My Good Life

Chapter 7.1

Li Wei’s leaned against the door, his posture was very handsome. I rubbed my stomach. My mouth was sour.

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 ”A freak day!” Li Zhi sighed. I came back to my senses.
  ”Fuck! Scared the old woman! If I didn’t run fast I don’t know what would have happened! Dumbo is still lying there! I am going to bring it back! You come with me, I will take you to him! Mom. The grievances! Brother kill him for me!”
  Li Zhi and Li Wei always stood on opposite sides, fighting all the time. When an enemy appeared, she immediately came to his side and became his sister.

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  Li Wei expression was still very calm. He brushed some of his messy hair. The long snow fingers were like magic. In a moment, his hair was restored perfectly. He didn’t pay much attention to Li Zhi his eyes were on me. Glancing me from head to toe, he frowned when he saw the vomit at my feet.
  ”Are you hurt?”
  I pointed to Li Zhi: “She carried me on her shoulders.”

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  ”It’s better to lose both lives, and human beings are weak. You don’t know.” Li Zhi said, “The little wolf, call him. That guy is not a good person.”
  ”Wait, who?” Li Wei returned to his room. He came out wearing a golden ring on his hand. The style of ring was simple. Like a rose thorny vine, it wrapped around his white index finger.
  This was Li Wei’s weapon. When it is used, it became a golden chain. When I met Li Wei the first time he used this to bind the wolf.

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  ”I didn’t see him. He wore a black robe, wrapped tightly, I didn’t see his face.”
  Li Wei was turning the ring on the index finger. He heard her and asked, “Oh? Black robe?”
  ”Yes! Black…” Li Zhi stared at me all of a sudden, “Su Xiaoxin, the night you met the zombies, you said the person who fell in love, at first sight, was also a black-robed man?”

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  Li Wei cast an unclear gaze on me. I swallowed: “Yeah, but I don’t know if this is him. I didn’t see anything now. That day, the man saved me, although I didn’t see his face, I know he was different, he was very gentle, too…” Even if this was the situation, recalling the day, I could still feel his touch on my hair. I can’t pinpoint, “It is not the same person.”
  ”You are in love spring now.”
  Li Zhi rarely scolded me. Li Wei said nothing.
  After a moment of silence, he blew a whistle. The door of the balcony on the seventh floor opened and someone jumped down. “Thud.” the little wolf’s landed steadily on his knees. He stood up and walked to us. There were two shallow footprints on the concrete floor behind him.

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