Xianwang was waiting for Yuerui in his tent.

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But when he saw that it was getting late he finally realized he didn't tell her which tent was his. So he decided to look for her. But to his surprise when he came outside of his tent he heard noises coming from Yefang's tent.

It was surely Yuerui's voice.

He went next to the tent and removed the curtain.

He saw Yuerui was turning her back on him and Han Yefang was holding her glasses up.

"Now that I can see you can run well, I can give it back to you." Yefang bent towards Yuerui and said.

"Then give me!" She replied.

"Umm... Or may be not." He tried to tease her but suddenly a cold and heavy voice from the curtain drew their attention.

"Give it back to her!"

Han Yefang turned his gaze towards Xianwang as Yuerui got  frozen on her spot.

She was feeling as if she had been caught red-handed while cheating.

Han Yefang's hands subconsciously drew down as Yuerui snatched them from his hands and put them on.

She turned towards Xianwang and faked a smile.

"I was coming for you." She said.

Xianwang didn't say anything. There was gloominess in his whole face.

"Even friends have a limit with their mischief, Mr. Han." He said with cold voice.

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Yefang frowned at Xianwang.

Yuerui came to Xianwang and held his arm.

"Let's go.." she said awkwardly.

As they turned to leave, they heard Yefang saying, "I know my limit, Mr.Kong. And it's not like she needs those glasses."

Both stood still on the spot.

'Damn... Han Yefang.' She cursed him and looked at Xianwang with guilty eyes. She saw Xianwang looking at her with questioning gaze.

She tightened her grip on Xianwang's arms and  said, "Let's go." Then dragged him out of the tent.


Xianwang claimed that he liked her. He wanted to marry her. He wanted to make her happy. But for the first time, he felt that he didn't know her at all. She was like a stranger to her. Not only he didn't know anything about her but she didn't tell him anything about her as well.

Does she has any feelings for him?

Or does she only see him as a tool which she used to get even with that Han Yefang?

He felt empty inside.


When they left the tent he jerked his hands off her.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

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"Your glasses?"

Yuerui did say anything.

"Ms. Mai, if you made a deal than you should dedicate yourself to the deal."

"I am sorry I forgot to tell you."

"Forgot? How can you forget to tell me this important thing."

"I know. But I am already apologizing to you. I am sorry."

"Look Ms. Mai, because of your carelessness, I have already lose face in front of that person. And for your information, I am not pleased with that. I didn't make the deal with you just to make fun of myself." 

"Carelessness? I have apologized to you twice already. What else can I do then?"

"I don't know any f*cking thing about you." Xianwang was so upset that he shouted at her.

"Huh!! Why don't you ask those spies of yours to know about me then." She tried to remain calm but was irritated with his harsh word. So she said those words and left him alone.

Xianwang didn't want to say those harsh words. But he was hurt. And he couldn't control himself.


In the afternoon, the stuff made a bonfire and sat surrounding it. Yuerui sat with her friends and completely ignored Xianwang.

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On the other hand even though Xianwang was sitting with Si ying and Si ying was non-stop talking, his attention was fixed on Yuerui.

"Hey! Didn't you go to look for you boyfriend? Why did you came back?" Ning tan whispered in Yuerui's ears.

"I don't want to hear anything about that person." Yuerui replied bluntly without even caring that Su and Kai were in front of them.

Ning tan gave an awkward smile to them and drew Yuerui away from them.

"What are you talking about?" 

"I am talking about Kong Xianwang."

"What did he do?" Ning tan asked.

"He just started to speak rudely to me out of nowhere. This made me angry."

"Tell me in detail." Ning tan said with strict voice. She doesn't have any faith in her friend. She knows she can make mistakes without even realizing.

"Well... I was talking with Yefang."

"What? You talked with that a**hole! It's his good luck that I didn't beat him yet. So he is the reason why you and Xianwang..." Ning tan became agitated and was about to go and hit Han Yefang.

"Wait... Let me finish first. He just wanted some water." Yuerui bit her lower lips as he looked at the ground.

Ning tan sighed inwardly.


"Then Han Yefang was giving me my glasses which fall down accidentally and Xianwang saw us together and out of nowhere he got mad."

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"What did he say?"

"He told him to know your limits." Yuerui tried to imitate Xianwang's voice.

"Heh!" Ning tan didn't understand.

"See! Even I didn't know what he meant. But Han Yefang that jerk, I don't know how he figured out Xianwang's meant his teasing about the glasses and spilled in front of him that I don't need glasses."

"He didn't know?" Ning tan was surprised.

"Is it that important thing?" Yuerui asked awkwardly.

"Girl, Kong Xianwang is your boyfriend and soon to be husband. How come you didn't tell him this. It's a normal thing to know."

"O... So that's why he got upset?" Yuerui finally realized.

"I can add another thing to your conclusion." Ning tan said.


"He was jealous for you. That means he has feelings for you, little Yuerui."

"No... That's not true." Yuerui didn't try to believe.

"I am sure."

"Ning tan I don't have time for this okay." Even though Yuerui didn't know why she blushed but she didn't let Ning tan find that out.

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