At 3:30 p.m., s city TV station was in the middle of the break after finishing the recording of the first half of the variety show "Hello vacation".

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Hu Biao, the agent of IUD men's League, smiles and nods to the passing staff and quickly steps into the guest room.

In the rest room, the make-up artist and assistant were making up for the members. Seeing that there was no one in the room, Hu Biao immediately pulled his face down and looked at Xie Yang, the only one in the corner who was not surrounded by assistants and makeup artists. He lowered his voice and angrily said, "what were you just doing, non violent and non cooperative? The host gives you a word, you don't answer, let you cooperate to do the game, you sleepwalk all the way, but also put on a dead face without expression, what do you want to do, rebel? "

Team leader Mo bin quickly got up to persuade him: "brother Biao, don't be angry. You just gave ah LAN his chance yesterday. It's normal for him to have a little temper today."

Mo bin is not advised, but Hu Biao is more angry.

"Is that an opportunity? As far as his acting skills are concerned, asking him to audition is to recruit blackmail. I - "

the door of the rest room is knocked, and the staff come to invite guests to the stage to record the second half of the program.

Hu Biao stopped talking, adjusted his expression, opened the door and spoke to the staff, then closed the door again, pressed his temper and said: "Xie Yang stays, others continue to record the program, I'll ask a Wen to pick up Xie Yang and go to the hospital. All remember that Xie Yang's whole black face today is due to sudden acute illness. He insists on working with illness. Do you understand?"

Everyone did not dare to touch Hu Biao's mold, but Xie Yang still said nothing.

Hu Biao was so angry that he felt pain in his chest. He wanted to scold Xie Yang, but he was worried about the wrong occasion. He left two assistants to keep an eye on Xie Yang and left the rest room with the others.

After two minutes, a Wen catches up and takes Xie yang to the hospital. After getting on the bus, a Wen saw that Xie Yang had been looking out of the window, thinking that he was aggrieved in his heart. He tried to persuade him: "Yang Yang, don't think about it. They are all children in the group. The palm and the back of the hand are all flesh. This time, brother Biao takes your chance to give Ke LAN, and he will surely find you in other places."

Xie Yang didn't speak, but leaned against the window again.

"In fact, brother Biao is doing it for your own good. Your acting skills are not brilliant. You have to learn more and learn more. Ke LAN is a professional. This time, I will first..."

A Wen babbled on and on, and Xie Yang didn't listen to a word. He looked out of the window at the traffic, for a long time, like waking up to close his eyes.

This is Hallucination? He should be dead

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The driver slowed down suddenly.

Ah Wen stopped talking and asked, "what's the matter?"

"There seems to be an accident ahead."

"Can you go around it?"

"I'll try."

The driver began to change lanes. As he passed the accident site, ah Wen looked over there.

A black car with a license plate number of 8 was parked obliquely on the side of the road. The front of the car hit a half concave. A white car with the tail number of 566 was parked opposite it, and the front of the car was also damaged.

"Why? 566?” Ah Wen motioned to the driver to slow down a little, looked over there carefully and was surprised, "isn't this mu Zhouyi's car?"

Xie Yang's ear tip catches the name of Mu Zhouyi, which is not popular and slightly familiar. He regains his mind and feels puzzled. He also stands up and looks at the scene of the accident.

The crowd had almost surrounded the scene of the accident. In the distant vision, a slender figure in a long skirt with a fishtail and a bare back ran from the white car to the black car.

Wooden Zhouyi, white fishtail skirt, traffic accident Isn't this the opening story of the entertainment industry's little Bai Wen that he picked up in his temporary shelter a few days ago? On the way to an important dinner party, the female host Mu Zhouyi collided with Feng Qinglin's car. The woman owner was OK. The man was in a coma due to head injury. The woman insisted on sending the man to the hospital in person. In the process, she soiled the borrowed Gaoding white fishtail dress, which led to a lot of trouble behind

"It's like a Book of changes." A Wen takes back her sight and takes out her mobile phone to call Hu Biao.

The car turned and the scene of the accident was completely out of sight.

Xie Yang takes back his sight, listens to a Wen and Hu Biao's telephone, frowns.

What the hell is going on here?

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He looked at his hands, which were too young and delicate - it would be a bit more real if all he saw was a pre death hallucination.

Half an hour later, the bus arrived at a private hospital.

A Wen takes Xie Yang out of the car and skillfully asks the doctor to arrange a few routine examinations for Xie Yang. Then she takes a picture of Xie Yang's examination and sends the photo to Hu Biao.

"A little later, the company will find someone to give you some notes about your emergency admission. You should stay in the hospital for two days. Don't run around. I'll ask lily to take care of you."

Xie Yang touches the needle eye left by blood drawing on his arm. His sight falls on the open TV in the ward and doesn't speak.

Ah Wen looked back at the door of the doctor's room and whispered, "Yang Yang, don't be too aggressive. After all, you are a member of the League after all. It's hard to say that you are a person who enjoys the popularity of the members of the league. In your present position, it's a blessing to suffer losses. Do you know?"In Xie Yang's principle of dealing with affairs, suffering from losses is the greatest lie. He looked at Arwen, pressed his finger on the eye of the needle on his arm and nodded.

