My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 5.1

Ruan ZhiYin had fantasized about her wedding countless times.

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She was only four or five years old when she was lost because the people watching her weren’t paying attention. She had the child traffickers for a year where they were hiding and avoiding people, before she was saved by Gu LinLang’s sharp senses and was sent to an orphanage.

Even though it was an orphanage, the orphanage mother was very kind to the children. When they were teenagers, she and Gu LinLang would secretly hide in their quilts and chat. They longed for the family that they would have in the future.

Gu LinLang said that she needed to wear a wedding dress that she had designed during her wedding. She also needed to buy a big marriage house. The decorations do not need to be luxurious but it needs to have the feeling of home.

TL Note: I’m not sure how to describe “marriage house”. It’s basically the house where the married couple would live together after getting married… I don’t know if there’s a proper English term for it.

The two would often tease each other.

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Then they would laugh together.

At that time their wishes were very simple. They wanted to get into university, work hard, and then build their own family. Then they would be like all the big brothers and sisters who had left from the orphanage and help the children in the orphanage to continue going to school.

Later, she was brought back to the Ruan family and became a “wealthy young miss” in the eyes of the orphanage children. Many of those goals were immediately obtained.

But her parents had passed away during the year she was ten. They were searching for her and unluckily got into a car accident. Both of them died and the entire Ruan family only had her grandfather, who was the only one who could be considered as a proper close relative.

She still thirsted for a complete family and hoped even more for a wedding that would belong to her.

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But Ruan ZhiYin did not expect that the wedding that she was looking forward to for so many years would become so absurd.

The scenes of when she and Gu LinLang had stayed at the orphanage felt just like yesterday. But with just a flick of a finger, she was already wearing the wedding dress that Gu LinLang had designed for her and was standing at the door leading to the hotel’s banquet hall.

She lowered her head and caught a glimpse of the shimmering diamonds embedded into the pure white lace. Every jewel had been sewn on personally by Gu Linlang. It was very dreamlike.

It represented Gu LinLang’s most sincere blessings.

Ruan ZhiYin remembered the first time she put on this wedding dress. Gu LinLang had hugged her and with a face full of tears. She had cried until she was out of breath. She had pointed a finger at Qin Jue and made him swear that he would be good to her for the rest of their lives.

Her eyes stung a bit and she let out a long sigh. You couldn’t see any emotions on her face but she silently straightened her back.

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There was only a door separating her from the banquet hall.

The voices of the guests were not particularly loud, nor were they quiet. But their words were clearly transmitted to her ears —

“Young Master Qin ran away from the marriage. But he didn’t cancel it. Wouldn’t this mean that Ruan ZhiYin is going to be a laughingstock?”

“Ruan ZhiYin is so pitiful, she was next to Qin Jue for so many years. She suffered with him in America for so long, but in the end this has become such a big embarrassment.”

“Shouldn’t you just say Lin JingFei is amazing? Young Master Qin went abroad for her that year to distance himself. Now he’s even running away from his marriage for her. Their emotions are so deep.”

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“If it wasn’t for Old Mr. Qin for being too old fashioned, with Qin Jue’s feelings for Lin JingFei, she would have married into the Qin family back then.”

A lot of people knew that when Qin Jue and Lin JingFei were dating, there were a lot of rumours that said that Young Master Qin wanted to change the marriage partner in the marriage from Ruan ZhiYin to Lin JingFei.

“Her fate is very good, even though she is just a granddaughter. Ruan ZhiYin’s parents are gone and it’s Lin JingFei’s father, who had married into the Ruan family that holds all the power. Ruan company will eventually become the Lin Family.

TL Note: It feels like a bunch of context is missing. So Lin JingFei’s mother is Grandpa Ruan’s daughter and daughters are considered to have “left” the family after marrying. So it’s a little derogatory for the husband to go and live with their wife’s family. That husband shouldn’t have anything to do with the wife’s family’s company.

“Even if Ruan ZhiYin works hard, it’s not going to be of any use. In the end, she was abandoned by Qin Jue. She won’t have the resources and assets to challenge Lin Cheng. Even if Grandpa Ruan continues to support her in marrying into the Qin family, Qin Jue will not go against Lin JingFei’s father for her.”

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