Before leaving, Xie Yang asks Ke LAN for Xu Chenhao's contact information. In the previous conversation, the three agreed that Xu Chenhao's IUD was soulless and decided to invite him back.

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Tongjian hesitated: "can you really bring brother Hao back? He was very determined at the beginning. He always said that he was tired and didn't want to work hard in the entertainment industry

Kelan had a lot of ideas these days. He shook his head and said, "no, he is not tired. He is protecting us. He was so smart that he should have seen Mo Bin's mind for a long time. He knew that IUD would fall apart sooner or later. He was afraid that Mo bin would come disorderly, and he would be a criminal in disorder without telling us. As a result, Mo bin failed to live up to his efforts. He did not even have the courage to say a word according to the situation at that time. He dragged things into this way

Tong Jian is confused.

"Tong Tong, what Mo bin cares about from the beginning to the end is not IUD, but the success that IUD can bring him. We understand it too late."

Tong Jian clenched his fist, rubbed his eyes hard with his side head, and stopped talking.

Ke LAN looked at Xie Yang again and said, "I will tell Chen Hao about the current situation first, and then let him contact you on his own initiative. You can rest assured that he will come back. "

Xie Yang nods.

When the matter is over, Xie Yang turns to leave. After two steps, he suddenly stopped again, went back to Tongjian and Kelan's car, and knocked on the window of Kelan's side.

Cochrane lowered the window and asked, "what's wrong? Is there something missing?"

"A little thing is missing. I'm a little curious. What did you hear and see before I came to the century? "

"When we were led to the box by the waiters, we heard them say that the floor is free for you today, and that you are a small boss, so you should be careful. Xie Yang, you can rest assured that Tong Tong and I will not say a word about your background. "

The co pilot's Tongjian quickly followed to make a guarantee.

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“…… Thank you very much Xie Yang said thanks, retreated, watched them leave, then bowed his head and chewed the word "little boss" and laughed. In the original book, Qiu Xing has never assigned any identity to cannon fodder. It seems that he, the butterfly, has begun to play a role in the plot.

There may be paparazzi near the dormitory. Xie Yang doesn't want to go back, so he asks Wu Shui to change his route to C University and decides to report one day in advance. On the way, he took time to look at the wind direction on the microblog.

After a night's fermentation, the hot search for "Rui IUD" has steadily entered the top ten. The focus of the fans' criticism shifted from "Jieyang pretending to be ill" and "Xie Yang smearing IUD in Hello vacation" program last night to "why did Wen Yi sign such a bad newcomer into IUD", "doubted Xie Yang had a backstage" and "did Xie Yang take IUD as an outlet?" On the springboard.

Fans have intrigued Xie Yang's identity as a student in the Performing Arts Department. They firmly believe that Xie Yang only wants to rub off the popularity of the fifth anniversary of the formation of the IUD. When he has enough time, he will officially appear on his own and turn to acting.

Not only Xie Yang, but Hu Biao was also intrigued by fans. Fans suspect that Hu Biao is watching the IUD. They want to step on the IUD to promote new people. They also scold Hu Biao for forcing Xu Chenhao away. They have to force the IUD to break up before they are happy.

Xie Yang picked his eyebrows unexpectedly when he turned to the microblogs that scolded Hu Biao.

The rhythm on microblog is all written by Mo bin. Now the rhythm is led to Hu Biao. Does this mean that Mo bin, who is hiding behind the rhythm, is not only trying to break up the IUD, but also changing his agent?

Does Hu Biao know what Mo Bin thinks? If Hu Biao knows


Xie Yang looked back and looked at Wu Shui: "what's the matter?"

"Here comes Mr. Xie."


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Wu Shui motioned to the front: "your father, Jiexiu jiezong."

Xie Yang put up his mobile phone and looked forward. He saw outside the gate of big school C in front of him. He stood there like a door god with his hands folded around his waist. His eyes wandered back and forth between the students who reported the beginning of the school. He looked bad.

Wu Shui asked politely, "do you want me to go down and deal with it?"

