My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 30.1

After the relaxing weekend was over, it was time for a busy Monday.

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When it was close to the end of the day, Ruan Zhiyin had just finished looking through the quarterly expenses report for the Beicheng project that had been sent over by Xiang Bin when she received a call from Cheng Yuelin.

The man concisely said, “Parking lot.”

“Why are you so early today?”

Ruan Zhiyin glanced at the time on the bottom right of her laptop screen. There were still ten minutes before the end of the day. Although she did not have to clock in/out at specific times, leaving early could give her employees a bad impression.

On the other end of the phone, Cheng Yuelin gave a laugh and replied, “Aren’t I accompanying you to the family home? I’ll wait for you.”

On Wednesdays and Fridays, Ruan Zhiyin would return to the Ruan family home to chat with her grandfather. If Cheng Yuelin was not busy, he would also accompany her over.

Since she had sprained her ankle last week, she was worried that her grandfather would worry, so she only had a call with her grandfather and did not go over to see him personally.

After she hung up the phone, Cheng Yuelin seemed to have said that once her ankle had healed, he would accompany her on her next visit.

But due to how busy she was, Ruan Zhiyin had tossed this to the back of her mind.

After hanging up, she did a basic tidying up.

Ruan Zhiyin waited for the work day to end and then took the elevator down to the parking lot.

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The Ruan family home was on the east side of the city. It was not far from the office.

After about twenty minutes, the Bentley stopped in the courtyard of the family home and Ruan Zhiyin got out of the car with Cheng Yuelin.

Due to the pain, Grandpa Ruan would take many painkillers during the day, hence he was asleep for most of the day.

During this time, the elder’s body and bones were clearly wasting away. Before he was still able to take walks in the garden. Now he was confined to his sickbed.

Ruan Zhiyin’s heart was vaguely prepared, but she also did not want to let herself think about things that had not yet happened yet.

After she let go of her frustrations, she walked into the living room.

Ruan Zhiyin saw that Lin Cheng and Lin Jingfei were sitting on the sofa.

The medical cooperation project that had been given to him from Qin Jue had been put on hold. So Lin Cheng had been restraining himself a lot during this time. He had not been openly causing trouble for Ruan Zhiyin at the company.

Before the Beicheng project started construction, he had wanted to quietly sabotage the project, but he had been discovered by Xiang Bin. So now he would come to the family home everyday to pay his respects to Grandpa Ruan.

Ruan Zhiyin did not mind his actions. From Lin Cheng’s perspective, he was trying to take advantage of the last few days of Grandpa Ruan’s life to try to gain some benefits.

Lin Cheng did not have amazing business skills. Previously, it was due to Qin Jue’s favour of Lin Jingfei that allowed the Lin Family to think that they would be able to rely on him.

But now…

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Ruan Zhiyin glanced at Lin Jingfei. She was a lot more haggard. She had lost a lot of weight and was relying on a thick application of makeup to look normal.

After she retracted her gaze, Ruan Zhiyin did not greet the two people in the living room and handed over some things to Butler Liu and asked, “Uncle Liu, is grandfather awake?”

“Awake, you and President Cheng can go up there directly. Mr. Ji is currently talking to Grandpa Ruan.”

Ruan Zhiyin nodded and went arm in arm with Cheng Yuelin with her upstairs.

Every time they came to the family home, they would always pretend to be a bit more intimate.

The door to the room was open and Grandpa Ruan was half lying in bed. His wrinkled face looked a bit ashen.

He was becoming more and more emaciated.

Ji Yijun sat next to the bed, quietly peeling an apple.

Ruan Zhiyin bit her lip and knocked on the edge of the door frame and called out with a smile, “Grandpa, Little Uncle.”

Cheng Yuelin looked at the atmosphere in the room without moving a muscle before he also continued with a greeting.

“Yinyin is here.” Grandpa Ruan’s smile was a bit weak, his eyes were unfocused, and his voice was hoarse. “Yijun, look. Do you think that Yinyin has gained some weight recently?”

Ji Yijun looked at Ruan Zhiyin and Cheng Yuelin, who were standing next to each other and nodded. “You’re right, I think she has gained a little bit of weight.”

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Cheng Yuelin smiled lightly and lowered his head before saying, “Yinyin has been eating more lately.”

After speaking, the man’s eyebrows rose a bit, and he raised a hand to pinch Ruan Zhiyin’s cheeks that were a bit plump.

Ruan Zhiyin’s cheeks turned red, she did not know how to react.

Before, she did not eat dinner, but now that she and Cheng Yuelin were living together, she had gotten used to his habit of eating dinner.

Honestly speaking, she had gained a few pounds.

In the old man’s eyes, this was a good thing, but Ruan Zhiyin was still a bit embarrassed.

“Being a little chubby is good.” Grandpa Ruan was pleased and said in a quiet voice. Then he paused. Then he turned to Ruan Zhiyin and said, “Yinyin, I need to speak to Yijun about something. Take Cheng Yuelin outside for a walk.”

This meant he had something private he wanted to speak about.

Ruan Zhiyin did not ask any questions and nodded her head in agreement.

Then she and Cheng Yuelin turned around and closed the door to the bedroom as they left.

After going downstairs, Lin Cheng and Lin Jingfei were no longer in the living room. Ruan Zhiyin thought the two people must have returned to their rooms.

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After all, in the family home, they had to maintain a level of superficial politeness, she did not want to see them.

After passing the kitchen, Ruan Zhiyin saw Butler Liu helping Auntie Cheng with a big pile of

water chestnuts. She let go of Cheng Yuelin’s hands and entered the kitchen.

“Uncle Liu, do you need help?”

Butler Liu laughed and waved his hand. “No no, this thing is sharp, you could hurt your hand, miss.”

Cheng Yuelin had leisurely followed behind Ruan Zhiyin and heard her words. He also saw red spots caused by the water chestnuts on Butler Liu’s hands. He lightly said, “I’ll do it.”

Without waiting for Butler Liu to refuse, he had already gotten a stool and had naturally sat down.

Butler Liu saw that Cheng Yuelin seemed to have an interest in it, so he could not refuse, but he did not want Ruan Zhiyin to copy his actions, so he turned his head and said, “Young miss, how about you go up to the attic and get a box to hold these.”

Ruan Zhiyin held back a laugh and nodded. “Okay.”

After turning around, she glanced at Cheng Yuelin, who was learning how to peel them from Auntie Chen.

The man’s eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he concentrated on pounding the water chestnuts. His clumsy movements were rather endearing.

She shook her head; she did not know why this person would have an interest in water chestnuts.

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