Under everyone’s watchful eyes, Yeye jumped onto the door that Black Bear No. 1 had opened.

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The Black Bear No. 1’s hatch closed. It turned into a stream of light, broke the sound barrier, and disappeared.

Everyone looked in the direction where Black Bear No. 1 disappeared and was stunned for a long time.

A moment later, everyone looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

“It seems that something big is about to happen.”

On the Black Bear No. 1.

Lu Yuan looked at Yeye and smiled.

“Lord Yeye, I haven’t seen you in a few days.”

Yeye nodded, looked at Lu Yuan, and said,

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“Just call me Yeye.”

Lu Yuan was stunned, then he nodded. “Yeye,”

Yeye turned to look at Amy.

Lu Yuan introduced,

“This is Amy, my friend. Amy, it’s Yeye.”

Amy’s eyes were wide open at the moment, and she was secretly sizing up Yeye. When her eyes met Yeye’s, she quickly looked away, like a vigilant little rabbit.

“Hello, I’m Amy,” she said with a nod.

Yeye nodded.

Lu Yuan understood that Yeye didn’t talk much.

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“Let’s go into the passenger cabin first,” he said with a smile. “We’ll fly all the way to the central floating city. If we encounter any Overlord aircraft, we’ll destroy them.”

Both night and Amy had no objections and nodded.


After entering the passenger cabin, Lu Yuan found a seat and sat down. Yeye sat next to Lu Yuan, while Amy sat on the other side with Lu Yuan in between.

Lu Yuan’s mouth twitched, feeling a little helpless.

Amy was still a little afraid of Yeye.

However, it should be fine after the two of them get familiar with each other.

After Yeye sat down, he looked at Lu Yuan. “Can you guys get on the central floating city? ”

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment before he said,

“We’ve just arrived at the core region and haven’t been to the central floating city to take a look. We’re not sure yet.”

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Yeye nodded slightly, and after a pause, he said,


“There are still six hours before the central tower opens. If we can enter from the air ahead of time, it will be very beneficial for us.”

Lu Yuan’s eyes also lit up and he nodded.

“We’re heading in the direction of the floating city now. We’ll know if we can enter when the time comes.”


“Beep! Beep! High energy target detected. Target’s spirit power level is a 2nd rank advanced Overlord.”

Lu Yuan’s eyes lit up, “An Overlord has appeared. Black Bear No. 1, go and attack.”

In the virtual image, the Black Bear No. 1 turned into a stream of light and flew in one direction.

Soon, a triangular aircraft in that direction began to gather intense spirit light radiance.

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At this moment, spiritual power swirled in Lu Yuan’s eyes, and a strange mental power fluctuation spread.

The next moment, the spirit energy cannon that was gathering suddenly fluctuated and scattered.

At the same time, the Black Bear No. 1 fired a pitch-black spirit power cannon, which hit the spirit force shield of the triangular aircraft.


With a loud boom, the shield shook. It didn’t break, but it became thinner.

As a Tier 2 advanced Lord, the power of Black Bear No. 1’s defensive shield was not weak. The power of Black Bear No. 1’s spirit power cannon was only on par with a Tier 2 advanced Lord.

It would still take some time to break the shield.

Therefore, every time the aircraft overlord wanted to attack or dodge, Lu Yuan would give it a timely interference.

Thank you for reading on

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