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When she opened the door all her smile vanished in air.

She saw a group of drunk and fat people were there playing poker.

'Oh shit. What the hell!!! What I was dreaming and what is this?'

She turned to her colleagues and made an unwilling face but today the female colleagues were like they were on a mission. They would not let this opportunity to play with Ruo. they didn't lether convince the male people.

So she had to go inside.

When she went inside one of fat man thought she was a waitress so he shouted at her.

"Hey you why were you so late. I have called for you like hours ago. Now come and serve us."

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Ruo became furious by the fat man's nonsense but she controlled herself and explained the situation then said that she would go after a minute.

When she turned to go from the room one of the fatty stopped her.

"Pretty lady you said you have to give something to us right?"

"Y....yes" she got scared.

"You see we are very gentlemen people. So we don't want anything from you nor we will harm you. But as you can see we are all very tired."


"If you give us a massage in our hand and legs and give us an oil massage in our head as well then you can leave. You can do it until the witness comes here."

Ran ruo was stunned by there request.

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"Who made you think that I would that for you?" Ruo said.

"Pretty lady admit it, you won't win again us. If you wanna shout you may as much as you want. But that won't be in any use since this room if sound proof."

Ruo saw the situation was out of her hand. So she had to unwillingly accept their request.


The 5 fatty we're having a great time while Ruo gave them massage.

"Pretty lady do the left hand well. Yeah that's right. Now you are doing it right."

They were all making her work like slave.

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After 10 minutes the door of the room opened with a bang!!!

Ruo and the 5 fatty became startled. To the five Fatty's horror they saw their wives were standing at the door.

"Oh...look what we have here?" One of the wives said.

"It's not what you are thinking." Her husband said.

She totally ignored her husband and said," And we also have the other party of crime."

The 5 woman threw deathly glares at Ruo. The wives also were big and fat. With their deathly glares they were looking really scary.

Ruo gulped her saliva.

"Mam it's not what you are thinking. I came here just for a....aghhh" Ruo couldn't finish her words. She was pulled out by one of the women whose husband was having massage by her at that time. " dare try to seduce my man"

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"It's not what you are thinking mam. I didn't seduce him" she explained.

'Seduce….are you kidding lady?...I don't even wanna look at them' she thought.

Another woman grabbed her hair and tried to pull it.

"Sinister woman. I am gonna pull all your hair out"

"No... Don't you dare." Ruo screamed. Then she bite on the palm of that woman and fled from the room. But this wasn't the end. The squad of 5 women chased her as well. Ruo ran almost all the corridors. The team of 5 also ran after her.

'My goodness…why these women don't get tired? Even I am getting tired. When will they stop?' Ruo was thinking.

She thought for a while and then ran towards the disco section. That sector was dark and only the dim light of disco ball could be seen. So Ruo hide there for some time and returned to her room when she found she was safe.

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