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Today is a new day. The sun is shining brightly. The sky looks beautiful, birds are chirping. Weather is fine.

"Ah! What a beautiful day and what time is it? Oh! Its 8.15…"


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"WHAT 8.15!!!!!"

"O shit! I'm late. I'm late. What should I do? I shouldn't be late on my first day at job."
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Mai yue rui woke up with a panic attack and hurried herself to get ready. She didn't even comb her hair properly. She twisted her hair into a bun, freshened up, put on a jeans and a shirt which she picked up last night and left for office. Yue rui was so panicked that she didn't even iron her shirt.

Mai yue rui had high hopes for her first day at office but it's all ruined. She wanted to at least look good on her first day. But now she didn't even get to eat her breakfast let alone her appearance. She sighed deeply.

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Skyhigh development is china's number one development industry. Today she is supposed to join in the marketing department as a newbie. This is her very first working place. Because of her remarkable results in university she easily got her dream job despite having an introverted personality. Actually she was very afraid if she would be able to convince them to get this job. But her grades have supported her very much.

'Mai yue rui… You stupid fellow! When will you teach your lesson? After you've brought yourself to death? This damn sleep of yours will surely bring your death one day. Marketing department head Lin zongguang told you again and again to be present before 9 but you, hwanghu mama* why would you listen to anyone? Now bear the consequences.'

'I didn't even get to do my very first job even for an hour.sob sob sob' mai yue rui vilified herself the whole way to office. She didn't forget to pray to God to save her today.

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*[Hwanghu mama = queen in korean language.] @@

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