My Hermes System

Chapter 7: 7

"Your father is dead"

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"...Yes", the woman could not help but sigh as she broke the news to Evans, "Perhaps you could answer some of our questio--"

"Ack!", Evans could not help but grasp his head as a stinging pain quickly crawled through his skull.

"Evans!?", Andrea quickly rushed towards Evans to check on him.

The pain in his head didn't dissipate. The memories before he passed out were rushing through his mind.

Him going to the academy.

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Being beaten almost to death by the students of the academy.

He, for some reason, unlocked his System.

And then he was suddenly home.

His father caught him inside the house and started beating him. And when he was about to molest him, time slowed down and he grabbed his father's head.

And that was the last thing he remembered, anything after that was blank.

"My... father", Evans' breathed heavily as he looked towards the woman from the Explorer's association, "...How did my father die?"

"Evans maybe you should rest first?", Andrea handed Evans a glass of water.

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"I am fine", Evans' tone was adamant even through his heavy breaths, "Please... tell me how my father died"

Seeing Evans' eyes, the woman from the explorer's association could not help but sigh again, "Your father died from his head bleeding internally", the woman said as she stared at Evans, "His brain exploded"

"...what?", Evans furrowed his eyebrows.

"The reports said you were also bleeding from your nose when they found you", the woman continued, "...And that's why we are here. We believe it might be a loose monster that killed your father-- A harpy"

Evans' confused expression grew further.

"Harpies can melt a human's brain through their screams, but your neighbors didn't hear any of such noise", the woman explained, "...Do you remember anything before passing out?"

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"", Evans squinted his eyes as he let out a huge breath, "The last thing I remembered was my father beating me."

Even though Evans' head was still ringing, he still searched his memories. But no matter how much he tried, there were no memories of any monster except for his father.

"...Evans", Andrea's whisper was filled with concern as she gently held Evans' hand.

"I see", the woman let out a long sigh, "I suppose it doesn't matter now"

"Sorry, I couldn't be of much help, miss--"

"Sarah, you may call me Sarah", the woman said, her golden hair slightly waved as she tilted her head.

"Miss... Sarah", Evans shook his head, "I hope you find the monster before it could kill anyone else"

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"As do I", Sarah said as he looked Evans straight in the eye before standing up.

Evans slightly smiled and nodded. He was about to lie down on the bed because of the continuous headache he was feeling, but before he could do so, Sarah's voice once again reached his ears.

"There is actually one more thing we wanted to talk to you about", Sarah said as she retrieved a paper from one of the men in armor, "...We heard you just unlocked your System?"

"...Yes?", Evans widened his eyes as he slightly glanced at Andrea, who had her thumbs up. She was the only one who knew that he had unlocked his System.

"Then we would like to pay for your tuition if you want to attend the Academy for Gifted Children and System Holders, as well as any other expenses you may have during your stay in the academy", Sarah said in a blunt tone.

"What!?", Evans' eyes widened even further as he looked at Sarah. He almost completely forgot the aching pain in his head.


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