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Xian wang was workaholic from the very beginning. He was so workaholic that he didn't have time to date any women. So as a result his 30 years of long life was single. At first he thought, if he dates someone he would not be able to concentrate at work which will become a threat to his position. He even hired his personal secretary a male in order to eliminate any chance of scandal. He become so used to with this atmosphere that he was always surrounded by male people. Thus rumors started to spread about him.

Actually his personal secretary, Si ying is his best friend. But the employees do not know about it. So even if he goes to any party or club Si ying accompanies him. As Si ying is always with him people misunderstood them. Even if there are false rumors about him Xian wang never bothered about it. To him people may think whatever they like about him as long as it does not affect the company and his position. But despite the rumors women still drool over him and never stop to try to seduce him or try to get his attention.


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"Thanks to you now I'm also officially rumored gay." Said xian's friend aka PS when he found his friend alone in his room.

Xian Wang gave him a blank expression. "Dude do you want me to die alone? I don't know about you but I wanna date a beautiful woman, marry her and make lots of children."Ying cried.

"You are so eager to get married" xian wang said without looking at si ying.

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"Why wouldn't I? You are the mighty Kong Xian Wang….so people don't say anything to you face to face. But I? All the girls look at me like I've stolen their husband."

"Aiyoo….Si ying'er…what you have you done. Now how would you save yourself from their curses? You know right there are tons of girls after me." Wang teased him.

"Ha Ha…so funny"

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"Don't you think I am so lucky that I get to admire all types of beauty without even dating them. Wow what a skill. I should have adopted this technique earlier." Said xian wang praising himself.

"If people get to know this that you are not a rock but actually a pervert who enjoy their seduction you are gonna be a dead meat."si ying said with a play full smile on his face.

"Do you wanna die?" xian wang threatened him with a deathly glare on his face.

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'You, my friend only show your true nature to the people who are close to you but to others you are like a riddle. And those who make mistake you sure don't show any mercy. Thank goodness I am your friend.' Si ying thought.

"Absolutely not dear friend. If I die now how would I be able to make kids" Si ying said.

Both of them laughed for a while but silently…they don't want to ruin their image in the office.

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