Xie Yang remembered that he had promised Qiu Xing to help speed up Jiejia's bankruptcy. He shook his head: "no, you go and ask Xie Zong to come here. By the way, has he seen you


"Go ahead, then. He'll come with you."

Wu Shui nodded, found a position to pull over, get off the car and walk towards Jiexiu.

A few minutes later, Xie Xiu followed Wu Shui to the car. Seeing that Wu Shui was going to open the door for him, he reached out to stop him and said, "no, I'll do it myself. I really didn't expect to meet Mr. Qiu here. Last time I didn't see Mr. Qiu, I really feel very sorry. These two days I was thinking about whether or not - how could it be you? "

"Of course it's me, Xie Xiu. What are you doing standing at the gate of my school?"

When Xie Xiu saw Xie Yang, his anxiety and anger that he had accumulated over the past few days burst out. He reached out and grabbed Xie Yang: "what do you think I would like to come here if I didn't get through to your phone? What did you say to Qiu Xing? Why didn't he answer my phone again? The cooperation we had discussed before suddenly disappeared. Please get out of hereInstead of rolling, Xie Yang easily took the hand that Zhixiu stretched in, and joined Wu Shui inside and outside, and helped Xie Xiu into the car.

Xie Xiu stumbled down on the seat and became more angry. He reached out to Jieyang before he could sit still. Xie Yang pressed him on the back of the car with his backhand, patted him hard on the back of the head and said coolly, "have you heard of a word? Domestic violence is not good for death. "

Xie Xiu was confused, then he was angry and struggled: "Jieyang, I am your father, you dare to beat me!"

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"It's you. Xie Xiu, do you want to see Qiu Xing

Xie Xiu struggled to stop. He looked up at Xie Yang with difficulty. He calmed down and asked, "what do you mean, Xie Yang?"

"It's not interesting. If you want to see Qiu Xing, I'll take you to see him." Xie Yang released him and tidied up the clothes that had been rubbed disorderly. He went to the Wu waterway and said, "go to Rongding."

Wu Shui started the car.

After Xie Xiu was released, he quickly turned over and sat down. He rubbed his aching wrist and tried to beat Xie Yang. Finally, he held back and asked, "can you really take me to Qiu Xing?"

Xie Yang ignored him and took out his mobile phone.

Xie xiuhen glared at Xie Yang, especially trying to teach him a good lesson as before, but he was afraid of driving Wu Shui, and he put up with it.

Xie Yang ignored Xie Xiu's line of sight, opened Qiu Xing's wechat and sent a message to Qiu Xing: are you free?

Qiu Xing: no time.

Xie Yang: give you money.

Qiu Xing: Oh?

Xie Yang: Xie Xiu is in my car. I'm on my way to Rongding.

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After a good while.

Qiu Xing: did Xie Xiu come to you?

Xie Yang: Yes.

Qiu Xing: go home.

Xie Yang made a polite question mark.

Qiu Xing did not return the news, a few seconds later, Wu Shui frame in the steering wheel next to the mobile phone rang. Wu Shui connected the phone, Qiu Xing's voice came out: "take Jieyang back to Jinghe garden, I'll go back right away."

Wu Shui can't answer the phone. He looked at Xie Yang in the rearview mirror: "boss."

"Listen to Qiu Xing."

Wu Shui immediately changed course and prepared to turn around.

Xie Xiu saw these things in his eyes, but he was still angry. He could not help but said: "no wonder he didn't answer my phone. He still treated me with this attitude. It turned out that he was in favor. I used to look away and thought you were an honest boy. Now I understand that you are a restless white eyed wolf like your mother said

"Which mother?" Xie Yang looked at him with a smile, "is it my mother who is so violent that she can't bear to commit suicide, or is she the stepmother of the junior three? Then she knows me well. After all, she has a father like you. It's a waste of her unique life experience if she is not a white eyed wolf. "

Xie Xiu choked, and his face puffed around. He wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to say it for a while. Finally, he choked his stomach and blackened his face.

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