My gay husband is a pervert

Chapter 153: 153

Yuerui knows that after seeing the confidence in her eyes Zhang Eliza will never publish that video. Not to mention it can put her in danger too.

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Yuerui straight went the the CEOs office. After going there for so many times it's normal for other people to see her enter that room.

When she entered she found that there were no one in the reception. 

\"Should I wait?\" She wondered.

Another thought crossed her mind.

'I will get married to him soon. So he can be called my fiance. So it's not trespassing if I just enter my fiances office.'

Only thinking about it made a slight red tint on Yuerui's cheeks.

'Fiance? Seriously? Put your head together, Yuerui. You are thinking so much.' Yuerui shook her head.

After loitering for a few seconds Yuerui became irritated.

'Ah... Forget it. I'll just go in.'

Saying so Yuerui lightly opened the door and entered without making any noise.

The big marbel table is straight across end of the room from the door. Yuerui lightly closed the door, turned around and saw Xianwang sitting in his chair, busy in reading a file.

He was not in his usual perfect appearance. He put off his coat and hung it is the stand.

He was wearing a maroon vest over his white shirt. His sleeves were rolled up exposing his big muscular hands. The veins that were bulging out in his hands which made Yuerui worry about them that what if they pop out.

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His hair was not perfectly combed as well. It was lightly disheveled. Not only that, a pen was kept above his ear like mason.

Yuerui always liked it when boys roll their sleeves up and their musculine hands are exposed. It just makes them look even more manly and handsome. She isn't that much fan of perfectly dressed up man, neat and clean. A little imperfectness is like a cherry on top.

'Even if it hurts to say. But I have to admit he is doesn't look bad.' Yuerui thought while she was busy in scrutinizing Xianwang's handsome face.

Yuerui looked around the room and found that Xianwang was working alone. Si ying was no where to be seen.

'What the h*ll! That secretary of him ditched him and went for lunch. Poor him.' Yuerui felt pity for Xianwang.

\"You can't even remember about going to lunch with me. How can I trust you with the contract?\" After finishing her scrutinization she razzed.

Xianwang raised his handsome face and found Yuerui standing in front of him.

He looked at the time then gave out a smile.

\"It's not only me who is late. But the other party is late as well. So I can't take the full blame.\" He replied.

Yuerui knows that she cannot win against the CEO of a big company in words. So she didn't dragged this matter but came closed to Xianwang.

\"We can talk later if you are busy.\" She said.

\"No.\" He immediately closed the file.

Nothing is important than this deal.

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\"Give me a moment.\" Saying so he went to the washroom to freshen up.


\"O my God!\" 

\"How can I be like this in front of her?\"

Xianwang couldn't believe that he was in this messy look in front of Mai Yuerui.

After a second he looked at his reflection in the mirror and gave out a charming smile.

\"Well, I still look good.\" His narcissist self came out.

After he frsehen up and went back to his Mr. perfect attire, then he came back.

He took his coat and guided Yuerui out of his room.

Before they could leave the main building Yuerui asked Xianwang in hesitation, \"Is it okay to go together like this?\"

Xianwang leaned close to Yuerui's ear and whispered, \"What? Are you being shy?\" He teased.

Yuerui shook her head and replied,\" Of course not. I was just wondering.\"

\"You are gonna be my bride. So what's with wondering?\" Saying so Xianwang held Yuerui by her shoulder and left the left the office ignored the eyes that were glued in them.

Although Yuerui was not feeling comfortable she still tried to ignore that and left with Xianwang.

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They went to a traditional Japanese restaurant. They booked for the VIP private room.

The vip are was decorated differently. It was like they have come close to the nature.

Entering the VIP area, there is an artificial pond along the corridor. Pond is decorated with small fountains that are placed nat regular intervals. In the water there are different types of beautiful aquarium fishes. The water is fresh and clean. 

Along the two side of the pond there are the doors of each room which is designed in the texture of bamboo.

Even though it's look gives the vibe of nature but these doesn't lack the touch of modern technology. Each room is usually see through with glass. But of anyone who wants privacy just take the remote and turn the shutters of the glass down. 


After checking for there room Xianwang and Yuerui gave their orders to the waiter and waited for him to leave. After the waiter leaves they can continue with their discussion.

\"Why did you choose this place?\" Yuerui asked without any reason 

\"I was craving Japanese food. So I thought about this place... Besides it's our first date. So I have to bring you somewhere nice.\" Xianwang replied as he suddenly informed Yuerui about their first date now.

\"What!\" Yuerui spit out the water that she was about to drink out of surprise.

\"What?\" Xianwang asked her back.

\"You have to tell me before coming at least.\" 

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\"Why? Since we are coming then of course we will eat. And isn't eating together means dating?\" Xianwang said innocently.

Yuerui was slack-jawed. 

How can someone be this ignorant?

\"Have you ever dated, Mr. Kong?\"

Xianwang rested his chin on the palm of his hands and replied handsomely, \"You are the lucky one.\"

She didn't know how to react. Whether she should cry or laugh.

\"So, you mean whenever you meet with your clients on lunch or dinner then it means you guys are on a date?\" Yuerui cannot but asked in sarcasm.

\"What are you saying? Why would I come in date with my clients?\" Xianwang was still replying innocently. He didn't realize that he had been mocked.

\"You sure make it obvious that you haven't dated at all.\" Yuerui pitied him.

Xianwang leaned closed to her and asked in low voice, \"Is it a complement?\"

\"You can think whatever you want \" Yuerui cannot but laughed.

Suddenly Yuerui realized that they hadn't started discussing yet.

She immediately turned her smile into a straight face and said, \" Now, let's talk business.\"

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