My Good Life

Chapter 3.2

Her weapon was a whip. In fact, it’s a closed loop ball which rolls out like a whip. Once I had visited her messy room and there I saw the egg whip. She must have carelessly thrown it inside the coffin. It was untidy, like how you would expect a human’s bed to be

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At that time, I foresaw, “Your dog may eat your egg whip.”

She answered me, much proud. “I added a deadly aura on the egg whip. Dumbo is too scared to eat it.”

My words from back then were enough to slap her now.

“What now?”

“I need to take Dumbo to the hospital and take it out!”

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“Go quickly!”

“I have no money!”

I had one hand gripping Li Wei’s door, and the other holding a red envelope. It had my rent.

I sighed. “I got some, let’s go.”

That’s right. No one could believe that every time I tried to pay rent, a peculiar and strange situation related to my neighbors would pop out. I had to spend a lot. After sending Dumbo in the operation room for expelling the foreign body, I sat with Li Zhi outside.

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She saw my hand, holding the envelope with only half of the contents now, and asked, “Were you looking for Li Wei to pay your rent?”


“Don’t pay. If you pay the rent, it will only make the others feel useless.”

“…” I rolled my eyes.

“Li Wei is annoying, but money is money. I have to give it to him.”

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“Li Wei gave us the name ‘Four great king tenants’ If you’re deciding to pay rent, then are you planning to leave our group?”

Li Zhi tried convincing me. “Besides, you can’t pay rent in these two days.”

“How come?”

Li Zhi grinned: “The Vampire Association recently received a request for help. Decades ago, many corpses were robbed from Xiangxi border’s town. Li Wei has been busy with this matter, and he has no time to collect your rent.”

The Vampire Unification Association was referred to as the Vampire Association. Li Wei was the person in charge of the Association. I have heard someone call him Director Li. He has been busy with this business. It was no wonder I did not see him anywhere in the apartment.

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In a way, the vampire unification association was a very magical existence in itself. In recent years, there was an increase in Chongqing’s infrastructure. The real-estate market has reasonable control. And the low housing prices attracted many non-human residents.

Besides, Chongqing has a complex topography, with the cloudy and foggy atmosphere. During the day there was a little sunshine and ultraviolet rays. It was most suitable for vampires to live in, so the place was loved by vampires all over the world.

In January 2015, the Vampire Unification Association officially moved their headquarters to Chongqing. They were determined to build their roots in this beautiful mountain city so that it served as a place for the bright future of the vampires. When I first arrived, Li Zhi explained to me the serious stuff. I merely ridiculed it as nonsense talk. Now I realized that, that was my shallowness and mistake…
“Li Wei, I presume, will be busy for a while. As for the rent, don’t need to pay up yet. Why don’t we celebrate?”

“Celebrate what… Celebrate that your dog was almost killed by an egg?”

“Xiao Xin, let’s celebrate the fact we removed the egg, having him alive at the same time , and that you don’t have to pay rent! I recently heard that there was a small bar to go check out and have a drink! If you spend money, you can always earn it back. But if you don’t enjoy your time, you won’t get that back.”

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