Ah Wen thought he heard it, nodded happily, and then ordered: "also, you should not have seen the accident of muzhouyi. She is a little evil. It's better to touch less about her. Do you understand?"


Xie Yang fingertip a meal, nod again.

Ah Wen is satisfied and calls Lily outside the door.

Finally can be alone, solution Yang tight body a little loose, find the TV remote control, turn up the sound.

“…… Qiu Xing, chairman of Rongding group, was discharged from hospital with a low profile this morning. This is the third time that he fell ill at work this year, and his condition may have deteriorated again. It is reported that Qiu Xing is considering handing over the management right of Rongding and moving into the background to calm down and recuperate... "

Qiu Xing, another name read in the novel.

With a guess in his mind, he turned off the TV, searched for it and found an old fruit brand mobile phone.

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In the end of the world, the magnetic field was chaotic and the communication failed. Xie Yang had not touched a mobile phone for many years, and many operation methods were forgotten. He used his fingerprint to unlock the phone lock and found the microblog software to open it.

An account named "small 1111" automatically logs in, fans 0, follow 1, blog number 0. That 1 is too eye-catching. Untie Yang frown, click it, switch the page, and the three words "wood Zhouyi" appear on the interface.


It's good to keep him from searching.

He entered Mu Zhouyi's microblog and browsed the previous microblogs of Mu Zhouyi at a glance. After seeing the names of characters in several novels, he locked his mobile phone and put it aside.

Before the end of the world, Xie Yang had read several online novels about the fire. He knew about the theme of wearing books. Judging from the current situation, he is likely to wear it. Whether science or not, it's a good thing to be able to go from a bad end to a safe book world after death.

But it's not so beautiful if you're wearing a role in the book that's doomed to die.

was as like as two peas in the world. When the solution was to be bad, it took time to turn over a novel that was readily found. It was because there was a cannon in the book.

The cannon fodder is very young, just over 20 years old when he appears on the stage. His identity is a tool for Qiu Xing to make fun of the villain, who is sold by his father. His main function is to use his own cowardice and fear and avoidance of the villain to foil the heroine's tenacity and care and consideration for the villain, stir up the relationship between the villain and the female owner, promote the emotional development of the villain and the female owner, and rob the female owner of the matter for the villain and the male owner It is also a breakthrough for male owners to take away villain companies.

Such a cannon fodder will never come to a good end.

At the end of the novel, the villain dies, and everything in the villain's hands is taken away by the male owner. As a meritorious official who helps the male Lord succeed in seizing power, the cannon fodder does not get the relief he expected. Instead, he is killed by a hired murderer. At the time of his death, he is only 23 years old. The worst thing is that the author didn't tell us who was behind the murder.

Xie Yang picked up the phone he had thrown aside, turned on the camera, and looked at his face on the screen, which was similar to his original appearance and was obviously green. He opened his mouth for the first time after wearing it.

"Are you Jieyang? Or is it just another namesake? "

Ah Wen just pushed the door in and asked, "Yang Yang, what do you say?"

Unlock the phone and shake your head.

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"If that's OK, I'll go first. The TV station is almost finished recording the program. I have to pick them up. Lily will come in a moment and will bring you dinner. Don't run around."

Xie Yang nods.

A Wen left with the driver, Xie Yang went to the window to watch their car drive away from the hospital, turned to get up with the backpack belonging to the original owner, and directly out of the ward.

It was the evening rush hour, and the streets were full of people after work and school. Xie Yang put on his coat and hood and walked slowly along the street with his hands in his pockets. Passing by a kindergarten, an old woman who picked up her children accidentally bumped into her. Xie Yang instinctively tightened her body and dodged sideways. Her five fingers formed claws to mobilize her ability to fight back.

If you change your body, the core of the power will disappear. When the palm of his hand failed, he stopped and slowly clenched his fist.

"Big brother, why don't you go? Is it hunger and lack of energy? "

Clothes were pulled, Jieyang body a stiff, side down, is on a little girl looking up over the line of sight. The little girl is four years old at most, wearing a red skirt, chubby and lovely.

Seeing that Jieyang didn't speak, the little girl let go of her hand, lowered her head and took out a small biscuit wrapped in cartoon from her pocket and handed it to her on foot: "this is for you to eat. Brother, go home quickly, and Niuniu will also go home."

Xie Yang is a little confused.


Xie Yang regained his mind, moved his stiff body, relaxed his hand in his pocket, slowly pulled it out, and bent down to put his hand under the girl's palm.

Fat meat hand a loose, biscuits fall into Jieyang's palm. The little girl laughed and waved to him, "goodbye, brother." Then he ran back to a man who was shopping at a roadside stall and held the man's hand.The palm of his hand was pricked by the biscuit bag. Xie Yang clenched his hand. His numb sense of smell seemed to be activated in an instant. He smelled the myriad flavors transmitted from the world. They seemed to say: welcome to the peaceful and prosperous times.

The stomach purred.

He put his hand back into his pocket and stood up to take a deep breath of the city air.

I'm so hungry.

The mobile phone in the backpack was ringing all the time. He didn't care. He stepped into the stream of people again, following the latest fragrance, and got into a noodle shop.

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