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"Yeah. It is." Yuerui was smiling from ear to ear.

"Then when do I need to move?" She asked.

"If you want you can move today." 

'Seriously! You want me to move today?' Yuerui thought.

"Okay then. I will call some people to move my things." Yuerui said then bid the landlady or correction ex-landlady goodbye and left for her office.


In the bus,

Yuerui was thinking about how tenacious Xianwang can be.

'Whoa... And I was wondering why the hell that jerk was acting so nice. Now I get it. So you want to pressure me with this! But you still don't know me, Mr. Kong. I will not say a single word to you about this topic. I will stay silent. Let me see how far you can get.'

Yuerui took out her phone from her bag and dialed a familiar number.

"Aren't you calling me so often lately?" The person in the phone said as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Shut up your nonsense and find me information on if there is any house available for rent in the vicinity of my office."

"What? You got kicked out agai...." He couldn't finish his words.

"You have an hour." And the phone was cut in the middle.

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Yuerui entered the office in time, but today she didn't go inside her building. Instead she stood outside to see Xianwang coming. She was browsing her phone or taking selfies while waiting. When she saw that it was 8.59 she put her phone on her pant pocket and stood obediently.

Xianwang's black Lamborghini Veneo Roadster entered and passed across her then stood in front of the main building. Xianwang nonchalantly came out of the car and nodded lightly in reply of the employers greetings.

He leisurely looked at the marketing department building and saw that Yuerui was standing outside and looking at him.

'Wait for some time. Your life saver will come to save you.' he thought.

Xianwang removed his sunglasses to reveal his cat like eyes and gave a gentle smile to Yuerui. Then he again put the glasses on and went inside the building.

Yuerui didn't do anything in reply. But the moment Xianwang left she got cringe.

'Ah... It's creepy. Giving me goosebumps...' Yuerui sneered.


In the trio's room, Yuerui was constantly looking at her phone. She was waiting for the information she asked about.

After a while her phone finally rang. It didn't even ring for a second and Yuerui received it.

"Did you get it?" She asked in excitement. She kept her voice low. She doesn't want others to know.

"Hey, do you not have any work in your office? You must be staring at your phone all is while untill I called, right?"

"Cut the crap and tell me the result" there was coldness in her voice.

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"Okay. You were right. There isn't any place available for rent."

"Just as I thought."

"What? What do you mean? And why the hell did you rented two places at the same time? Did you knew that you would get kicked out  again?" He teased.

"You know, problems always come out of nowhere. See, my stategy worked."

"You and your weird strategy. Remember you have to return my money."

"Yeah. I know. I have got them. I will sent it to you."

"If that's it then goodb...."

"Hey wait. I want you to do one more thing."

"What now?"

"Call me at 7.30 and when I receive your call, cut it immediately."

"Hey! Is this what you want me to do? Why?"

"Don't ask any question and make sure to do what I say. Bye." Saying so Yuerui cut the phone call.

After cutting the phone call Yuerui got lost in her thoughts again.

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'Kong Xianwang, you chose such a tacky way to persuade me.'

'I am not as clumsy and innocent I was before. You thought you will act like a gentleman in front of me and I will put my guards off?'

'I always think with a backup plan. I was suspicious of your every single move. That's why I rented two apartments at the same time.'

'You must be thinking that I will be in the streets now and you will appear as my knight in shining armor. But I have to make you disappointed again. Mian haeyo [1]...'


After work, Yuerui waited for everyone to leave. She was in the mood to play a little.

She knew that Kong Xianwang will appear again in front of her when she leaves. So she waited for everyone to leave then she left her department.

Outside her building, Yuerui was waiting for Xianwang to come. She waited while pretending to be searching for earphones in her backpack. As expected Xianwang came with his car and stopped in front of her.

The glass window went down. But this time there was no driver. Xianwang was driving his car.

'Oh my. You planned something different today. It's good then. There won't be anyone to witness whatever I say today.' Yuerui thought.

"What makes you late today as well? Don't you know it's forbidden to work overtime?" Xianwang asked.

"I wasn't working. It's just that...." Yuerui replied with a worried face.

"Do you have any problem?" Xianwang asked.

"No. I was just leaving now. You can go." She replied.

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"My employers are important to me. Especially you. So tell me what's wrong?"

Hearing Xianwang Yuerui got shocked.

'Gosh... You really know how to make woman fall for you. But I am sorry to say, you got the wrong girl this time.' Yuerui thought.

While Yuerui was lost in her mind as always Xianwang came out of his car and opened the passenger seat door for her.

"You can tell me while I give you a ride to your home." Xianwang said with his gentleman like charms.

Yuerui came out of her thoughts and was shocked again to see the open door in front of her. She looked at Xianwang and blinked twice.

"What? Don't worry. I won't kidnap you." Xianwang replied with a chuckle.

'What should I do? Should I go or not?' Yuerui contemplated for a while.

"Do you really have to think this much for a simple ride?" Xianwang asked.

"No. How can I go with you. I can go by myself. Please don't be bothered." Yuerui said politely.

"I am already bothered for you." Xianwang said with his deep gaze.

'There you go again. So you decided to attack me with words and your eyes! Huh. Okay then let's say how long you can handle.'

'Today your acting is gonna be my entertainment. Hihi.'

"If you insist this much then I won't refuse you today." Yuerui replied in low voice.

Xianwang gave a gentle smile then after Yuerui sat in the car he closed the door and went back to the driver's seat.

[1]= I am sorry

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