After shooting the play in the morning, when the crew entered the lunch break, Wu Shui, who went out to answer the phone, went to Xie Yang and said in a low voice, "boss, general manager Qiu ordered several dining cars to come here. He wants to express his apology to the crew for today's confusion."

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Xie Yang turned over the script and looked at Wu Shui sideways and asked, "he hasn't slept yet?"

Wu Shui immediately replied: "the dining car was set by Mr. Qiu in the morning. After that, Mr. Qiu has been staying in the hotel room."

I just said I had stayed in the hotel room, but I didn't say I had a good sleep.

Xie Yang takes out his mobile phone and sends a wechat to Qiu Xing.

Xie Yang: I have a stomachache.

Qiu xingsec Hui: what's going on? Have you caught a cold? Bad food?

Qiu Xing: let Wu Shui take you to the hospital. I'll go there.

I knew it was. Xie Yang typed.

Xie Yang: it's not catching cold or eating something bad. It's popular that someone says he's sleeping but doesn't sleep.

The opposite is as quiet as a chicken.

Xie Yang: sleep or not?

After a good while.

Qiu Xing: I have already woken up after a sleep.

Xie Yang: lenient for confession, strict for resistance, divorce for lying.

Qiu Xing: good night.

Xie Yang squinted at the word "good night" for a long time, but did not reply again. He got up to find Zhou and said something about the dining car. After hearing this, director Zhou called for life director. Finally, the director asked the crew to go out to the dining car for dinner.

When the crew heard that Xie Yang's family had brought a dining car to improve the crew's food, they looked at Xie Yang one after another. Xie Yang met everyone's line of sight calmly, and invited you two sentences. Everyone is embarrassed to stare at Xie Yang again, thank Xie Yang "family" for their intimate, and then take back their sight.

Everyone thought that the dining car Jieyang was talking about was an ordinary take away dining car, but when they got to the empty space where the dining car was parked, they found that they were really naive.

In the open space, five minibus sized mobile restaurant type dining cars line up and park. In the open space in front of the dining car, the waiters are busy laying long tables and holding umbrellas. In the dining car, chefs are busy preparing food.

At this time, it's like moving a medium-sized restaurant to the whole.

Even the well-informed director Zhou froze at the scene and said, "Mr. Qiu has a heart."

Jieyang actually did not expect that Qiu Xing was preparing such a dining car and replied, "it should be."

Others:.... "

Everyone is at the guide seat of the waiter.

There are five dining cars, two for Western food, two for Chinese food and one for fruit and beverage. Food is continuously delivered to the long table with plates and tableware beside the table. You can take what you want and help yourself completely.

Such an arrangement is sincere enough and appropriate, and it will not burden everyone. It is very considerate.

Xie Yang casually picked some favorite food and sat down beside Zhou Dao and others.

Maybe it's eating people with a soft mouth. During the meal, Xie Yang found that everyone's attitude towards him became more warm and close to him, and he was no longer as rigid as he was when shooting in the morning. One of the biggest changes in attitude is the producer side, between words and deeds are a little bit numb.

In the middle of the meal, Wen Yao gets up and takes some food again. When she comes back, she doesn't go to Wen Han, the second actress, to sit next to Xie Yang. She picked up a glass of juice, held it up to Xie Yang and said, "Congratulations, thank you for lunch."

Xie Yang smiles, picks up the juice, and says, "you are welcome."

They clinked glasses.

Wen Yao took a sip of juice and put down his glass. He rolled the pasta on the plate with a fork. He suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Mu Zhouyi has gone abroad. Until she left, I didn't see her."

Let's release the cup.

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"You say how she should live when she is abroad alone."

Xie Yang put down the cup, picked up chopsticks, and said, "someone will take care of her." In the style of the wind family, most of them will find a sanatorium abroad to send Mu Zhouyi into the sanatorium. Moreover, with the wind and clear rain in it, Mu Zhouyi will never be treated harshly.

Wen Yao was silent for a few seconds and said, "that's good."


In the afternoon, director Zhou specially advanced Xie Yang's play, so that Xie Yang could leave work ahead of time. This is a kind of thanks to Qiu Xing's dining car. Xie Yang thanks Zhou Daodao and asks Wu Shui to buy some drinks and bring them to the studio before packing up and leaving.

On the way back to the hotel, Xie Yang brushes his microblog.

One day later, the public opinion on Weibo has basically stabilized.

The information about the will on the hot search is gone, and the topic of "Qiu Xing Xie Yang" is still high. On the popular list, he and Qiu Xing's microblogs hang up and down, and the reviews have exceeded 100000.

The hot comments in the comment area of Qiu Xing's microblog were replaced by the blessing reply from the managers of major enterprises, and those comments without nutrition before were all suppressed.

