You want me to find someone?

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No matter how much she was a person who defended her love, she did not want to seek out her ex-husband’s marriage partner.


‘Hyugo has left no feelings for me. That’s understandable.’


His misfortune of having to travel outside the country for 10 years because of her stepmother’s manipulation, Countess Bedwigo, came to her mind.


‘Even I didn’t him to do that in this life.’


Her heart throbbed when she realized Hyugo’s feelings that was just cold for her.


‘I know you hate me. Because you have seen the terrible terms of our marriage. That’s why, you’re asking me to find you a partner, who divorced you.’


If it was Catherine in the past, she would not be able to refused Hyugo’s request.


But she is not that Catherine anymore, she already has new life.


She had already decided that she wouldn’t make sacrifices for other even if it means hurting herself.


But it’s a different topic if it’s Hyugo.


She wants to protect him, and not to make his life worse.


“I’m sorry, Hyugo, but I refuse.”


Therefore, her rejection was a natural step.


“I’m begging you.”


Hyugo was desperate and asked for it again. There was a wrinkle on her forehead. She then clenched her fists while intertwining her hands tightly on her lap.


“Hyugo, it’s still funny even if we put our personal feeling behind this issue. Me, your ex-wife finding you a partner? Also, you were divorced too.”


Failing your own marriage once isn’t that big deal. If you have a lot of money, that is.


In that sense, Hyugo wasn’t really a good partner.


‘There was another flaw because of me.‘


Words she said was uttered while swallowing bitter water to withdraw Hyugo’s request.


She never wanted to refuse him coldly, but she had already said those words out of disappointment she felt unconsciously.


Hyugo’s face stiffened a bit.


But instead of correcting her words, Catherine left it just like that.


“What… did you say?”


Hyugo, who was fiddling with the teacup, raised his head.


She was very upset.

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It was hard to gauge his feelings just by looking at his distorted expression.


Whether she was annoyed or angry.


“I said I can’t do it.”


“No, not that.”


Hyugo’s voice was upset.


‘I’m the one angry, okay?’


It felt not good to see Hyugo expressing his feelings, even though it’s good.


She doesn’t like herself responding to the changes in his emotions.


Catherine shut her mouth tight.


Then Hyugo raised his hand and sweeps his hair back. It was neat and tidy, so there was nothing to sweep over.


“Sigh, Catherine. What did you see that you think like that?”


Hyugo’s breathless sigh came out of his mouth.


‘What do you mean, I see you as cold hearted ex-husband, who asked his ex to find his partner.’


Catherine tightened her cheek muscles, avoiding not to pout her lips.


In front of him, Hyugo watched Catherine’s side view, and Hugo’s mouth arced up, while he was busy looking at Catherine’s side view. But his lips came down quickly before Catherine saw it.


“I’m not the one who’s going to get married.”


Catherine’s eyes opened wide.




She felt a sense of frustration.


“The person I wanted for you to find a partner is for my brother. Brian, whom you know well.”




Brian Edward, Hyugo’s younger brother.


“You know, me and Brian doesn’t  knows how does it works.”


Hyugo continued his words calmly.


Catherine raised her hand and stopped him from speaking.


“Brian? That cute little boy?

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“Brian is already 18 years old now. He was 14 years old when you met him, and he’s not small and cute now.”


He responded bluntly.


Catherine was always thirsty for family affection. In particular, she really wanted to have a younger brother.


No, let’s correct it.


She wanted to give love to that younger brother he have.


However, Catherine couldn’t love her brother-in-law, Brian, who was born after marrying Hyugo.


Unlike Hyugo, Brian liked Catherine very much and followed her every day.


That time, she was left no choice and like Brian too. She was also lonely and with his presence, Brian was a strength to him. But she definitely liked him because he looked like Hyugo.


It was also Catherine’s pleasure before returning time to imagine Hyugo as a child.


At the age of 14, Catherine remembered Brian at the time.


