My Hermes System

Chapter 140: 140

"We're really keeping him alive?"

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"Yes. We already know he would do something like this."

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Boss could not help but let out a sordid sigh as she looked towards the direction where Reed ran to. "Despite everything, he is still somewhat one of the people I am closest to here. I am not a demon, you know."

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"Besides, it is my fault that he's become that unstable. I knew his mind was fragile the first time and I used it." Boss then looked Van directly in the eyes, "But there will be no change in our plans, bring the guard if you want to

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...or maybe a certain change is necessary."

"Hm?" Van slightly tilted his head as he saw the creeping smile on Boss' face. He was going to ask what this change was, but before he could do so, Boss suddenly shouted and clapped her hands.

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