Xie Yang obviously looked up and down the wind code.

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Fengdian has upright facial features, medium height and younger clothes. Of the five senses, his eyes are the best, and his gentle and affectionate appearance is not offensive even if he puts on a disgusting expression.

It's easy to look like a good man.

Xie Yang suddenly felt that his eyebrows and eyes looked like the wind of Qiu Xing, and Qinglin was more comfortable with his eyes.

Feng Dian was looked at and frowned and said coldly, "what are you looking at?"

After Qiu Xing, Xie Yang stops, and just wants to look at the wind code, he is lifted his hand to his face and does not allow him to turn his head.

Xie Yang's eyes still fall on Fengdian, but his words are said to Qiu Xing. His voice is not low: "ah hang, don't turn your head. There are dirty things over there, which hurt your eyes."

Everyone was in a daze.

What does the young man call Qiu Xing? Ah hang? And did he just say the word dirty?

Qiu Xing, a meal, the cold between the eyebrows and eyes, smile, pull down Jieyang's hand to hold, a light look at the wind code, said: "nothing, see so many years, used to."

"You're used to it, but I don't want you to go on suffering." Xie Yang finally took back his sight and said to Qiu Xing, "I think we'd better go out quickly, so as not to have some rubbish sitting on the sofa of the Yue's family, but not giving the Yue family face to climb relatives. I don't know if it's the loser who regrets being the son-in-law of the Taoists and wants to flatter you, or whether the Taoists don't really welcome you to this birthday party and are politely driving away guests. "

It's not polite at all to say this, but also to provoke the relationship between Taoists and Fengdian.

The hall is completely quiet, and everyone's eyes are completely changed.

This young man who thought he was just holding his thighs and selling his looks was different from what everyone thought?

After reading Xie Yang, they went to see Fengdian and held the fire.

All of you are Tao's family members and their relatives. Although they know that Feng Dian just said that he wanted to stab Qiu Xing, and did not mean to bring down the face of the Taoists, they could not accept it emotionally.

When they were not found out, they could barely pretend to be stupid in the face of the Feng family, but now Xie Yang has put all his words on the table. If they don't respond, are they not giving their faces to Fengdian?

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Many people also looked at master Tao and Tao Huazhang. As the eldest parent of the Taoists and the current helmsman of the Taoists, it would be inappropriate for master Tao and Tao Huazhang not to speak at this time.

Fengdian was first shameless by Xie Yang, and then he was looked down upon by everyone. At the same time, he realized that he had just said something bad, and he was worried and frustrated. Just as he wanted to say something to save him, master Tao, who had recovered his strength over there, opened his mouth.

The old man's voice was very cold, and he said, "Huazhang, the table is about to open. You should take your guests to your seats. Fengdian, come here. Dad has a few words to tell you. Lanlan, you go outside to see how your aunt hasn't come back, and find her. By the way, help me ask whether she is here to celebrate my birthday or to take her worthless son on a blind date! "

The eldest parents opened their mouth, and other Taoists were busy following suit. They scolded Tao Yilai, Fengdian's second wife, with guns and sticks in his words, beating Fengdian roundly.

Fengdian has no chance to speak again.

Tao Huazhang also took a cold look at Fengdian, then took a deep breath of his temper, looked at Qiu Xing and Xie Yang, laughed, said a few words of neglect and apology, and once again invited Qiu Xing and Xie yang to sit down at the VIP seat outside.

Qiu Xing has been smiling since Xie Yang accepted Fengdian. After hearing Tao Huazhang's troubles, he takes Xie Yang's hand and walks out.

Xie Yang approached Qiu Xing and lowered his voice: "out of breath?"

Qiu Xing pinches Jieyang's hand and laughs.


The distinguished guests are the most distinguished people in the business circle of B city, with only three tables in total. Tao Huazhang deliberately bypasses the table where Feng's family sits and leads Qiu Xing and Xie yang to a seat on the right.

