My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 13.1

My Groom Ran Away Chapter 13.1

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When Cheng Yuelin said the words ‘arrogant rooster’, Ruan Zhiyin had a bad feeling. Lin Jingfei had gotten on his bad side by talking about him behind his back. He was definitely going to hold a grudge.

She initially thought that this guy would definitely not send her to work, but in the end, the arrogant rooster not only kindly agreed to send her to work, he also went to the kitchen to do the dishes.

This made Ruan Zhiyin feel even more uncomfortable. It felt like she was treating a gentleman as a villain.

He had seen through her and had even overhead her complaining about him. No matter how one looked at it, he still was the victim and she was the one who had maliciously speculated about his thoughts.

On the way there, the car remained silent.

The man was silent and indifferent, while Ruan Zhiyin was deliberating the entire time on whether she should break the silence. But before she could actually say anything, the Bentley had already reached the entrance of the Ruan Company.

She could only swallow her words back down and open the door to get off.

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She stood and watched the Bentley drive away before Ruan Zhiyin finally turned around to enter the lobby of the Ruan Company.

After returning from abroad, Ruan Zhiyin served as the vice president of the Ruan Company.

Although Grandfather Ruan held a large portion of shares and acts as the chairman of the board in name, due to his health, he has not held any managerial duties in a long time.

After her father, Ruan Shengwen, had passed away, Lin Cheng immediately became the CEO. Currently, he held almost all the power.

As he had a lot to gain from her parent’s accident, Ruan Zhiyin had long suspected that her parent’s car accident had something to do with Lin Cheng. However, after years of investigation, she could only prove that it was simply an accident.

In fact, if he had really planned the car accident, then Grandfather’s experience and power would have been able to dig it up.

Lin Cheng’s greediness slowly grew.

The Ruan company was already in his hands, but then, all of a sudden a Ruan Zhiyin had appeared. How could he be willing to give it up?

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After reaching her office, Xiang Bin, Ruan Zhiyin’s assistant, knocked on the door and came to report about the company’s recent matters.

Although Ruan Zhiyin was the vice president, Lin Cheng never allowed her to intervene in any important matters. Lin Cheng had filled the Ruan Company with Lin family members and Ruan Zhiyin had her hands tied in all matters until she won the Bei Cheng project.

After Xiang Bin finished reporting, Ruan Zhiyin pondered for a moment before she spoke. “The Bei Cheng project will have to begin soon. Tomorrow, you will be in charge of the construction. Keep a close eye on it, don’t make any mistakes."

When Lin Cheng had said that the Bei Cheng project would be given to Ruan Zhiyin, Lin Cheng could not openly stick his hands into the pie. But he might do things from the shadows to take back the decision-making authority.

There were few people that Ruan Zhiyin could trust, and Xiang Bin was one of them. If anything was to go wrong, it would most likely be at the construction site. If he was watching over it, then she could relax.

"Then in the company..."

Xiang Bin's expression showed worry.

Ruan Zhiyin laughed. “I’ll handle the things with Lin Heng. You’ve followed me for over half a year already. You are more than capable enough. I cannot always let you be an assistant."

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Xiang Bin was careful and serious. He had outstanding capabilities and had the quality of being a reliable project leader. Ruan Zhiyin had long considered promoting him.

"Thank you, President Ruan."

"Alright, so get ready to pass your work on to Tian Jing."

Xiang Bin was quite excited and he nodded as he left.

Before long, Tian Jing from the secretary division knocked on the door and entered.

"President Ruan, someone has sent flowers to you. What should I do with them?"

Ruan Zhiyin frowned slightly. “Throw it away. In the future, just reject them."

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Needless to say, the flowers were definitely from Qin Jue.

Since she had agreed to respect Cheng Yuelin, she would definitely not give anyone any reason to gossip.

Tian Jing got her reply and quickly left.

Ruan Zhiyin had just opened the contract that Lin Heng had sent.

In early June in Lan Qiao city, the sun was scorching hot.

The scorching rays of the sun poured in from the floor-to-ceiling windows and noon quickly came in a flash.

Even though the room was air-conditioned, Ruan Zhiyin felt her lips were a little dry after reading the contract.

She got up to go and get water, but she found out that the water dispenser in her office was empty. So she could only go to the kitchenette.

After she walked into the hallway, she overheard a conversation in the kitchenette. She slowly stopped her footsteps.

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