The hot comments in the comment area of his microblog were dominated by the blessing replies sent by Yangxing artists. The fans responded well, and there was no radical comments. It should be that Qincheng had made public relations specially.The number of fans of Qiu Xing's microblog account has exceeded one million, with an astonishing increase. The number of his Weibo fans has gone up and down, but on the whole it is still up.

All in all, at the moment, the announcement of a relationship has not had a bad effect.

However, it may also be that the public relations work is too good to suppress public opinion and prevent bad influences from appearing.

Xie Yang brushes something else. He finds that all those photos of the graduation ceremony that have been flying all over the place have disappeared. He searches for the names of him and Qiu Xing. Only the official propaganda microblogs of him and Qiu Xing pop up. All the messy microblogs sent by marketing numbers are deleted. The search page is so clean that it doesn't look like an artist announcing a love affair.

Xie Yang wants to laugh.

Isn't it timid? How can we publicize love and public opinion? This is convenient but hegemonic. The information released by love is only allowed to be sent by yourself?

Xie Yang returned to the top of the list and slid down for a while, and Tao Yang's name came into view. He nodded his fingers and looked at the contents of Tao Yangfa.

Tao Yang: I'm sorry to have defined the relationship between Xie Yang and Mr. Qiu without making clear the situation. This time, I'm not careful about it. I'll apologize to them face-to-face and I'm sorry to mislead you. I'm really sorry.

Apologize in person?

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the comments on this micro blog.

In the comment area, there were soothing voices. Everyone said that Tao Yang didn't intentionally mislead the public opinion, just because he was worried that the younger generation and the elders of the family of friends would be maliciously consumed by the marketing number, so he sent out such a micro blog on impulse. In general, what is wrong is bad intentions.

A good one is not a big mistake.

Xie Yang gently touched the back shell of the phone.

If Tao Yang really misunderstands the meaning of the introduction of Qiu Xing from Tao Yang's previous micro blog, and thinks that Qiu Xing and he have a shady relationship and they want to cover up the relationship, it is actually very interesting and beneficial to them. In addition to the act itself appears to be a bit self-made, can be said to be out of good intentions.

But the premise is that Tao Yang did misunderstand the introduction of Qiu Xing.

If a child who grew up in an aristocratic family still wanders through the entertainment circle, can't he really see the meaning behind his high-profile behavior with Qiu Xing? At that time, the news exploded so fast, but he and Qiu Xing did not mean to suppress the news by public relations. Was this behavior not obvious enough?

Xie Yang looked at Tao Yang's microblog again and locked his mobile phone.

No matter whether Tao Yang has misunderstandings or not, it is out of good intentions. This kind of self willed and disorderly voice behavior of Tao Yang has stepped on his bottom line.


When the car stopped at the door of the hotel, Xie Yang looked out and found that the media outside had been completely scattered.

Wu Shui explained: "general manager Qiu attaches great importance to the * * of himself and his family, and the enemy family has a very complete response system for secretly photographing and photographing news."

The media can only report what the enemy wants to report and take the initiative to interview. Those who secretly take photos and report secretly are waiting for a lawsuit.

If you have money, you can do what you want.

Xie Yang nods and steps into the hotel.

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When opening the door, Xie Yang deliberately put the action very light.

The room was dark and the curtains were all drawn. Xie Yang steps in, turns around and gently brings the door, standing in place for two seconds before stepping inside.

The carpet sucked up all the footfalls, and Xie Yang turned out of the porch and looked at the big bed.

On the side of the big bed by the window, Qiu Xing lies with his back to the door. Xie Yang went around to the bed and sat cross legged on the carpet beside the bed, looking at Qiu Xing's sleeping face.

Qiu Xing should be very tired, even if he is asleep, there is a trace of tiredness between his eyebrows and eyes.

Xie Yang reaches out his hand and points Qiu Xing's eyebrow at the tip of his finger, and transports the power into it.

Qiu Xing's expression and breathing slowly ease down.

After losing the ability, Xie Yang did not take back his hand, but gently stroked the eyebrows of Qiu Xing.

Because of making a will, Qiu Xing should have been harassed by his enemy's collateral relatives and Rongding's shareholders. He must be very tired.

Xie Yang leans toward Qiu Xing.

Will, condition, appearance People who had been hiding well in their shells have been forced to expose themselves completely and have to face all kinds of public opinions and eyes When there is no one, will you feel painful and helpless?

It's just a coward.

Qiu Xing's mobile phone on the bedside table suddenly rings. Qiu Xing's eyebrows, which have just opened, are frowning again. There are faint signs of soberness. The

is busy lifting up the mobile phone of the enemy's line, unlocking it and turning it into a mute, and then squeezed a trace of power into the enemy's line.

Qiu Xing fell asleep again.

Xie Yang relaxed and looked down at Qiu Xing's mobile phone. He saw that in addition to an unread message at the top, there was also an alarm clock. He paused and slid the prompt bar down to have a look.

