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Yuerui was terrified seeing him pass out like this.

"Zongguan, wake up. What happened to you?" Yuerui kept shaking him and trying to wake him up.

Other employers there rushed towards them and made a crowd there.

Yuerui yelled at them in panic.

"What are you guys doing, give some space to flow air. Somebody please give me a glass of water."

After she got the water she tried to sprinkle water at him but it was of no use.

Lastly Zongguan was admitted to hospital.


In the hospital Zongguan was admitted in the emergency word.

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Yuerui was loitering around the place in panic.

Si ying, Su and Kai also accompanied them as soon as they heard the news.

After the examination the doctor came to them and said that he had passed out due to exhaustion. He had been taking so much stress without any concern of his age and health. And he needs at least 3-4 weeks rest.

'Wow... This place is such a trash. It depresses people to the point of passing out. Good thing I have quit the job in time. Or else might be lying in one of these places (emergency word) in future.' Yuerui thought.

The trio asked the doctor if they can meet Zongguan now. The doctor allowed them but only two people can go inside at a time.

So Kai and Yuerui went first.


"Zonguuan are you okay?" Mai yuerui entered the cabin with panic.

Zongguan tried to get up from his lying position but Yuerui caught him and helped him as she placed the pillows on his back to help him lean on them.

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"You are a really good little child. May God bless you." said Zongguan in his tired voice.

Yuerui only nodded to him and took a sit beside him.

"You really made us worry old man." Said Kai as he also took a sit.

Kai and Zongguan have always been close. Since they were not in the office they were talking casually.

"Isn't it your fault?" Zongguan smirked at him.

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"If you guys had done your job properly then I wouldn't have to work so hard and get sick. Now you have to take responsibility!" Zongguan said with his seniority pride.

"Responsibility! What responsibility!" Kai stood up from his sit in shock.

Zongguan coughed a little. Then he looked at Yuerui with tenderness and kindness then said, Yuerui, my child I know I can't trust this brat. But I have faith in you."

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Yuerui looked at him with confused little eyes.

'What does he mean?' she thought.

"You know that the doctor has prescribed me at least a one month rest. Even though I won't take that much leave, but I have to stay for at least 2-3 weeks. So…"

Yuerui knew what was coming. Her sixth sense was warning her not to let him finish. But she couldn't do so because zonnguan finished his sentence before she could interrupt.

"So I want you two to handle my work for the time being."

'Na kkeutnasseo…' [1] she thought.

"I know you two are still not qualified enough. But since Ran Ruo is not around and Su Dan also has many works under her supervision, so I couldn't find any other person to give this responsibility. I know you will handle it beautifully. And I want Yuerui to help you manage my work during my  absence, Kai." Zongguan said.

"B... But I don't have enough work experience." Yuerui said.

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"I know dear. That's why I asked you to help him. In this way you can learn your work well. I know you will do a great job. I have faith in you." Zongguan said.

'Zongguan put so much trust in me.' Yuerui got emotional.

'But no! I can't work there again. I have to put my dignity first.' but she changed her mind immediately.

'Yes I have to refuse him now.' she thought.

"Zongguan, I have something to tell you." She blurt out in panic.

"Say." Zongguan gave her the permission.

Yuerui took a deep breath and continued.

"I have quit the job." She announced in to the persons in the room.

[1]= I am done.

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