Most of the guests were human beings. When the first guests saw Qiu Xing with Xie Yang, they took the initiative to say hello to him. They were also kind to Xie Yang. A few of them will look at the eye and cooperate with Qiu Xing. They also deliberately make fun of him and ask him when he is going to hold the wedding.

Qiu Xing was more gentle in the face of these people, took Jieyang to his seat and replied, "when the wedding is to be done, it depends on when Jieyang nods."

Admit that there is a wedding, but also deliberately lower themselves, the emotional initiative to the other half.

We all understand, and busy or sincere or false congratulations and expressed expectations to drink wedding wine.

The scene was full of false enthusiasm and prosperity. Xie Yang was sitting beside Qiu Xing with a smile. When he was ready to nod, Xie Yang generously replied: "when I nod, I have to see the performance of Qiu Xing."

Qiu Xing hears the speech lazily hums: "on you a little deficit is not willing to eat."

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People on the table looked at Qiu Xing's expression, and at Xie Yang, who had been very generous and tough from the beginning to the end, exchanged a look at each other, and became more polite to Xie Yang.

Some of them are polite to Qiu Xing and Xie Yang, while others are not.After a round of greetings, someone close to Feng's family suddenly asked Xie Yang, "I heard Mr. Xie is a singer? Some time ago, my son was also infatuated with a singer and took him to play abroad. Now these young people, alas. "

The table was a little quiet, and everyone looked at Xie Yang secretly, trying to see how he would take this sentence.

As if he didn't notice the gossip, Xie Yang gently pressed Qiu Xing's hand to show him to be calm. Looking at the questioner, he said with a smile: "don't be too pessimistic, don't be too pessimistic. If your son doesn't become a tool, teach him slowly. Don't arbitrarily lose hope for the whole group of young people and singers. I believe that many young people in this room are excellent. Maybe some of them are children of excellent singers. Don't lose heart. If you are really troubled, you may learn from other excellent parents here? "

What a mouth.

We take back our sight and have a basic understanding of Xie Yang's temperament.

Sure enough, it's not easy for those who can take down Qiu Xing.

Hu Dong was said to have a red complexion. Those who could have a good relationship with him came out and tried to get rid of the topic, but he was not happy.

He frowned and said, "who told you that my son is not a success? Mr. Xie, don't talk nonsense. "

Qiu Xing, who had been quiet for a long time, suddenly sneered and asked, "after twenty-seven, he still lives on the support of his family. Is it a success? Yang Yang knew at the age of 20 that he would start a company to write songs without the help of his family. What was your son doing when he was 20? No, what were you doing when you were twenty? "

Hu Dong choked. He had no face. He couldn't sit down any more. He got up and left the table.

Other people on the table are busy talking about other topics.

After Hu Dong left, he didn't come back. His position was always empty.

Soon after the birthday party began, Tao Huazhang and his family went to the small stage in the middle, smiling and thanking everyone for their support. Then he invited the birthday party to launch a big cake, and asked the old man to say two words before cutting the cake.

Everyone from the audience applauded and sent their blessing to the old man.

After cutting the cake, there were several birthday celebrations on the backstage. Then the old man was helped by his family to have a rest and eat, while the Taoists dispersed to toast the guests.

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Qiu Xing's table is full of distinguished guests. It is Tao Huazhang who comes to toast. He also took Tao Yang with him. It was obvious that he valued Tao Yang.

When Tao Huazhang toasted and said polite words to everyone, Tao Yang went around Qiu Xing alone, bent down and laughed, raised his glass to him, and said, "thank you, Mr. Qiu Dong. I can't find an opportunity to apologize to you in person for the last Weibo incident. I'm sorry."

Qiu Xing reacted coldly and said, "there is no next time."

