“How about shutting your mouth?”

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The atmosphere surrounding Hyugo changed instantly.

By nature, Hyugo is generous, soft and a warm person, but when he found a slight disgusting thing, he becomes evil.

Hyugo became a villain if someone talks about Catherine recklessly.

“Alright. I will make sure that I will not bring it up again.”

“Erase it from your memory. Pretend that it didn’t happen.”

John, who couldn’t dare to provoke him more, shifted the subject quickly. His sigh that he swallowed inside, was almost blurted out.

“About your award for winning the war. Do you happen to have anyone you want to invite? If so, do tell me so I can prepare.”

Hyugo looked out the window and recalled the difficult process of going to war and receiving a new award from it.

After divorcing Catherine, he hastily left for the battlefield.

That was also one of the reason why he had no choice but to accept Catherine’s request for their divorce.

In order to avoid conscription, they had to pay large sums of money or send enlisted soldiers, and Hyugo had to help in order to have the Victory.

Back then, the only money he could use was Catherine’s dowry she sent to him, and the only money he could borrow more openly, however it was still a small amount compared to what was really needed.

Hyugo had no choice but to go to war with the Empire’s soldiers.

Hyugo had foretold his death in that battlefield. Thus, he accepted his former wife’s divorce request.

He had also predicted that after his death, he wouldn’t want Catherine to own the big poor land. It would be a big trouble for her, he thought.

The poor land he own now was filled with unsolvable problems.

Hyugo didn’t want Catherine to take over his works, nor does he wants her to suffer.

‘If only she hadn’t asked for divorce first.’

Hyugo closed his eyes tightly. He wouldn’t even thought of letting go of her first.

However, Catherine was smart and escaped from the pit of misfortune on her own.

When he first heard about divorce, he was shocked momentarily, but later admired her wisdom.

Truthfully, he never thought that he would return alive. Furthermore did he know that he would have a big recognition for this war.

‘I even got a strong mercenary.’

Even if something big happens in the territory, he can easily lead the troops and participate directly to a war.

It feel like he have some days to breathe and calm his mind after the ruthless battle.

“There’s someone I want to invite.”

The first one is obviously Catherine.

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He wanted to be congratulated by her first before anyone else can say so. But she would have refused.

And I didn’t want to announce the conferment of my title to her along an invitation from the royal palace.

I want to see an opportunity to inform her about it.

‘Although, I highly doubt if that can be even possible.’

And one more, besides Catherine, there was someone Hyugo wanted to invite.

“Did you look it up, John?”

“Do you mean the owner of the letter?”

Hyugo nodded.

They need to find the unknown man who wrote a letter to Hyugo which led to his victory.

After six months in the battlefield, Hyugo received a sudden unknown letter.

(TN: From the last chapter, it was mentioned that it was Catherine who wrote him a letter. Please don’t be confuse.)

In general, even though it was from someone unheard-of, it contained with their enemy’s tactics, the General of their opponent, and the Topographic Analysis.

It was natural for him to have doubts at first, but Hyugo then believed the letter when he tried multiple times to match its information with their accumulated one.

‘Later, I believed it myself.‘

The owner of the letter, who put them as the winner of the war, was the real one who should have been receiving the award and not him.

‘That person must get that high title.’

Hyugo was not conscientious enough to intercept other people’s achievements, but there was a problem.

He doesn’t know the person’s identity, nor can he even reply to him. Due to unknown place where he sent it.

He had thanked his benefactor every day in his heart. And now that the war is finally over, he must search for that person and repay him properly.

Hyugo bowed his back and took out a box hidden deep in the desk. The box made of paulownia wood had a strong lock.

Hyugo took off his necklace. When he opened the lock with the key on the necklace, a thick package of letters appeared before of his eyes.

Hyugo took out the most recent letter he received, and handed it to John.

“At least write emotions in it.”

“I’ll do my best as much as I can. What are you going to do with Catherine?”

“I’ll take care of that.”

Their relationship was already broken once.

In any case, Hyugo accepted Catherine’s request for divorce, to be exact he had never refused it.

He must figure out what she thinks of him.

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‘And if there’s anyone you’re seeing currently.’

She didn’t married him because she loved him. Hyugo clearly remembered what Countess Bedwigo said at the time of marriage.

– Sending my daughter to a person like you, who I am not satisfied to be with Catherine. You know you’re not good enough, right?

– I know that.

– I’m glad you know. From now on, live with Catherine. And if you want to get even a little bit of Catherine’s heart, you have to be good to us. As you know, Catherine prioritize family. And one more thing, let’s keep this between us.

Why was that…?

– If I found out that you’re trying to win her heart by using her family, I’ll take her home. I really despise those people who use others to death.

Countess Bedwigo’s contemptuous gaze was still vivid.

Catherine was a marriage partner that Hyugo could never dream of.

