) and the 凰 (female Phoenix), and they even looked different from each other (something like more or less tail feathers and one having a crown while the other not), but over time, in order to pair the Phoenix with the Dragon (traditionally considered male), they made 凤凰 one gender, that being female. These days 凤凰 also became one single type of bird, male or female. There’s a bit more behind it based on my Baidu search, but reading Chinese is tiring so I’m not bothered hahaha and with the Chinese Phoenix being such a popular mythical creature I’m sure there’s a bunch of accurate resources out there in English too.

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