My Hermes System

Chapter 66: 66

Gerald and Van could not help but be shocked by the sudden appearance of their respective extracurricular class' instructors. But even then, the two still stared at each other's eyes, their breaths trembling in anger.

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But soon, Van's expression started to calm down, and the snarl on his face slowly disappeared as the corners of his mouth slightly rose up.

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Gerald's expression twisted as he saw Van smiling at him, looking down on him as he slowly retracted his fists.

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"You!", Gerald could not help but grit his teeth as he tried to stand up and strike Van. Van also moved, but before the two could even move, their bodies limped to the ground as their visions instantly turned dark.

"Really a fascinating student you have here, Ms. Elton", the tall man named Michael slightly chuckled as he lifted Van by the neck, "To make my strongest student bleed, how admirable"

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