She was an illegitimate child, but she was still the daughter of Countess Bedwigo, who had a good position in Empire, and she was also rumored to be cherished by Countess Bedwigo.

Despite that, legitimate children were still treated differently, and restrained until they grew up.

Of course, if she was a son fighting for the inheritance, it would be difficult to be recognized and be loved at home.

Fortunately, she was a daughter who had a good reputation, and was even rumored to be a bright, sweet and a pretty lady.

It was said that the date of her debut was one of the greatest interest to the people, so him, a Viscount, who took liking of her, and who owns a dying estate in the outskirts, was definitely not a suitable partner for her.

But Catherine showed interest in Hyugo first. And she talked to him first.

Since then, the atmosphere between the two has become subtle.

‘Was I fascinating?’

He doesn’t think Catherine loved him.

Being around gentle and sophisticated people, she must not have been interested in someone as stupid and blunt as me.

Even it wasn’t love, it was fine for him.

So Hyugo actively courted using his own way.

Opposition from the surroundings was formidable.

From the Bedwigo family, and not from the Edward family.

– Do you think a person who lived in a lavish capital in the capital, is suitable as the owner of our estate?

– You won’t be able to endure it for a few days anyway, so go home right away!

– Countess Bedwigo won’t let him go?

Instead of persuading them, Hyugo suggested.

– If Countess Bedwigo accepts me, I won’t say anymore.

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He thought everyone would oppose him in Countess Bedwigo. However, Countess Bedwigo welcomed Hyugo.

‘Instead, he offered me a contract the day I was allowed to marry Catherine.‘

I remembered the contract that the Countess had offered to me, on condition of marrying Catherine. I felt uncomfortable.

Hyugo jumped up and opened the window. His eyes look around outside.

But even so, I felt better every time I see Catherine.

“I feel like I had been swindled.”

Hyugo, who had been looking at the yard for a long time, spoke out as if he was chewing.

– The word ‘neighbors’ must have a reason for it to be invented. You will be able to see her often then.

The words of the person who gave him advice came to his mind.

“See her often, what kind of nonsense…”

She always has her guards up and Catherine’s heart fence looked high.

“I need to make an excuse to meet her somehow.”

Hyugo burned his will.


Catherine was busy. She wanted to welcome the new tenants.

She leads in cleaning the mansion.

The shock of Hyugo moving next door was diluted by her busy daily life.

“I was worried that I would bump into Viscount Edward frequently, but it turned out to be the case.”

Catherine was startled by Yuri’s words.

Yuri was concerned that she would have to see Viscount Edward because Catherine feels that way.

“Why are you worried? What’s wrong with them running into each other? Did our owner do something wrong?”

Joanna, the maid, blamed Yuri.

Catherine may not be a fitted wife for Hyugo, who divorced him without knowing why.

“That’s not it. I thought they will be having feelings for each other again, now that he had moved to the next door.”

Yuri muttered with a crawling voice.

“Yuri, that’s no way.”

Catherine’s laughter filled the hall. Her laughter which she had been suppressing blurted out as a big laugh.

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“Was what I said that funny?”

“Yes, Yuri. I think you should go to the theater company.“

Catherine patted Yuri on the back, saying she discovered her new talent.

“I don’t think it’s ridiculous. There’s a basis for everything.”

Yuri seriously replied, saying she was not kidding.

“What evidence?”

“He can’t be unaware that 17 Bianche is Catherine’s House. Nevertheless, he moved into the house next door.”

“That was probably the only place for sale. There aren’t many empty houses during the social season.”

Yuri suddenly looked around and dragged Catherine. Yuri, who went to the corner, whispered as if it was a great secret.

“I heard this from my friends. Count Dudley next door said he wouldn’t sell the house. That’s why he paid twice as much as the market price.”

“That was a lie.”

Catherine was convinced that it was a false rumor. This was because Hyugo was a person who hates to waste more than anyone else.

‘The Capital situation must be tight.’

He couldn’t have bought a house twice as expensive as the market price.

In fact, it was hard for Catherine to believe that Hyugo bought the next door.

‘Why didn’t I know that he bought it?’

Considering the pocket situation, she thought she was right.

“I couldn’t believe this either. Let’s move on. There’s something else to do too.”

“What is it?”

“Empty houses are also on Brook Street, and Bianche 8 is also empty.“

Brook Street was as popular as Bianche Street.

If Bianche Street was a lively place with a lively atmosphere, Brooke Street was a quiet but elegant place like a quiet dawn.

Catherine would have chosen Brook Street because it was relatively cheap and a good place to live in.

In addition, there was an attractive sale called Bianche Mansion 8.

Shortly after remodeling with its antique exterior, many people were eyeing it as a house that stood out with the most comfortable interior facilities and exceptionally eye-catching garden.

It was a house that Catherine wanted to buy if she had time.

Catherine pondered and said.

“Is it expensive?”


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