The look in Chen Peng’s eyes softened as he reached out to grasp the football with trembling hands. Old memories flooded his mind while he caressed the smooth surface of the football. “When we were just boys, the family would come back here to celebrate New Year’s and he would play football with me. Back then, this footballer was really popular. I think… I did say I wanted his autograph. But soon after, I began to like another footballer from overseas and when my father heard of it, he asked someone to get countless autographs for me.”

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It was just a casual request mentioned by a child who had soon forgotten it, but the elder brother had cherished those words in his mind and tried his best to get an autographed football for him. Alas, over time, the elder brother gradually realised that the younger brother, who lived with his father, was able to get whatever he wanted. Thus the present was never delivered. 

“You are both victims of the feng shui master’s so-called divination, in a way. All Chen Xu wanted to know was the truth behind his own death. Now that he’s finally gotten it, he has decided to forgive you. Clearly, he still thinks of you as family.” Tang Tian kept a straight face as she desperately reached for something to say that would win Chen Peng over. 

The most important thing to do right now is to escape this place. Whether Chen Xu truly wishes to avenge his own death against his family is up to him and him alone.

Chen Peng felt his heart waver upon hearing her words. “What do you want?”

“To leave.”

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Chen Peng shook his head. “My dad won’t let you go that easily.”

“That’s why I’m asking for your help,” said Tang Tian. “I will give you everything, including the login details of the email address that has the backup copies. I just want to stay out of your family affairs. I don’t have many days left to live, so I hope to spend what’s left of it travelling, seeing the world, instead of being trapped here in this old courtyard.” 

Chen Peng stared at the young woman’s frail, scrawny figure and pallid complexion. She seemed as fragile as a sheet of paper, like she could be blown away by a gentle gust of wind. 

After a moment’s hesitation, Chen Peng agreed to her request. “Tomorrow night, I will arrange for a driver to pick you up.” 

“Alright.” Tang Tian handed over the details of the email address to him, half-expecting him to log on to the account right there and then to delete the videos. 

Once the deal was done, Tang Tian decided to give him a suggestion, out of kindness. “To be honest, you should try and garner as much support in the company as you can, instead of trying to get rid of your siblings one after the other. That way, if your father really tries to do anything unfavourable against you in the future, he would need to think twice and consider the power you hold.”  

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Chen Peng’s taut expression broke into a small smile. It was the first time he had smiled in days. “You’re right.” 

Chen Peng soon left hastily without a backward glance, while behind him, Tang Tian immediately shut the door and twisted the lock. 

Regardless of what Boss Chen’s real plans were, or if he had any secret family, Tang Tian had successfully planted the insidious seeds of distrust and paranoia in Chen Peng’s mind. From now on, the father and son might appear outwardly at peace but at odds in their hearts—Boss Chen had many more years left in him, and would never prematurely relinquish the great responsibilities of running his business empire to another, not even his own son. Meanwhile, the suspicious Chen Peng would have his mind set on wresting power for himself at every opportunity. Whatever happened next, one thing was for sure: the Chen family would never know another day of peace.

As for the real truth… Chen Peng had claimed repeatedly that it was his mother who had had Chen Xu killed—a desperate effort to protect him from the feng shui master’s prophecy—but was that the whole truth… Tang Tian wondered as she recalled Chen Peng’s malicious eyes near the end of her interrogation. 

There’s also Boss Chen’s agenda to consider in the picture as well. So, it doesn’t matter who really made the final move anymore. What’s crucial is that every one of them wanted Chen Xu dead. 

Melancholy and sympathy swelled within Tang Tian’s heart. Due to some fortune-teller declaring that Chen Xu had the fate of Tiansha Guxing, no one around this innocent man wished for him to live any longer, and his life was dragged through hell. 

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But this was not the time for Tang Tian to feel pity toward Chen Xu. She needed to get ready to leave. As her bulky suitcase would easily catch anyone’s attention, she decided to pack her clothes and other necessities into her backpack. 

Regardless of any deals Tang Tian had proposed to Chen Yunzhi and Chen Peng, she did not think they would take her seriously, nor would they let her go that easily either, being ruthless and cunning people. She had merely offered such deals to lower their guard temporarily and buy herself some time. 

The way matters stood at present, Chen Yunzhi was most likely going to keep her imprisoned in this courtyard, whereas Chen Peng would probably try something tomorrow, when she got into the car he had arranged for her. 

Now was Tang Tian’s only chance to escape.

Fortunately, she had familiarised herself with the entire estate after exploring every nook and cranny in her spare time. The lock on the main entrance of the estate was a traditional design, a simple bolt-and-hasp, unsecured by any padlock. She would just need to draw the bolt quietly and she would be free. 

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Abruptly, Tang Tian heard knocking sounds coming from the door. “Who is it?” she asked, her whole body tensing up instantly. 

She assumed Chen Peng had returned for some reason or other. 

“It’s me,” came a low, raspy voice. 

Tang Tian was caught off guard as she recognised it. “Butler Chen?”


TL note: The arc revolving around ML’s death will be done in the next chapter! It is fully translated and I am just going through the edits made by the wonderful Orizhinal. More exciting adventures await our ML & FL. Stay tuned!

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