The six o'clock alarm clock is about the normal time for the crew to work.


Xie Yang's eyes fall on the message below the alarm clock.The unread information came from Tao Yang.

Xie Yang turned off the alarm clock, did not read the information, put the mobile phone back on the bedside table, got up and went to the bathroom.


Qiu Xing didn't wake up until eight o'clock.

Jieyang sat on the bedside carpet playing with his mobile phone. Seeing Qiu Xing open his eyes, he immediately said, "Tao Yang sent you a message. Qiu Jingwei called you at more than seven o'clock. I answered it. He spoke to me in a strange way. I scolded him. I suspect that he will have cerebral hemorrhage like his brother Qiu Jingbang. He Jun also called and said that the person in charge of Rongding branch and the shareholders asked to have a face-to-face dialogue with you. The Liu family also called, and I answered. As soon as they heard it, I hung up. "

Qiu Xing's eyes were quick and clear, and instinctively looked up at the clock at the head of the bed.

"I turned off your alarm clock. It's over eight o'clock. I haven't had dinner yet. I'm hungry now, waiting for you

Qiu Xing frowned, immediately withdrew his sight, lifted up the quilt, and said, "why haven't you eaten so late? Don't wait specially --"

Xie Yang got up and bent down to kiss Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing stops to get up and raises his eyes to see Xie Yang.

Jieyang stretched out his hand to open the brow heart of Qiu Xing's frown, and said to his eyes, "it's hard. I like you, too. And, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have angered you about yesterday, and it's all due to me. I shouldn't have brought you to the media and the public without careful arrangement and consideration. I'm an asshole. "


"Sorry, not in the future."

Qiu Xing looked straight at Xie Yang, and his larynx rolled quickly. Suddenly he reached out and held Xie Yang in his arms. One hand held Jieyang's back and the other on his back. His arms were tightened and his voice was hoarse: "Xie Yang You always have a way to drive me crazy


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It was too late and it was a waste of time to go out to eat. Xie Yang simply ordered room service.

When dinner arrived, Qiu Xing went to the bathroom to wash. Xie Yang stood outside the bathroom and knocked on the bathroom door after hearing the sound of the hair dryer.

The sound of the hair dryer stopped, then the door was opened, and Qiu Xing in his bathrobe appeared behind the door. His hair is still dripping with water. He holds a hair dryer in one hand, raises his hair in the other hand, grabs his hair and asks, "what's the matter?"

Jieyang didn't speak and went to embrace Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing looked down at Xie Yang, and then raised his arm around him.

They held each other in silence. Xie Yang rubbed Qiu Xing's shoulder, loosened his hand, retreated, took away the hair dryer in Qiu Xing's hand, turned on the switch, and motioned Qiu Xing to turn around.

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang and turned to the mirror.

Xie Yang grabs Qiu Xing's hair, blowing slowly and asking, "what does Dr. Kirkman say?"

As the hair dryer moved, one after another, hair fell to the washstand. Qiu Xing wiped them off and said, "we can only weaken them as much as possible, but not completely stop them."

"So sooner or later you will be bald?"

If it had been before, Qiu Xing would have changed his face when he heard this question and immediately avoided it. But now he is only silent for two seconds. Then he looks up at Xie Yang and asks, "yes Do you dislike it? "

"If you don't like it, I won't blow your hair."

The wet hair dries slowly.

"Xie Yang."

Xie Yang raised his eyes.

Is it tiring to be with me

Xie Yang patted Qiu Xing on the back of his head.

The heavy emotion on Qiu Xing's face was completely taken away by this, frowning.

"Not tired." Xie Yang rubbed the place where Qiu Xing had just been photographed, and asked in the opposite direction, "would you feel forced to be miserable when you were with me?"

Qiu Xing's eyebrows and eyes are covered by dry hair, which looks much softer than usual. He looked at Xie Yang through the mirror and suddenly frowned and said, "No

Xie Yang also laughed and said, "it seems that we are a broken pot with a rotten cover, made in heaven."

"Qiu Yang's eyebrows are broken by saying," it's said With that, he laughed again. He turned around and grasped Xie Yang's hand with the hair dryer, took off the hair dryer, and held Xie Yang in his arms and gently touched the back of Jieyang's head.

He said in a low voice: "in the future, you may encounter some troubles. The Qiu family, the Liu family, the Feng family, the Tao family A lot of people will stare at you, are you afraid? "

Xie Yang Hui hugged Qiu Xing, put his chin on Qiu Xing's shoulder and looked at his back through the mirror. Instead of answering his question, he asked, "in the future, every little move you make will be watched by netizens. They will doubt your feelings, discuss your illness, evaluate your appearance, and explore your family situation Will it hurt? "

Two people together, in addition to sharing joy, but also to share a lot of trouble. You will bring me trouble, I will also bring you trouble, everyone is the same.

