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On the way back to office, Si ying expected Xianwang to call him at least 2-3 times to ask about the situation. But he decided not to tell him anything. His friend has been making him do weird weird things recently. Now it's time for Xianwang to give the test of patience. So Si ying's not gonna tell him anything until he reaches the office. But to his dissapointment, he didn't get a single call.

When Si ying reached the main office and entered the CEOs room, he saw a calm and composed Xianwang sitting in the white marbled table and reading some of his files.

"Seems like you don't wanna know what happened." Si ying said.

"I already know what happened." Xianwang said nonchalantly while turning a page.

"How do you know?" Si ying asked out of curiosity.

"Have you seen any of my plans go wrong? So how do you expect that this time my plan will not go well?" Xianwang replied without making any eye contact. 

Si ying was dumbfounded hearing his friend.

"Oh I forgot that you are such a piece of narcissist." Si ying murmured.

"Did you say something?" Xianwang asked in between reading his file.

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"No. It's nothing. I was just asking how did you come up with such an idea?" Si ying asked.

"My brain is filled with these kind of ideas. Nothing is exception." He smirked.

"Oh. I also forgot that how manipulative you can be when you want to achieve something." Si ying again murmured.

"What are you saying to yourself that I can't hear?" Now Xianwang got annoyed.

"Nothing.... Nothing. You carry on with your work. I am going to do my work. Bye." Si ying ran outside the CEOs office carrying his little life in his hands.


In the marketing department, a little kitten is sitting in a chair keeping her head tilted down and her two friends are in the mood of scolding her.

"When did you decide to quit?" Su asked.

"Yesterday." The little cat replied.

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"It's been a day that you took such a decision and you didn't tell us?" Kai became a little excited.

"I didn't get time to tell you guys." Yuerui tried to explain.

"Huh.... You didn't get time.... Seriously!" Kai was throwing a fit.

"Why did you want to quit?" Su asked out of concern. She thought someone might have bullied her. That's why she decided to quit. 

She was actually right. Someone actually bullied her.

'What should I say?' 

'Should I tell them everything?'

'Yeah I wanna tell them everything and complain about him.' Yuerui was contemplating about whether she should tell them everything or not. But she couldn't decide anything.

'But...' she again thought.

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'No... This contract marriage thing is really a confidential subject of Xianwang.'

'Even if I have refused that jerk, he will find another woman for his contract. I am sure of it. So I should not tell them about the contract. It's his personal business. I shouldn't go around and tell people about it.'

"Hey what's taking you so long? Is it too hard to tell us your problem?" Su asked.

She jerked Yuerui to bring her back from her dazed.

"Oh... No... It's just that stupid jerk."

"What did he do to you?" Both Su and Kai asked out of concern. They were behaving like the parents whose daughter has been bullied by some boy.

"He made me do so many works the other day. I was afraid that he will continue to bully me like this and I can't even do anything. So I decided to quit." Yuerui let out some of her complains out of her mind.

"Oh that's the reason!" Su let out a sigh of relief.

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"What do you mean?" Yuerui was dumbfounded.

"Silly girl, did you forget that your one month training has ended yesterday. You don't have to see him now." Su patted her shoulder.

"Oh... Yeah. I didn't think of that." Yuerui gave a silly smile.

"Thanks to me. Or else you might have already quit  the job for no good reason." Kai said with pride.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Thank you Kai." Yuerui gave him a silly but sweet smile that kai couldn't help but rub her head.

Even though Yuerui's excuse was so silly, she still liked to remain a silly little girl. She doesn't want any other problem by spreading new rumors about the CEO.


It's been a couple of days that Yuerui has resumed her work. She was surprised as well as satisfied that Xianwang didn't make any problems for her. She had heard many things about Xianwang. About how dangerous he is when he wants something or when someone refuses him. Yuerui was always putting her guard up to fight when that jerk makes any move. She was expecting him to call for her any moment and she was ready to face him as well. But when she didn't find any trace of him for the last two days, she could finally breath properly.

'Thank God, I didn't see him these two days. I think I can pass the time in peace while Zongguan is absent. Then I can quit the job without having any hard feeling.' just when Yuerui relaxed a bit and was doing her work in the computer with a fresh mind, she heard a chaos outside.

She and her friends went outside to see what was all this commotion.

They were shocked to see that Xianwang, the CEO who has always been in the main building and never came to any other building has come for a visit in the marketing department....

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