To The Film Studies Club With My Fiancée

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TL: lime

I knew Shiori would stand out if I went with her.

She’s not at the top of the school caste. She’s not a famous player in a club. She’s not a member of the student council.

But she still stands out, purely due to her good looks.

There are a lot of pretty girls in this school, and I’ve seen a few that made me go ‘Wow’.

However Shiori is something in a different league altogether. When I first saw her, she took my breath away instantly. I was so shocked to see that such a woman actually existed in this world.

Perhaps the students who are paying attention to her now feel the same way as I did back then.

As I walked with her towards the club activities building, the students we passed by were gasping at the sight of us, or more accurately, at the sight of Shiori. It was not just the boys, but the girls were gasping as well.

Is it similar to the feeling of a celebrity walking down the street? Is it like I’m her manager walking beside her?

Shiori is probably used to it though. She put on her headphones and walked forward with a calm face.

When we entered the second floor corridor, she took off her headphones and asked me.

“Speaking of which, what club are they in?”

“Huh? You didn’t know?”

“I could have guessed from the conversation with Kojiro earlier that Rikudo-kun and Shijo-san were in the same club, but I don’t know which one since you didn’t mention the name of the club.”

“Ah, that’s right… It’s the film studies club.”

“Film… Yes…”

Shiori made a sound as if to say that it was not what she had expected it to be.

“What club did you think it was?”

“The soccer club, and that Shijo-san was the manager.”

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“Ah-. I know what you mean.”

Shijo seems to be a manager who is very popular with the club members.

“Touma was on the soccer team in junior high school, you know.”

“Yeah. So why the film studies club then?

“Well… He never told me why.”


I clap my hands at Shiori’s words.

“That’s right! It’s natural to think that way.”

“Shijo-san is cute, so it’s only natural that Rikudo-kun would fall in love with her.”

“Yeah, yeah. I knew it-. He’s in a really good mood when he goes to club activities. That’s right-.”

“There’s a possibility that they’re already dating.”

“Uwah. Touma’s hiding it from me and sneaking around with her silently. That dirty guy.”

“This needs to be confirmed.”

“I guess so. Maybe we should ask the other members of the club.”

It’s fun to hear about other people’s love stories, isn’t it? I headed for the film studies club room in a slightly buoyant mood.

A room on the third floor of the club activities building. There was the Film Studies Club’s clubroom.

I don’t know who wrote the name of the club on the tag, but there were the words “Film Studies Club” written in beautiful calligraphy.

This is the first time I’ve ever been to the club room, and I’ve never been here during the spring probationary period, so I don’t know what kind of people are there.

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Touma said that I was an idiot when I asked him about it before…


I stop at the door in front of the entrance.

I thought about what I would do if they were in the middle of a meeting or if there was a serious mood on-going right now, but I decided that standing here was a waste of time and that I should be brave enough to knock, so I knocked three times on the door.


“U ~i ー―― fu ~iー―― ohー? Come inー? ”

Hmm? I wonder what it was, but there was something strange in his reply. I don’t know what that strange feeling is, but it feels really weird.

However, since he said “Come in”, it must mean that it was okay to open the door.

“Excuse me.” I said and opened the door――.

“Hmm? What is it? Is it someone who wants to join the club?


I was blown away.

I was blown away, literally, because there was a guy with a MAX body-build lifting some dumbbells completely naked.  (TL: ガタイ or Gatai is a slang for body build)

“He’s twice the size of Kojiro.”

“Hey! Shiori-san!? Compared to what!? I mean, how did you know my size!?”

“I checked.”

She sticks her thumb in the air and says.

“When!? When was I seen!?”

As I impatiently ask and put in a tsukkomi, Gatai MAX-san looks as if he’s in no hurry to respond and says, “What are you in a hurry for?” he asked. (TL: Tsukkomi 突っ込み- refers to the role the second comedian plays in “butting in” and correcting the boke’s errors.Check it out on wiki-wiki for more info.)

“Isn’t that crazy!?”

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When I put on a tsukkomi, he tilts his head and looks at himself.

“That’s right. I’m not that sharp today――then one more set――!”


He started working out with dumbbells again.

“That’s not what I meant!”

“Hmph! Hmph! Eh!? What!?”

“This person is crazy!”

After my tsukkomi, Shiori added, “over there” as well.

“You’re so calm. You don’t feel anything when you see the opposite s*x naked!?”


That’s right. I’d forgotten how close this guy was to feeling naked, too.

I mean, how can you be naked in public? You should be ashamed of yourself!

“Huh? Who wants to join the club?”

As I was holding my head in my hands, I heard a woman’s voice.

I looked towards the voice and saw a beautiful woman with a ponytail standing there.

The color of the ribbon on her uniform indicated that she was a senpai.

“Ah, no, we are――”

“You can go inside without hesitation. Fufu~. There are only four of us, so I’d be glad if you come in.”

She probably understood that we were juniors by the color of our ties and ribbons, but she still smiled and gave us a friendly voice.

She’s probably a kind senpai.

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She was about to enter the club room.

“Oh!――Hmph! Natsuki.――Hmph! You’re finally here!――Hmph!”

The naked dumbbell man called the senpai “Natsuki”.


The senpai, who was called Natsuki, froze on the spot, but soon showed a friendly smile, and with that smile on her face, she ran at the man Gatai MAXand gave him a flying kick, just like a character in a fighting game.

“―― Oh~ ―― oh―― oh―― oh…”

Gatai MAX man was blown away, letting out a voice like it was after you lose HP in a fighting game and stay down.

“You…! Look! This b*****d! I’ve always told you! I don’t care if you’re doing muscle training, just don’t take your clothes off! Why do you always take your clothes off!? HUH!?”

The gentle tone of voice she used earlier is gone, and now she sounds like a very scary female company president.

“――Natsuki… Listen――Gufu!”

Senpai stomped on Gatai Max’s face and said, “I’m not listening to you.” with her eyes looking like they were looking at trash.

However, Gatai Max’s face looked like he was feeling good despite him being stepped on by her. [ED: huh…]

“Oi, Hey! How would you like it if I had to see your dirty little d**k?”

“Th-then――Natsuki would become beautiful and――Guhyo!”

“Don’t make me say it.”

She stomps on it with a crunching sound. Each time she does, Gatai Max smiles in delight.

“Next time you show me something that shoddy, I’ll rip it off!”

When she said that, I felt an unpleasant sensation that gave me the chills.

“――If that’s shoddy, then Kojiro’s must be a dwarf.”

“Shut up!”

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