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"Boss called for me? When? I didn't get any call from him." Liang Li replied in panic.

"He didn't contact you?"

Both Si ying and Xianwang were shocked.

"No. I haven't heard from him since he left."

"And you didn't try to contact him?"

"Well, it's normal to us. Whenever he goes for any business trip, he becomes out of contact. So we don't call him either."

Xianwang found it weird that Han Yefang told him that he has called for his secretary and took Yuerui as his substitute. But in reality he didn't called him at all.

Xianwang took his put and wrote to Si ying to tell Liang Li to come to China as soon as possible.

Si ying read his text then said to Liang Li, "Well then I suggest you come to China as soon as possible."


"Actually he had some trouble with the presentation and budget sheet and all. So you better come here."

"Oh sh*t. Okay. I am taking the next flight to China. Thanks for the call Mr. Si ying."


The call got disconnected.

"What's up with this man, Xianwang?" Even Si ying got suspicious.

Xianwang didn't reply anything. He was in deep thoughts.

After a while he looked at Si ying and asked, "Do me a favour first."

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"Deliver something for me."


After Yuerui was satisfied with cutting the dress she packed them back and gave it to the delivery man for delivery.

It was already time for lunch. She and Ning tan both went to the kitchen and cooked their lunch together.

They made some sushi, rice cakes and egg rolls.

After having a good lunch they turned on the laptop and started a horror movie. It's been a while since they watched any movie together.

In the middle of the movie the doorbell rang again.

"Who is it again?" Yuerui became annoyed.

She opened the door and found another delivery. Yuerui closed the door and found Ning tan giggling at her.

"Someone's having gifts lately."

"I swear if it's him again I am gonna burn it." Yuerui seemed serious.

She opened then box and found a card on the top.

"Tomorrow there is a party and I assume you have to attend as Mr. Han's secretary. Were this dress. It will be fitted for the party. - KXW"

She went through the box and found a peach colored dress.

"Does the whole world thinks I am so poor that I can't even by a dress?" Yuerui said as she put the dress down.

"Kong Xianwang knows that you are rich."

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Ning tan replied immediately.

"Yeah right. Then how come he also sent me dress?"

"May be he wants to see you in this dress." Ning tan teased her friend.

"Ha.... Ha... So funny." Yuerui tried to change the topic.

"No not funny. It can be true. May be he succeeded to see the beauty that you hide behind these glasses."

"He... Hey... Don't scare me."

"If it's true you can give him a chance, Rui rui."

This time Ning tan seemed serious. She wants her friend to be happy.

"There is no such thing left in my life, Tan tan. Please don't say that."

Ning tan definitely knows that Han Yefang might still be holding a place in Yuerui's heart. She tried her best to help her friend let it go but failed. She just hopes one day she will be able to let it go.


The next day, Yuerui didn't need to go to office since she was granted an off day for the party. Her friend was still rolling her body over her bed.

Yuerui was having a great time with her friend. Sometimes it feels bored to stay alone. 

She got ready quickly and prepared to leave.

"Are you sure you are gonna wear that, Rui rui?" Ning tan asked anxiously.

"Yes, I am sure." Yuerui put on her heels and left the place.

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At the party, all the prestigious individuals of the construction industry around the world were present. Famous actors and actresses were present as  well. Reporters were making a huge crowd to take interviews of them.

Han Yefang has planned to enter with Mai Yuerui. So he parked his car in a distance from the vanue. He was waiting for Yuerui to come.

It was already 7 am. Han Yefang kept waiting for Yuerui but she was no where to be seen. He was eagerly waiting for her to see her in the dress he gave her.

He came out of his car and started to take a stroll around his car. He was so excited to see her that he keep on watching time in his watch.

In his excitement, his looked forward and he was stunned.

Mai Yuerui came in a wine red strapless satin ball gown. She tied her hair in a low bun and loose a few strands of hair in the front. The strands of hair were perfectly curled and was tickling her delicate cheeks. She wore a light makeup enhancing her true beauty.

Han Yefang was mesmerized as well as a little hurt since she wore black contact lenses over her blue eyes. He was eagerly wishing to see her bare eyes.

Although Mai Yuerui didn't come in the way Han Yefang imagined. But she was looking beyond his expectations. He had the urge to touch her delicate cheeks. He didn't care about his sorroundings anymore. He just wanted the time to stop.

While Han Yefang was admiring her beauty Mai Yuerui elegantly came across him and said,

"Aren't we late, sir?"

"Ahh... Ye... Yes..."

"Then let's go."

"Yes, of course."

He went over to the other side and opened the front passenger door for Yuerui. But Yuerui dozed him and went for the backseat.

"I prefer sitting here."

"I am not your driver." Yefang replied while holding the door.

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"I know." Yuerui replied without looking at him.

"You are my date today. So come at the front."

"Date? I am afraid you are wrong, Mr. Han Yefang. I am just your mere secretary who had to obey your orders."

"You are getting it wrong." He tried to convince her.

Yuerui didn't say anything. She just went inside and sit on the back seat.

"If you are not coming out then we are not going." Yefang said with stern voice.

Yuerui was boiling with anger. She clutched her hands tight and came out of the car. She didn't even looked at Yefang. She pushed him aside and went inside car at the front.

Han Yefang hurriedly closed the door and went to the driver's seat and drove his way to the restaurant.

There was pin drop silence at the car.

"You didn't were the dress I gave you." Han Yefang said.

Yuerui didn't reply to him. She kept on scrolling on her mobile screen.

After a pause Yefang agany said, " You didn't wear this type of bright colors. But you are really looking...."

"Who said I don't wear bright colors?" She stopped him in the middle.

"I didn't saw you wear before."

"Well... May be you didn't know me at all." Yuerui razzed.

Yefang was actually true. Yuerui indeed don't wear bright colors. But she had to prove him wrong.

After that, the car again went to pin drop silence.

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