My gay husband is a pervert

Chapter 143: 143

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Yuerui was given all the information of Yefang's hotel, suite number etc. His suite was at the top floor of the 21 storied building.

Yuerui reached there by 1 in the afternoon. But she didn't dare to enter the room.

She kept loitering around the room.

She passed across the door and again returned to the door.

This kept happening for like 20 minutes.

When she passed the room  for the 25th time and turned behind she saw Yefang standing leaning against the door.

"How much time more will you take to come in?"

Han yefang was not in his formal suit today. He was wearing a casual white pajama and a light yellow sifon shirt exposing his broad chest. His hairs are comb down making him look at least 5 years younger.

When Yuerui saw Yefang she didn't say anything and entered the room casually as if she didn't see him at all.


"You are late. This is not acceptable for my secretary." Yefang said as he closed the door and sat in the sofa near Yuerui.

Yuerui still didn't say anything and started to open the file she brought with her.

"No need to open them. You are working under me. These files are from Skyhigh, you have to work with the documents of my company." Yefang said.

"I didn't know I would get to work in two companies at the same time." Yuerui smirked.

"I am glad you came. I thought you will not come. I guess we can be..."

"Where are the files, Mr. Han?" Yuerui stopped him in the middle. She doesn't want to talk about other things except work.

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Yefang just smiled at her in reply. He went to the bedroom but returned with a first aid kit instead.

He went near Yuerui and sat beside her.

Yuerui immediately wanted to stood up from the sofa but Yefang caught her by her wrist and forced her to sit.

"What are you doing?" Yuerui replied with anger.

"Sit tight." Yefang said and opened the first aid kit. He put some ointment in a cotton ball and gently applied in on her palm where she dug her nails yesterday.

Yuerui kept looking at him for a while.

This is the person she loved. Soft, gentle and caring. But reality hit her instantly.

She immediately yanked her hand back.

"I don't need it." She changed her sit  quickly.

Yefang didn't say anything. He closed the first aid box and went back his bed room. After a minute, he returned back with some files and his laptop.

Yuerui didn't reached for the files until he put them on the table.

She took one of the files and started to read them.

While she was busy in reading Han Yefang kept looking at her intently. He couldn't hold back his emotions. He wanted to say a lot of stuff. But he also knows he has lost that chance.

"You still tie your hair like this? Old habit never goes, right?" He still said.

Yuerui pretended not to listen to him and continued her reading.

"I wonder how long you hair is now. You always to have long hair like rupanzel."

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"Mr. Han, will you be professional and not talk about unrelated topic." Yuerui replied with annoyance.

To her surprise suddenly Han Yefang kneeled before her and held her hands softly.

"I am talking business." He said.

"Mr. Han what are you doing? Please be... behave." Yuerui so got scared that she started to stammer.

Yuerui wanted to free her hands but Han Yefang held them tightly.

"Will you be mine again?" He said with plead.

He became so emotional that he couldn't control them anymore and this got slipped out of his mouth.

Yuerui immediately yanked her hands with force.

"How shameless can you be, Han Yefang?" Yuerui sneered.

"I know I am being shameless."

"Oh.. you do? Then you better stop now."

"No, I can't. Everytime I see you working with other men, my blood boils. I... I just want you back in my life. And I know you still love me."

"You are impossible." Yuerui sneered.

She had been patient all this time. But now she cannot be patient anymore. She quickly grabbed her bag and turned to leave.

But Han Yefang grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her towards him.

This sudden force made her lost her balance and they both fell on the sofa near them.

Yuerui doesn't know how her hair pin got removed from her hair and her hair became untied.

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As Yuerui fell over Han Yefang, both their faces got covered with her long and silky hair.

Their faces were so close that they could feel each other's breathing.

Yefang gently reached for her hair and tucked then behind her ears.

It took Yuerui a few seconds to understand what was actually happening.

When she came back to reality she tried to stand up. But she failed since he held her tightly by her waist.

She struggled but failed.

On the other hands, Han Yefang was busy in admiring her beauty.

"It's been a while since I saw your eyes." He gently reached for her eyes and caressed them over the glasses.

"Don't you dare touch them." Yuerui warned him.

"I am not touching them." Saying so he quickly removed her glasses and threw them out of the building.

"I just want to see them." He added.

Yefang always loved to see his reflection in those blue eyes of hers. Everytime he would see his reflection on them it would drive him crazy. It makes him think that Yuerui only has him in her eyes and she belongs to him.

Yefang kept looking at her eyes intently as if they were warming his cold heart.

But to Yuerui his gaze was like a mock to her as if he is mocking at her and her eyes.

She couldn't take it anymore. She pushed him on the sofa and stood up.

She quickly twisted her hair, picked up her bag and turned to leave. Before she left she said to Yefang, "Don't call me again."

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"But I have to call my secretary." Yefang replied from behind.

This made Yuerui realize that it's her who has to come whenever he calls because of Zongguan.

She again digged her nails on her injured palm out of frustration and left.


After she left Yefang looked at the hairpin that fell on the floor. He picked it up and looked for a while.

His heart was still in pain. When he saw her digging her nails on her palm yesterday he just wanted to hold her hand and stop her from hurting herself. When he saw her bleeding it felt like his heart was bleeding.

It hurt even more when he knows that he is the reason of it.

His strength on the hair pin enhanced when he thought of that.


Yuerui was still in rage when she left the room.

She kept pressing the button of the lift until it reached the 21st floor.

When the lift reached her went inside and pressed for the ground floor.

To her surprise when she reached the ground floor Yuerui saw Xianwang waiting for the same lift. He was not looking at the lift but elsewhere.

Seeing him made her blood boil even more.

He is the cause of today's incident. If it was not for him she didn't had to deal with Yefang.

She wanted to make it clear to him that she cannot work with Yefang. And so thus she called,"Mr. Ko..."

'Oppssss.... I am not wearing glasses.' Yuerui suddenly realized.

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