My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 13.3

My Groom Ran Away Chapter 13.3

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Every time he attended an auction, he would always buy something, and it was unlikely that he would even remember how much jewelry he had in his safe.

But the necklace that Qin Jue just spoke about was a pink diamond necklace he had bought for a sky-high price. It was worth at least eight figures and was the most expensive in the safe.

Lin Jingfei had worn it at the event and had used it to get onto the trending page, so she naturally remembered it.

After hearing her words, Qin Jue furrowed her brows and shook his head. "I wanted to give it to Zhiyin."

Previously, he could not accompany Ruan Zhiyin for Valentine’s day and he had bought the necklace, intending for it to be a gift to make up for missing Valentine’s day. But after Ruan Zhiyin said she didn’t want to make up for it, he had never ended up giving it to her.

He had known that Lin Jingfei would often send people to borrow jewelry, but he did not know that this item was also taken away by her. Qin Jue was a little unhappy and Zhai Xu should have also told Sister Ling that this necklace was supposed to be for Ruan Zhiyin.

Lin Jingfei was able to sense Qin Jue’s mood and Lin Jingfei’s expression stiffened for a moment before she recovered. “I am sorry, Ah Jue. Maybe Sister Ling misunderstood. I’ll return it to you later?”

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“No need.” Qin Jue waved his hand and then looked at Jiang Anzheng. “Purchasing jewelry and dresses for the artists to use should be part of the company’s responsibility. So don’t make mistakes like this in the future to avoid offending different brands."

The necklace had already been worn by someone else, so he naturally could no longer gift it to Ruan Zhiyin. Besides, Ruan Zhiyin had always had a grudge against Jingfei. If he were to give it to her, it would only make her angry.

After Qin Jue finished speaking, Jiang Anzheng subconsciously glanced at Lin Jingfei. She was tightly clenching her fingers and shook her head calmly towards him.

Doing this would be great for the other artists in the company. But Lin Jingfei knew that this would not necessarily be good for her.

If the company had dresses and jewelry, although he would not refuse when she occasionally asked Qin Jue for help, she could not do it too frequently.

However, now that the problem of the role was solved, the two people could finally leave.

Zhai Xu then passed the document in his hand to Qin Jue and asked, “Boss, will you be asking Director Xiang to handle the medical cooperation case with the Ruan company too?"

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He had intentionally asked. After all, his boss was in a bad mood because of Miss Ruan and he had been a lot harsher at work. He hoped his boss would be able to coax her back.

Although his boss clearly did not want to let Miss Ruan go, he was also unwilling to give up his relationship with Miss Lin.

Zhai Xu was not in a place to evaluate his boss's emotional affairs and he also could not understand his boss's actions. But compared to Miss Lin, he would prefer Miss Ruan to be the boss's wife.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhai Xu finished speaking, Qin Jue put down the document and sighed. "No need, I will go myself."


Just before Ruan Zhiyin got off work, she received Cheng Yuelin's call.

The man's words were brief and abrupt. He only said he would pick her up after work and then hung up the phone.

For a while, Ruan Zhiyin could not figure out if Cheng Yuelin was picking her up out of the kindness of his heart or if he was getting ready to get revenge on her.

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Seeing that the clock hand was now pointing at five o’clock, Ruan Zhiyin guessed he had most likely arrived. So she simply tidied up her desk and got up to leave her office.

But before the elevator could arrive, the door to the meeting room at the end of the hallway suddenly opened and a group of people came out. Qin Jue was one of them. His expression was serious as the group of people walked towards the elevator.

There was no way to avoid it.

The second his eyes met her, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. He hastened towards her and stopped in front of her. “Zhiyin, let’s talk."

Ruan Zhiyin looked at the people behind Qin Jue and the leader was Lin Cheng’s second brother, Lin Wei, who was in charge of the medical cooperation case between the Ruan Company and the Qin Company.

Lin Cheng’s ability was just average, but he was very greedy. The reason for this cooperation was because he wanted to enter the military medical field and he had roped Qin Jue into his scheme.

She suddenly understood and took a step back. Her expression was extremely cold. “Qin Jue, this is the company.”

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Qin Jue had not seen her in a long time and he did not want to be in a deadlock with her any longer. He softened his tone. “Okay, we can talk in the car.”

After speaking, he reached out his hand towards her, but Ruan Zhiyin avoided it.

During this, the door to the elevator suddenly opened——

Ruan Zhiyin looked up and a familiar silhouette appeared in the elevator.

The man’s attitude was relaxed as he walked out of the elevator with a hand in his pocket.

After seeing the situation in front of him, he raised his eyebrows slightly. His voice was calm and relaxed. “I seem to be just in time.”

Then he looked at Ruan Zhiyin with a smile and then reached out a hand with long slender fingers. His voice dragged out a bit and in a tone filled with so much tenderness she had never heard before——

“Yinyin, aren’t you coming over?"

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