My Hermes System

Chapter 80: 80

Van furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the old woman in front of him. If she was already here earlier, then why didn't she even try to help them calm her grandson down?

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She was even smiling at Van now as if expecting something from him. This kind of nonchalant attitude sort of reminded him of Ms. Elton.

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Come to think of it, based on Ms. Elton's words back then, they knew each other. Ms. Elton was able to follow his speed with her eyes. And Charlotte well, she would probably be able to squash Van before he could even turn on his skill.

Are all top rankers this free-spirited? Van thought as he stared at Charlotte.

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"Why are you looking at me, little man?", Charlotte let out a tiny chuckle, "Are you interested in me or something?"

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"...", Van could not help but squint his eyes.

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"Do your thing", Charlotte then said as she lightly hit the makeshift cage that she made to keep the rampaging Edward in check.

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