Hyugo said he was not small nor cute now, but Brian, who grew a little slow, was small enough and cute even at the age of 14.


“What do you think about Brian? Can you find a good partner for him?”


Even if there is none, she have to find one somehow.


Catherine was responsible for Brian.


However, she was not sure if she could find a good partner to mix up with Brian.


For a nobleman, marriage is a big deal.


What the man could offer was his wealth and the ability to protect it.


The glory of the family should be at the top, and great appearance, with excellent speech skilled ate secondary.


In that sense, Brian is not in the situation to pick the condition 1.


First of all, he can’t inherit the Head position of the family.


Even if Hyugo dies, -Catherine flinched at this thought. If he has wife, the right to succeed the position will go to her.


And even if his wife died, Brian is still nothing but a supporter for his children.


This means that until his nephew who will receive the title becomes an adult, he cannot do more than to take care of the family temporarily.


Therefore, there is a long way to go and little property to succeed.


‘I should have made a wish for Hyugo to become rich. I should have studied how to make him rich, not just thinking about getting him out of the war zone.’


After returning, Catherine only thought about how to get Hyugo out of the war zone quickly.

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A battlefield is a battle no matter what happens.


She grabbed her heart that had been shaken for a while. It was not time to reverse time just because she regretted it.


‘My choice was right.’


Money comes after people.


‘And even if I tried anyway, there would have been no clear way.’


Catherine thought of Hyugo’s estate. It was not easy to build up because it was so underdeveloped and had no resources.


‘Even if they were called to manage their property, it won’t do well.’


Because Hyugo and Brian has no interest on managing that property.


In summary, Brian is not the husband preferred by prestigious noble families.


“It’d hard to find a good partner for him.”


Catherine confessed honestly.


“I know.”



However, Hyugo guaranteed that it would change in the future.


It was still a secret, but he will be crowned as a war hero.


Since it is an unprecedented act of nobility title award, very few people know about it because the queen is covering up the incident.


And he also had a lot of money. If he hadn’t become rich, he wouldn’t have even thought of coming back to her side.


‘The help of the ancestors was great.’


After only winning battles, he was able to relax on the battlefield. Hyugo also explored the surroundings of the battlefield during his spare time and found a gold mine. There were quite a lot of places.


The queen told Hugo to keep the land he conquered. This was also a secret deal between the Queen and Hugo.


Hyugo constantly fought to get those  land with gold mines, won the war, and eventually had it.


Thanks to her, he was able to move to Catherine’s next door.


If Hyugo was crowned and his wealth was revealed, Brian will be asked to marry her.


The proposals will flood to him.


However, Hyugo does not want a woman with a good family or a woman who can bring a lot of dowry.


What he wanted is,


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Catherine lifted her troubled eyes and looked at Hyugo.


Hugo’s frozen heart melted into her warm heart of worrying about her ex-husband’s brother-in-law.


Hyugo wanted Brian to meet a woman like Catherine.


“Hyugo, do you have anything to say?”


Hyugo stared at Catherine.


She’s the only version of her in this world, but he wanted Brian to find a woman like her. He said to himself.


“No, can you do me that favor?”


Hyugo smiled. Catherine was excited by the natural laughter and replied quickly.


“I’ll help you.”


Because it’s Brian, not anyone else.


“I’ll ask you a few questions. Please answer honestly, Hyugo.“


She need to know well to find the right person.


Catherine sincerely treated the request she received for loyalty.




As she was asking one question or another, Elbert came to visit.


When Catherine turned her head, Elbert, who held a large bouquet of flowers, strode into it.


He held out a bouquet of flowers as if he was proud.


The bouquet he gave to Catherine as he almost swung it towards Hyugo, was a bunch of freesia with a wonderful fragrance.




Catherine’s eyebrows, which received the bouquet, bent with her smile. It was obvious that he was in happy.


“What is it?”


Hyugo asked.


“It’s a bouquet of flowers from a gentleman who loves our master.”


Elbert’s chin was heard. Hyugo raised his eyebrows.




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