Throughout her twenty-odd years of life, Tang Tian always had been an ardent believer of materialism.1 In all that time, she had never witnessed any supernatural occurrences, but everything had changed ever since she agreed to the ghost marriage at the hospital.

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She thought that getting the ability to see ghosts because she was on the verge of death was extraordinary, but the Young Master, Chen Xu, who had to bear the fate of Tiansha Guxing, had been able to see them as well because he had a pair of Yinyang Eyes.2


No wonder that strange phone came to him, she thought.


She didn’t know if Chen Xu had brought the mobile phone with him overseas, but since he had died regardless, it seemed that having Yinyang Eyes couldn’t save him, after all. 


She closed the book and pondered over possible reasons why Chen Xu had wanted her in the study. Upon returning to her own room, she saw an empty cup lying on the floor, on its side. Its contents had been spilled everywhere across the table, and water dripped slowly from the edges of the table onto the floor. 


Small, irregular patches of water could also be clearly seen around the tableside, leading up to the water tank outside the door. This time, she could ascertain footprints that were the size of a child from the water stains. 


It was likely the same culprit as the other time.

The playful little ghost who loved to scare people must’ve been Chen Bao. As this was the second time, Tang Tian felt less afraid of seeing such things. 


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If I really were to become a ghost after I die, who knows who I might be scaring then? 


She turned around and grabbed a tissue to wipe the table clean. Then, it suddenly hit her. Wait. It’s been so many years, so why is he still here?

The ghost matchmaker once told her that the unresolved hatred of vengeful ghosts who died with regrets was what tied them to their homes. Those words echoed in Tang Tian’s mind, leaving her deep in thought.


How great must Chen Bao’s need for vengeance be, for him to be bound here for over a decade?


Tang Tian turned on the kettle to boil some more water while her eyes swept casually over her bedside. Suddenly, she saw something that sent chills down her spine.


The mobile phone that was supposed to be in the locked wardrobe was lying silently on her bed. 


She swivelled around sharply, turning to look at the wardrobe. It was still closed, the lock securing the handles showing no signs that it had been tampered with, and the key to unlock it remained safely in her pocket. 


Now she understood the fear and helplessness that Chen Xu had felt when he was tormented by the relentless presence of this mobile phone. 


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What the hell is this thing?! Did it kill Chen Xu? Why is it appearing around me now?


She may have dared to read Chen Xu’s notebook again, but she wanted nothing to do with that strange, eerie phone. Once again, she lifted it carefully by her fingertips, repeating to herself that she was not going to do anything more than hurl it back into the wardrobe. 


Suddenly, the phone vibrated, and it startled Tang Tian so much that she almost dropped it. The screen lit up, and before she could look away, Tang Tian saw the words that appeared in bold, dark crimson lettering.


【You’ve confirmed your identity and have applied to be bound to our services. If you wish to withdraw, please respond with “NO” within 1 minute.】


The notification appeared without displaying the sender’s number. Tang Tian remained still, too frightened to make any move. 


The mobile phone vibrated once again. 


【You’ve confirmed your identity and have applied to be bound to our services. If you wish to withdraw, please respond with “NO” within 50 seconds.】


It’s counting down!

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“To withdraw, or not to withdraw?” Tang Tian racked her brains as she struggled to decide what to do. Learning from the previous owner’s experience, it was best not to get involved with it, regardless of the services it was referring to. 


The problem was, if she decided to reply, she would need to access the rest of the phone. 


【You’ve confirmed your identity and have applied to be bound to our services. If you wish to withdraw, please respond with “NO” within 40 seconds.】


Time is running out!


Tang Tian clenched her teeth and hurriedly swiped her finger across the screen. Surprisingly, there was no password nor fingerprint required. With just one swipe, Tang Tian unlocked the phone and checked the text messages.


She noticed that the sender’s number was 4444444444444, a series of numbers so inauspicious that it made her skin crawl. 


With cold, trembling hands, she swiftly typed her reply and sent it. 

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Tang Tian: NO


【Invalid code.】


Tang Tian: NO!


【Time is up. Withdrawal is void.】


Tang Tian almost flung the phone at the ground. “To hell with your lies!” She realised that the phone hadn’t allowed her to choose. The chance to withdraw was merely a hoax.




This refers to the belief that what cannot be perceived does not exist.


In Chinese mythology, the Yinyang Eyes (阴阳眼) are a form of psychic ability that allows people to see the Yin, referring to those belonging to the realm of death, and Yang, the mortal realm.

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