My Good Life

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 

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I have to admit I had fantasies about Li Wei’s face. After all, the readers praised him in an unrealistic way. It can be seen that his value has reached above the standard line of the public aesthetic.
On this quiet and cold rainy night, when I should have left home alone, My heart froze because of his appearance, not that I really did. My heart was beating, but I am a normal girl with her hormones. The simplest one sees his handsome face and distracted me.
I pulled my hat and calmed my heartbeat: “It shouldn’t matter to you.” 
When he came to me, I asked, “What are you doing here?” 
“What do you think?” Li Wei looked straight into my eyes.
I looked at his big black umbrella. There were many raindrops dispersed on its surface. He would have stood here for a long while. I was shy and flustered. Li Wei… it was raining. Did he knew that I would have no money to take a taxi, so he came to the bus station and waited for me to give me an umbrella…?
“Plop.” My heart missed a beat because of this situation.
Is it really like the little wolf said… Does Li Wei like… ?
Lost in my thoughts, while I was guessing the reason for his arrival, Li Wei has reached out and said: 
“Blackie said that you were going to pay the rent this afternoon, now, what about the rent?”
A bucket of cold water was dunked on my fantasies. The cold wind made me shiver. A black cat crawled out slowly from Li Wei’s neck. All this time it was hiding. It licked its paw sitting comfortably on Li Wei’s shoulder. This was the pet cat of Li Wei. Although it was named blackie it was a genuine earth cat. 
That day long back she complained about the cat being too noisy, Li Wei dragged the cat back. From then on, I don’t know whether it was because of revenge or a kind of distorted psychology. it often ran upstairs to eavesdrop on the bad things we said about Li Wei. Then went back to Li Wei to complain.
‘Pooh! Hey cat!’ I gave it a look.
Blackie wasn’t afraid of me: 
“Why stare at me?” The cat had Chongqing dialect. “You and Li Zhi went out and spent the rent?”
I gritted my teeth and explained to Li Wei: 

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“I didn’t spend the money to play. I got a dumbo for a minor operation.”
“Oh.” Li Wei narrowed his eyes, no expression, “So you are drinking medical alcohol in the pet hospital with the animal?”
I forgot, this vampire had a dog nose.
“I went to the bar with the Life Zhi after, we saved dumbo. Why are you rude?”
“Stinky! You got a weird smell on you of a rotten body… A corpse.” 
His words scared me: “The corpse smell?” as I sniffed myself. 
Except for the smell of spring rain, I couldn’t smell anything. I looked up at Li Wei and asked for help:
“Is there really a smell of corpse? Don’t you scare me?”
Li Wei glanced at me. I didn’t say anything as I was scared. His eyes showed waves for a second then returned to indifference.
“If you don’t want to be eaten by messy things, don’t go out with Life Zhi to some weird places.” He looked in my eyes and said, “If you die, what about the rent?”
This vampire will remain a vampire, so money minded. My stomach surged at his words but I managed to keep a cool face. I stepped near his big black umbrella to hide from the rain: 
“Li Zhi said there was rush of zombies in Xiangxi. You tell me, on the way back, I ran into a zombie?”
My brain with vivid imagination made up many scenes. The passengers on the bus, passed by when I was in danger. A cold shiver escaped my spine.
“Would the corpse really eat people? Like the kind of biohazard, when you bite people, you spread the virus. Will we not get rid of the zombie virus?”
“They will eat you, and they will only eat you clean.” Li Wei looked back at me and said, “I won’t give you the opportunity to be a rotten corpse.”
I shuddered, squeezed around his arm tight and felt a little more secure. Li Wei walked with slow steps. I didn’t think much. I only felt the cold wind and rain hit me. The chill was even worse so I moved closer to him. Although there wasn’t any warmth in his body, but around him I felt …

