My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 5.3

They couldn’t figure out Qin Jue’s thoughts and were afraid of being targeted by Cheng YueLin. So no one dared to confess.

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Xu Fei completely did not pay any attention to what his good friend was hinting at and righteously said: “You’re right. A girl who can rank first in the class must be a ruthless person. I already thought she wasn’t simple back then. Take a look at ourselves, last place and second last place. With a single look you can tell we aren’t ruthless enough!”

Wang Xin: “Scram!!!”

Looking at Ruan ZhiYin in a wedding dress, Gu LinLang was still feeling a bit complicated. But now the two idiots from LanZhong highschool caused her to not know whether she should laugh or cry. TODO: double check highschool name.

She picked up her wine glass and took a sip. She glanced at the woman sitting next to her: “Young Miss Wang, why is your expression so ugly? If you and Lin JingFei want to play tricks, other people can’t respond?”

Wang XiWei and Lin JingFei had a good relationship. Or you can say, Wang XiWei felt that the Ruan Company and the position of Miss Qin would eventually fall into the Lin family’s hands. So sooner or later, she felt that she had to butter up Lin JingFei.

As for the reason why she was here, it was most likely to help Lin JingFei check what Ruan ZhiYin would do.

When Father Cheng had run into trouble and entered prison, the Wang family had chosen to kick Cheng YueLin when he was down. But after Cheng YueLin made a comeback, they were a bit lacking in confidence. These years, the Wang family racked their brains to try and pair Wang XiFei up with Cheng YueLin. It would help remove the previous enmity between the two families and Wang XiWei had been very active in this regard.

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But Cheng YueLin never cared about what the Wang family thought.

Wang XiWei continued to think of Cheng YueLin while keeping her client’s boyfriend as a backup. Just now she had even carried the tempo to make fun of Ruan ZhiYin and wanted to see Ruan ZhiYin become a joke.

TL Note: I think it’s hinting that Wang XiWei has a crush of Cheng YueLin. But she knows its unlikely, so she keeps this client’s boyfriend as a backup/spare tire. Carried the tempo == Instigating others. She carried the conversation in a particular direction.

She couldn’t endure this anymore.

Gu LinLang curled her lips and looked at the well matched bride and groom on the stage with a meaningful gaze —

“Hey, Miss Wang, who did you say was a joke? YinYin told me that President Cheng is getting ready to cut up the Wang family.

TL Note: He’s ready to attack the wang family? Why is word choice so difficult?

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The people in the audience each had their own thoughts, but the people on the stage had already proceeded to the VCR event.

Due to Kang Yu’s last minute arrangements, the part about the groom was summarized and skimmed over by the host.

The large flickering screen now displayed Ruan ZhiYin’s old memories. There were very few memories from the orphanage and the majority of the scenes were from after she had returned to the Ruan family.

The short video had been prepared a long time ago. Even if they had roughly edited out Qin Jue’s portions, they could not completely remove all traces of Qin Jue.

Maybe it was because the photos triggered her memory, or maybe the background music was too touching. At that moment, many vivid memories appeared in Ruan ZhiYin’s mind.–

She thought about the day when she had returned to the Ruan family.

The young man in his school uniform was still a bit green. The afternoon sun gently lit him up and as he turned his head his dark and clear eyes were bright.

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He looked at her, who was pretending to be calm, but was actually very uncomfortable. He smiled as he reached out his hand: “You’re YinYin, right? I am Qin Jue. Don’t be afraid.”


The time when she had just transferred schools, was also her most stressful and depressing time.

She had retracted all of her sharp edges and had carefully integrated into the life around her. But every comment would constantly replay in her ear. Country bumpkin. Hick.

Some people were sympathetic, others looked down on her. It all caused her to become more and more silent. It was that boy’s protection that blocked those comments and allowed her to take a breath.

… …

The first time she had really felt despair was in that airtight equipment room.

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She clearly felt that darkness swallowing her bit by bit. The gloomy and cold feeling were like insects burrowing into her bones.

When her breathing had become difficult and she was almost out of hope. He had rushed back from his competition.

… …

Qin Jue, this name was really as though he had no flaws.

TL Note: Jue and faultless (Que Dian) sound very similar. So there’s a word play in that Qin Jue’s name really shows that he has no flaws.

He had excellent grades, a distinguished status, and was gentle and well mannered but he was easy going and full of self confidence. He was like an unattainable existence. A star that would forever be in the sky.

However this unattainable youth, after he had his wings broken, in a basement in New York tightly hugged her —

“ZhiYin, after we return to China, let’s get married.”

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