If you don't even have the consciousness to help each other share the burden, then how can we be together.

Qiu Xing tightened his arm and understood Jieyang's meaning and said, "I will protect you."Xie Yang laughed and said, "I will protect you, too."


Not long after dinner was delivered, they sat down at a small table by the window and had a very late dinner together. During this period, Qiu Xing received two calls, one from He Jun and the other from abroad.

Xie Yang filled a bowl of soup for Qiu Xing and asked, "very troublesome?"

Qiu Xing replied: "no trouble. It's the shareholders over there who want to confirm my physical condition and the details of my will. After all, this is related to Rongding's future and the jobs of many people."

Referring to the will, Xie Yang handed Tang's hand back and said, "I suddenly want to make a will."

Qiu Xing picked up the soup and knew that Xie Yang was angry. He reached out and took Xie Yang's hand and said, "I will treat him well and have a good rest in the future Don't stay up late. "

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That's about it.

Jieyang put the soup in front of Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing takes a look at Xie Yang, and suddenly moves the stool to Xie Yang's side. He lifts his legs to his legs and shoulders to his shoulders.

Xie Yang looks at Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing put out his arm and gently took Xie Yang's waist and said, "I need to go abroad as soon as possible. If I'm fast, I can come back in three or five days. If I'm slow, it may take ten days and a half months. Things over there are trivial to handle. I still need to have dinner with some investors and partners. "

There is a chain reaction to the publication of the will.

Jieyang kneaded his chopsticks, nodded and said, "you may be busy. Don't worry about me. My part in n city will be finished in another week. After that, my part will be greatly reduced. If I shoot fast, my own part will be finished in mid July. After this play is finished, I won't take another play until you recover. "


Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang as if his illness would be cured. He tightened his arm and said, "I will come back as soon as possible."

Xie Yang shakes his head: "do not need as soon as possible, the work is handled slowly on the line, the body matters."


The next morning, Xie Yang and Qiu Xing walked out of the room together.

He Jun has arrived downstairs with Qiu Xing's luggage and some necessary documents. Qiu Xing will take He Jun directly from the airport of n city, transfer to G city and fly abroad.

When he was about to leave, Qiu Xing exposed his essence, frowned and said, "don't worry about the public opinion on the Internet. I found a team to stare at it. If there are enemies or Liu family looking for you, you don't have to pay attention. Have a good meal in the crew, have a good rest in the evening, don't - "

Xie Yang raised his hand to cover Qiu Xing's mouth, looked at Gao Xuanhang, who was also just out of the room on the opposite side of the syncline, and said," good morning, master. "

Gao Xuanhang did not expect that as soon as he went out of the door, he hit his husband and his husband. He was very embarrassed. He tried not to see Xie Yang's hands on Qiu Xing's face and said, "good morning."

Qiu Xing silently pulled down Xie Yang's hand and put on a calm and steady appearance.

Xie Yang was funny and introduced to Gao Xuanhang: "master, this is my boyfriend, Qiu Xing. Qiu Xing, this is Gao Xuanhang, an elder in the crew who takes good care of me, plays my big brother in the film

My boyfriend? Just a boyfriend?

Qiu Xing frowned for a moment, then quickly unfolded. He reached out to Gao Xuanhang and said, "Hello, I'm Qiu Xing. Thank you for taking care of Xie Yang

Gao Xuanhang quickly takes Qiu Xing's hand.

After the greetings, the three people went to take the elevator together. At the elevator entrance, they met Wen Han and several crew members. This time Xie Yang didn't introduce Qiu Xing any more. He just said hello to everyone.

After entering the elevator, everyone's line of sight can't help but glance at Qiu Xing.

Qiu Xing frowned without trace. Xie Yang noticed that the back of the lower body, separated Qiu Xing from everyone.

The elevator stopped at the restaurant on the third floor and the group walked out. Gao Xuanhang invites Xie Yang and Qiu Xing to have breakfast together. Xie Yang refuses. After packing two breakfasts, he takes the elevator again with Qiu Xing and goes down to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel to meet he Jun.

Before getting on the bus, Qiu Xing suddenly put out his arms and hugged Xie Yang, and then He Jun got on the bus.

Xie Yang bent down to see Qiu Xing through the window and said, "remember to eat breakfast."

Qiu Xing nodded.

Xie Yang straightened up and took a step back.

"Xie Yang."

Xie Yang bent over again and looked into the car.

"I'll take the initiative." Qiu Xing's eyes were deep, because he had done something wrong and softened the shell for a day. He said, "it's just a boyfriend. I'm not satisfied." With that, up the window.

The car drove away slowly.

Solution Yang Leng Leng Leng, and then smile open, straight up to see the car leave, until can not see the figure of the car before turning to the hotel.

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