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So safe!
“Su Xiaoxin, don’t you think my master’s body is stiff?” Li Wei’s black cat waves its tail at my face, “It’s my personal space, stay away from my master.”
I was angered by the tail of blackie. Too lazy to grabbed it from Li Wei’s shoulder:
“Take your shit cat.”  
As soon as I touched it, blackie reached the other side of his shoulder. I went around Li Wei and stretched my hands around his shoulders to catch its tail. The blackie ran fast, jumping from his back at an amazing angle directly onto the black umbrella.
So under the umbrella, my hands were wrapped around Li Wei’s neck. Li Wei did not move.
I sighed: “Hey cat.”
Looking up, Li Wei’s slender eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses stared at me. His face was so close, that his eyelashes could be seen clearly. In the dim light of a street lamp, I could see red in his eyes. The red color appeared so fast as if it were an illusion. I coughed aloud and took a step back: 
“You… you should manage your cat.” I snorted, “Not cute at all!”
“So are you cute?” Li Wei spoke with his usual cold tone,”I think you would not pay the rent later as well?”
“Give up, almost.”
Give up? Almost? What to give up? Almost what? This vampire was so disrespectful to talk, if I could beat him, I would have already started! I rolled up my sleeves to fight for my dignity. But at this moment, the cell phone in Li Wei’s pocket rang. He answered the call and briefly said two words and hung it. Li Wei’s expression became a bit serious.
“You go back first. If you can’t come back before this time, don’t go out.”
I got nervous: “What happened?”
“No, just don’t want you to go out show your ugly face to others.”

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I: “…”
“Take the umbrella and block your face on the way back.”
I grabbed the handle of and gritted my teeth: “Thank you very much!”
I was very angry, but I didn’t want to suffer. After all, If I ran in the rain without an umbrella, its me who will get a cold and suffer. I knew two things very well -.
First, I was an adaptable person.
Second, I was a person without money.
So I couldn’t get sick.
I turned around in anger and shook the umbrella. It swayed with the blackie on its top. Blackie jumped up to the tree next to it. After two three steps it jumped back and ignored me. I didn’t bother taking care of it. I returned to the apartment.
Climbing to my door, I remembered my clothes were still in open at the terrace. I ran upstairs. When I opened the door, I saw Yu Meimei soaking in the fish pond. Enjoying the shower of rain in the cold spring day, wearing two shell bra like little mermaid, she didn’t feel cold. 
“You don’t mess around in the pool.” I yelled while picking up the clothes. “The roof is waterproof and repaired. Don’t damage it again.”
Yu Meimei glanced at me: “Hey, you said our landlord didn’t like you. So he still gave you an umbrella.”
“It’s raining, I am not you, I get sick if it rains. If I get sick, It will delay my work. I won’t get the manuscript done, and that would delay the rent I have to pay.”
“Oh.” Yu Meimei had a sly smile. “Last time I was too far to notice. This time, I can clearly see this umbrella has a magical spell. Non-humans can’t get close. He gave you an umbrella, is not for your protection? Li Wei protects you so much, hence he must be like you.”
This logic… sounded a bit reasonable?

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Yu Meimei pulled out her tails, ” He had a past. I can’t tell you everything, but he had a love story.”
On the third floor lives an old man. No one knows how long he has lived. We know he had superpowers to travel through time and space. He liked roaming around, so he didn’t live in the apartment often. But because he lived long, he got many stories to gossip.
I didn’t have much contact with him. However, Yu Meimei, who lived next to him, occasionally saw him and knew many things. Now that I have been attracted by Li Wei’s love story, I asked Yu Meimei: 
“Can a person like Li Wei have a love story?”
“Yeah…you stay away from me. The spell on the umbrella is strong.” I stepped back. She said, “I don’t recall all the things of the past. I vaguely remember the last time Li Wei had a beloved girl she was also a human being like you. But she died of illness.”
“Was she sick?”
“Well, it was rainy days. She was born with a weak constitution and a serious illness. She couldn’t hold in and was taken away by God. I heard Li Wei had been depressed for a long time.”
I was a little surprised: “It’s raining… It’s a cold, how can one still die? Was she so weak?”
“That was all years ago.” Yu Meimei scratched her head and figured it out. “It seems that at that time, there was a war, the soldiers were in chaos fighting it and the women still wore a cheongsam.”
I thought about it, war before the Republic of China… Provably it’s true. At that time, many people died when they were sick with a cold. This Li Wei looked young… But how many years had he lived?
“He would send you an umbrella on rainy days. Is it because he likes you, or because of pity?”
“Because nothing matters.” I pouted, “Li Wei is a celebrity material. He won’t ordinarily like me. Don’t think about it.”
Yu Meimei flicked her fat tail and said in a low voice, “In case.”
I didn’t pay attention to her next words and closed the door. I know there would be nothing special in my ordinary life. Meeting Li Wei and living in this apartment was enough to exhaust all my luck in this life.
Don’t look for more. Don’t hold any expectation because they are accompanied by disappointment. My life experience told me I wasn’t a lucky person, and most of the time the results would be disappointing. So if you don’t look forward to it, there will be no disappointment.
Especially… in terms of feelings. My love history has told me this way…

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