My Hermes System

Chapter 82: 82

"Your men burnt my sister's clothes I hope you don't mind me doing the same"

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Gerald could not help but slightly back away as he saw Sarah's ominous-looking armor. This was the first time he was seeing something like this so he was a little taken aback.

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"You think you scare me!?", Gerald said as he tilted his head and cracked his neck.

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"Probably not", Sarah muttered as the blood sword she was holding slightly wriggled, "You seem to be too weak to see the difference between us"

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Hearing Sarah's words, Gerald's eyes could not help but twitch, "What did you say!?", he then rushed towards Sarah, his steps hard enough to crack the hard ground, "Get out of our property before I f*cking kill you, you f*cking intruder!"

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Sarah nonchalantly raised her right hand again, creating a wall of blood to block Gerald's advance.

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