Mai Yuerui was stunned to see Han Yefang at her door.

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'How did he get here?' Yuerui thought.

"There you are. I was waiting for you. Did you get any problem to find the address?" Mai Minghui cordially invited him in.

Han Yefang shook his head and entered the house.

The moment their eyes met he gave her a gentle smile.

Yuerui never imagined that Han Yefang would follow her to her house.

She was so stunned that she couldn't speak anything.

She slowly got up from the sofa and went next to her mother.

She held her hands and whispered in her ears, "Why is he here?"

Meng Xihuan patted her hands and replied," You father met with him at one of his gatherings. He was so pleased to meet with this man."

'So he deliberately appraoched my dad.' Yuerui thought.

Mai Minghui led Yefang to the sofa and sat next to him.

"Why are you standing there? Come, sit beside me." Mai Minghui asked his daughter.

Yuerui didn't wanted him to stay in her house. But she couldn't figure out any way to drove him away.

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She awkwardly went next to her father and sat beside him.

"I will go check for the dinner." Saying so Meng Xihuan excused herself.

"I will also come, Mom." Yuerui found an excuse to leave but her father grabbed her hand and made her sit quietly.

"May be you should accompany your Dad." Mai Minghui said.

"You already know Mr. Han, right dear?" Mai Minghui asked Yuerui.

"His company is currently working on a joint project with Skyhigh." Yuerui replied.

"Oh! that's great. Then you might have worked with him." Her father said enthusiastically.

"No. I am just an intern. I just briefly...." Yuerui was about to reply to her father but Han Yefang interrupted.

"Yes, we know each other quiet well." He said followed by a gentle smile.

He was expecting to get any reaction from Mai Yuerui. But Mai Yuerui didn't care about what he said.

He continued, "Ms. Mai is doing her job at her own ability. She didn't rely on her father. I am quite impressed to know that."

"I am also proud of her as her father. I offered her to join my company. But she strictly rejected my offer. She wanted to manage herself at her own ability." Saying so Mai Minghui patted Yuerui's head.

Yuerui was fiddling with her hands. Suddenly she said, "One should only trust himself and his capability. I just followed this saying." After finishing her sentence she looked straight into Han Yefang's eyes.

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Yefang felt a little uncomfortable by her gaze. He knew what she meant by that.

He gave an awkward smile and said, "Of course."

Mai Minghui suddenly got up and said to Yuerui, "I better check what your Mom had prepared. Please take care of the guest until then."

Saying so he left the two of them alone.

After her father left, Mai Yuerui didn't say anything to Han Yefang. She casually picked up the remote and turned on the television.

Mai Yuerui will manage her parents on her own. There's no need to talk with this person and tell him to leave. If she manages to convince her parents then he will not be a problem to her.

Yuerui was leisurely scrolling channels and Han Yefang was looking at what she was doing.

Suddenly the news of Mai Yuerui and Kong Xianwang was at the television.

Yuerui stopped scrolling and put down the remote.

She took a cushion on her lap and rested her hands over it.

She deliberately stopped at that channel.

As she saw the news of the two of them, a mischievous smile surfaced on her beautiful lips.

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Han Yefang saw the smile appear on her face and he was not delighted about it.

"How long do you plan to continue this act?" Han Yefang asked bluntly.

But Mai Yuerui didn't say anything. She was busy to look at the news. She acted as if Han Yefang was not even there.

Han Yefang became impatient and sat close to her. He grabbed her hand and said in a heavy voice, "Will you not even listen to me?"

Yuerui didn't even look at him and suddenly she shouted, "Mom!!!"

Han Yefang immediately retreated his hands and moved away.

After he moved Mai Yuerui continued, "We need food!"

"Wait a moment, dear. It's almost ready." Her mother replied from the kitchen.

After hearing from her mother, Mai Yuerui continued to listen to the news. She even turned the volume up.

"You really think this can make me stay away from you?" Han Yefang said.

Mai Yuerui suddenly turned off the television. But she didn't look at him. Her eyes were still fixed on the black screen of the television.

"Your parents are really lovely. It's not been so long that I meet your parents. But they took great care of me whenever we met. It would be so nice if we had introduced our parents during our University days." Han Yefang said gently.

He was about to continue but Mai Yuerui suddenly looked at him. There was no emotion in her face. She looked straight into his eyes and threatened, "If you dare to drag my parents in your ugly games, then I swear I will not let you go. And this is not a bluff. This is a threat!"

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Han Yefang didn't retort. He maintained his calm composure and appraoched her,"Mai Yuerui..."

"Mom, Dad... Our guest is leaving." She shouted while calling her parents.

Mai Minghui and his wife rushed to the living room.

Han Yefang wanted to explain himself but he couldn't as Mai Yuerui's parents was already there.

"You are leaving this early?" Meng Xihuan asked.

"Well..." Before Han Yefang could say anything Yuerui replied, "He is needed to look into some papers at the company. So he needs to go now."

"Oh... The dinner is almost served. It will only take a minute." Meng Xihuan insisted.

"Mom... It's urgent. He needs to go." Mai Yuerui said.

"It's okay if it's urgent. We will invite him some other time." Mai Minghui said.

The purpose of Han Yefang to come here was to meet with Yuerui's parents and try to explain himself to Mai Yuerui. But he couldn't get the chance to even talk to her properly.

Han Yefang nodded to Mai Minghui. Then turned towards Mai Yuerui and said gently, "You, take care of yourself." Saying so he left the villa.


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