The next day was the day for workshop. The employees were allowed to bring one person with them so Yuerui brought Ning tan along with her.

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Yuerui was prepared to face the cold glares and bullying of the female employees. But to her surprise even though some of them were giving her glares of jealousy, many were behaving too well with her. As if they had already accepted her as the wife of the CEO and was ready to butter her.

While Yuerui was feeling awkward to see the sudden buttering of them, Kai, Su and Ning tan were enjoying this sight from a far.


Since the workshop was on campfire theme their destination was the Forest Park which was a Forest full of harmless animals, river and stream.

Yuerui didn't meet Xianwang yet today. She went to the park along with her friends and the other employees.

When they reached their destination they had to build their own tents. While the tents of the employees were built in one place, two individual tents for the two CEOs were built in  a little distance from the others.

After building the tents employees were busy in cooking, singing, dancing etc. While the two CEOs were sitting and having discussions in between themselves.

Yuerui was busy in having fun with her friends. She didn't notice that both Xianwang and Yefang were glancing at her escaping each other's notice.

After lunch, all of them went back to their respective tents to get some rest before evening.


Yuerui and Xianwang had a plan to pretend to get caught meeting secretly in front of people.

So, according to their plan just before everyone would go outside she sneaked out of her tent with a bottle of water and went to the CEOs tent.

When she reached, she realized Xianwang didn't tell her which tent was his tent.

'Aish... That King Kong didn't even tell me which one is his tent. Now what should I do?' Yuerui stood outside the tent resting her hands on her waist.

"Ahh... Never mind... I'll just do ini mini myni mo."

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And her hand stop at the tent close to her.

"Okay. Then let's go to this tent." Saying so Yuerui went inside the tent that was close to her without any thought.

But when she went inside she screamed in her mind, "Oh shit..."

She saw Han Yefang only in his boxers. He was about to change his clothes when she went inside.

"Hey, at least knock before you come." He hurriedly picked up a shirt to cover his abs.

"I... ummm.... I am sorry." Yuerui turned around.

"Do you need anything?" He said as he put on his shirt. He didn't closed the buttons exposing his broad chest.

"No. I didn't know it was your tent. I was looking for Mister... I mean Xianwang." Yuerui prepared to run away but Yefang ran towards her and held her wrist softly.

"Wait... Can I have some water... I don't have any in the tent." He said gently.

Yuerui looked at the bottle in her hand. She remembered the days of her versity life.

Almost everyday after her class Yefang used to come to her and ask for water even though he had them in his bag and finish her whole bottle. She always told him not to finish but he still did that and get scolded for that. Soon it became a habit and Yuerui would bring an extra bottle of water only for him.

When Yuerui looked at the bottle memories flashed into her eyes making her grip tight on the bottle.

"N... No... It's for me." She rejected.

"Actually my throat is dry. A little water won't cost you much."

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Yuerui thought for a while.

'Quenching the thirst of a thirsty person is a good deed.' she thought.

Although she hesitated a little, she gave him the bottle in the end.

"Only a little." She said.

Yefang pressed his lips to form a smile and took the bottle. He didn't do any mischief. As he promised he took a small sip and returned her the bottle.

"You can call me anytime if you need me." He said.

Yuerui just silently nodded. Didn't say anything and grabbed the bottle.

"Anytime." And he released the bottle.

Yuerui turned around and prepared to leave but again he called her from behind.

"Mai Yuerui!"

"What!" Yuerui didn't turn.

"Don't get lost again."

Yuerui was feeling uncomfortable and she just wanted to run. And because of her haste she tripped on her toe and fell on the ground.


'Oh... This is embarrassing...' she thought.

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Yefang ran towards her and asked with worry, "Are you alright?"

"Come on." He helped her to get up and sit on a tool nearby.

"Is your ankle okay?"

In a few seconds he asked her a lot of questions.

"Yes... I am fine." Yuerui was already embarrassed and now these questions of Yefang made her more embarrassed.

"Wait a second." Yefang went to his bag and returned with a packet of wet tissue.

He reached for her face and carefully removed her glasses.

"What are you doing?" 

"Sit still." He said.

Then he began to clean her face with the tissue.

"You got dirt on your face." He explained.

"Oh... I ca... can do it." She took that from him and wiped her face herself.

"Do you think you can walk?" He asked.

"Yes." She replied shortly as she was busy to clean her face.

"O..." Yefang looked at the glasses in his hand and thought for a second.

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After cleaning her face Yuerui was then ready to leave at last. But when she was about to leave she remembered she forgot her glasses.

"My glasses." She asked.

"Oh! this. Let's not wear this today. You don't need them anyway."

"Says who? I know that I need them. Give them back please." She insisted.

"But you look prettier without them."

"I don't need to look pretty. I already have a boyfriend." She snorted.

"Okay. I will give it back if you can get it." Saying so he raised his hands higher.

Yuerui was shorter than Yefang so it was not possible for her to reach his hands. She was like jumping on her spot to reach. But when she jumped Yefang also jumped with her.

"Give it back." She shouted.

"Well..." Yefang gave a smile and ran away from her.

Since the tent was specifically made for the CEO. It was big. Big enough to play around.

Since Han Yefang ran away with her glasses Yuerui also had to run behind him.

Soon noises of them laughing could be heard outside.

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