With a smile on his face, Tao Yang slowly took back his cup raising hand and straightened up slightly. He said, "of course, there is no next time." Then he softened his voice and continued, "I thought at first that Qiu Dong would not come. Last time I called you --"

Qiu Xing interrupted Tao Yang: "you should go. Your father is watching you."


Looking at Qiu Xing's indifferent appearance, Tao Yang finally stood up and saw that he was slowly shelling shrimp beside him. Even his head was stingy. He didn't seem to care what he and Qiu Xing were saying. He laughed again and said goodbye.

Qiu Xing turns to the side and looks at Xie Yang.

Jieyang put the shelled shrimps in Qiu Xing's dish and boasted, "good performance."

"Who is a shrimp serving?" Qiu Xing disliked it on his mouth, but he consciously picked up his chopsticks and picked up the shrimp. Then he dipped it in the vinegar dish in front of Jieyang and took it to his mouth. He said, "it's really sour."

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows to take a look at Qiu Xing, wiped his hands, took out his mobile phone, opened the declining gray sheep CP super words in front of Qiu Xing, and hit the card in it with trumpet.

Qiu Xing:

He stares at Xie Yang, grabs Jieyang's hand, confiscates Jieyang's mobile phone, and puts vegetables to Jieyang. His tone is fierce: "have a good meal."

Jieyang smile, picked up chopsticks to eat Qiu Xing's vegetables, evaluation: "really sweet."

“……” Qiu Xing stares at Xie Yang again, but this time his strength is much lighter, and his mouth is still slightly cocked up. He took the chopsticks to clip shrimp, and his mouth was disgusted, "how can sauce duck be sweet and its tongue is broken? Concentrate on eating, don't play with mobile phones Do you still have shrimp? "


Qiu Xing began to peel the shrimp.

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Sitting next to them and listening to all the conversations, the guests said:

It seems that What do you know.

After the banquet, there will be a round of social banquets and performances on the stage. Here, we can have free activities. People who don't want to socialize can also go first. It won't be rude.

Qiu Xing didn't like this kind of occasion. He attended the birthday party to help solve Yang Zhengzheng's identity. Now his goal has been achieved. When he can leave, he naturally chooses to leave immediately.

He got up to say hello to his deskmate, and then led Xie yang to the exit of the banquet hall.

However, he obviously thought too naive. President Rongding seldom attended social occasions. How could everyone let him go so quickly? After two steps, a Rongding partner who had a good relationship with Qiu's father blocked up Qiu Xing and talked with him.Qiu Xing had to stop to greet each other.

It's not easy to solve this problem. Without taking two steps, another boss who has cooperation with Rongding comes up with two friends who obviously want to build a relationship with Qiu Xing.

After dealing with about six waves of people like this, Qiu Xing became impatient and frowned deeply: "I knew I should take Qiu Jingwei with me."

Xie Yang comforted: "it's almost the exit, there should be no more people --"

"Qiu Dong!"

Xie Yang shut up and looked back. He saw Tao Yang trotting through the crowd. He was embarrassed to tidy up his disordered hair in front of and behind the two people. He said happily, "it's good that you didn't go. Mr. Qiu Dong, my grandfather wants to invite you to come and talk. I wonder if it's convenient for you? " Then he lowered his voice and added, "it's about the wind family."

Qiu Xing frowned and looked at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang said: "go, the old man has a long life. You can't help but give the birthday star face."

Qiu Xing then nodded to Tao Yang, took Jieyang's hand, and said to Tao Yang, "lead the way."

"Thank you for your understanding." Tao Yang looked at Xie Yang again Thank you, Mr. Xie. "

"You're welcome." Xie Yang smiles, "I happen to have something to ask the elder. I don't know if I have the honor to talk with my predecessors alone when ah Xing goes to see your grandfather later? "

It's too bad to be harassed by a person who has no idea. No matter what Tao Yang means, Xie Yang decides not to get used to each other.

Tao Yang raised his eyes and looked at Xie Yang for two seconds. His smile deepened and he said, "of course."

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