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Mai Yuerui's head was exploding with anger. She curled her left hand in to a fist to vent her anger on her soft, white and delicate hands. After a few seconds, Yuerui turned her head to the other side and blew out a good amount of hot air. Then she regained her composure and turned towards them with the previous guilty expression of hers.She was looking at the file as if she is looking it for the first time. She was even listening to Zongguan praising Ruo. But she didn't say a single word. She only stood there and saw the events unfolding in front of her."From the front page I can say you really did a great job, Ruo. As expected of you." Zongguanon praised Ruo.In reply of Zongguan Ruo only nodded with pride.Although Ruo was talking to Zongguan but actually all her attention was in Yuerui.She saw her surprised expression first. Then all of sudden Yuerui became aloof.'Have you accepted your defeat already? Well since you know you can't defeat me so you are backing off this early. Good for you.' Ruo smirked.On the other hand Xianwang saw the whole drama. His sharp eyes caught the surprised expression of Yuerui. And also the later changed expression. He found it a little weird since Yuerui never gave any other facial expression other then her poker face expression.'Is she that touched to see Ruo's work?' he thought.He cleared his throat and spoke in clear voice," Don't you need time?"He said this out of nowhere that Ruo and Zongguan gave a confused look. But Yuerui understood Xianwang was talking to her so she immediately replied,"Huh... Ye... Yes sir.""Then what are you doing here? Only 10 minutes extra are given to you." He said with his majestic voice."It's more than enough sir." Yuerui exclaimed with joy.Xianwang thought this will not be enough for Yuerui and she would be anxious. But to everyone's surprised Yuerui was actually beaming with joy and she returned to her building while bidding everyone goodbye with a sweet smiling face.'Why is she so happy? Can she really do this?' Ruo became a little worried but after a second she brushed off her worried thoughts and regained her proud self. She was already thinking that she has won.------------------When Yuerui returned to her friends, she saw them drowning in their worries. When they saw her they ran towards her and asked, " What happened? Did it worked?""I found my file." Yuerui said while grinning from ear to ear.Su saw Yuerui from top to bottom but couldn't find any file on her. So she asked, "So where is it?""It's in somewhere safe. It's soo safe that it will not lost from there anymore." Yuerui was talking in riddles."Don't talk in riddles, little cat. Tell us where is it?" Su asked while being anxious."Do you wanna see a blockbuster drama today?" Yuerui's eyes were beaming with mischievousness.

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