After finishing the recording of all walks of life, Shen Yan stayed in the hospital for a day, and then flew abroad for his next job. When Xie Yang called in the past, Shen Yancai just knew what happened on the Internet and was preparing to send a micro blog to help Xie Yang speak.

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After Xie Yang knew Shen Yan's plan, he didn't polite to Shen Yan and said, "thank you, brother Shen."

"I should thank you. And I'm sorry. I'm really sorry that I delayed you when I recorded the program

Xie Yang said nothing, but also concerned about Shen Yan's physical condition.

After the two exchanged greetings, Shen Yan asked, "what can I do for you?"

"Brother Shen, do you know how the crew received the column" all walks of life "

"Yes, it's investors. Why did you suddenly want to ask this? "

It's the same as what Qincheng found out.

Xie Yang thought for a while, and said that he suspected that someone had bribed Bei Cheng to deliberately pit himself. Then he said, "maybe I am suspicious, but be careful. I want to make sure that there are more people calculating me."

Shen Yan's tone became cautious: "do you mean that from you participating in the program, to being attacked by black powder before the program, and then to your professional lottery in the program, someone is designing you?"

"It's just a doubt. Maybe it's not as complicated as I thought."

"No No Shen Yan seemed to think of something. "At that time, the investors immediately fixed the schedule for several of our leading actors. Later, one of the supporting actors was suddenly not available. At that time, it was the investor who suggested that we and the program team invite you to fill in the vacancy. I didn't think much about it before. Now you say that Xie Yang, who have you offended? "

Sure enough, there was a problem from the beginning.

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Xie Yang replied: "I didn't offend anyone. These are just the side effects of finding a rich boyfriend. Brother Shen, can you tell me the name of that investor? "


"Xu Chen, a shareholder of chenyao media, is mainly engaged in advertising operations. He likes to invest in TV and movies. He has a wide range of contacts in the circle, but he is very low-key." Qincheng's voice came from the phone, with a little paper turning voice, "chenyao has a lot of partners. After you remind me, I paid special attention to it. Chenyao really has a deep cooperation with a subsidiary of Fenghua Group."

Xie Yang was thoughtful and asked, "have you contacted Bei Cheng?"

"No, his cell phone has been turned off. When I asked about all walks of life, they couldn't get in touch with him. A staff member familiar with him said that he often did this, but when he couldn't get in touch with him, he usually went to gamble secretly. "

"I don't care about him for the time being. Help me to find out why the supporting actor who suddenly has no schedule to participate in" all walks of life "suddenly has no schedule

Qincheng should hang up after getting off the phone.

More than an hour later, Qincheng called back: "I found out, the actor suddenly received an invitation to audition for a big movie. The audition schedule collided with the recording schedule of" all walks of life ". Finally, he chose to push" all walks of life. "

"Is there Xu Chen in that big movie investor?"

Qin City stopped for a moment and then replied, "I'll go to inquire about it again."

Another half an hour later, Qincheng called again, and his tone was a little unclear: "yes, Xu Chen is also one of the investors in that movie. Xie Yang, you If it wasn't for you, I couldn't believe that we had been invited by "all walks of life" that someone else had designed step by step. I would be more careful when I take over the work in the future. "

"You don't have to fight all over the place. It's all temporary. It won't be like this again when you catch the man who is staring at me."

"Who's staring at you? Do you have a clue?"

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Xie Yang looked at the diamond ring on his finger and said, "yes But it's not sure. " I don't understand the reason why the people's Congress is so confused.

There are only a few people who don't like him. He can know who is behind the scenes by using the exclusion method, but why? This level of design is painless for him, and can not cause substantial harm to him.

Just want to see him down? Or do you really want to enrage Qiu Xing by hurting him, and then lead him to speed up the fight with Feng family? Or both, want to see him make a fool of himself, but also want to force Qiu Xing to fight the Feng family quickly?

Suddenly the mobile phone rings, Jieyang returns to his senses, and sees that it is Qiu Xing's call. He answers immediately and asks, "will you come back for lunch at noon?"

"Let's go out and eat." Qiu Xing's tone is strange a little cold, "that Bei Cheng I helped you catch."


Xie Yang got up and asked, "where to eat?"

Half an hour later, the exclusive box for the owners of the century club.

Jieyang looks at Beicheng, who is black and blue in the middle of the hall. Unexpectedly, he looks at Qiu Xing on the side of his head: "did you hit him?"

Qiu Xing led Xie yang to the sofa and sat down. He said, "I hate to beat him. When my men found him, he was being torn apart by a group of loan collectors Then he looked at Bei Cheng, frowned and raised his chin, "say it yourself.""Say, what?" Bei Cheng looked confused. "Mr. Qiu, I thank you for saving me, but you suddenly brought me here. I --"

"shut up." Qiu Xing is impatient. He interrupts Bei Cheng's words and signals He Jun, who enters the door, "let him sober up."

He Jun walked up to Bei Cheng, smiling at him, took out a document and put it in front of him. He said, "a large amount of money was suddenly put into your account five days ago. It was a person named Wang Xiaoyan who called you. You also handed in your resignation to all walks of life and bought a ticket to V tomorrow. But it's a pity that you have been listed as a dishonest person by the government this afternoon because of the loan problem. Not to mention abroad, you can't even take the train now. "

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Bei Cheng stares at the words on the document and grabs it to quickly look through it.

Xie Yang raises eyebrows. This Beicheng is actually ready to run.

Bei Cheng quickly finished the document, looked at Qiu Xing and Xie Yang, bit his teeth, and suddenly lowered his head and said, "you have invited me to come here. It must have been found out. I will not lie. Yes, I did take money to embarrass Xie Yang. But I swore that although I received the money, I didn't really prepare to do anything about Xie Yang. The other side just asked me to find a way to get rid of him Yang picks out the job of cleaning the exterior walls of medium and high-rise buildings, and then let me take more pictures of Yang's fear of collapse. "

"Just?" Qiu Xing sneered and looked terrible. "Do you know that people with severe acrophobia may suffer from vertigo and shock when they stand high? You want to save young's life? "

"No, of course not!" Frightened, Bei Cheng quickly denies and quibbles, "it's not so serious. Xie Yang is not afraid of heights at all No, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I know it's wrong. I'm just, I'm in a hurry to spend money, and I don't dare any more. "

Gamblers have no dignity.

Xie Yang gently held Qiu Xing's hand and said, "I want to talk to him alone, OK?"

Qiu Xing frowned at Xie Yang.

"I still want to eat pigeons, you go and order for me, remember not to put scallion."

Qiu Xingfan took Xie Yang's hand, looked at Bei Cheng, pressed his temper and got up. He Jun and Wu Shuidao said, "you stay here, sit beside Bei Cheng, don't let him move." Finish saying to touch the face of solution Yang again, this just stepped out.

When the box door is closed, Bei Cheng looks at Xie Yang and says, "I really didn't mean to hurt you. You don't see that you have been hurt, right? And you're so popular. I promise you'll be able to absorb a lot of powder after this program is broadcast! If you take the job as a delivery man, you may not get such an effect. You don't know. The online director of the takeout line has arranged several actors to act as wonderful customers. If you go to that line, you'll get angry. We're not right, right? "

When Bei Cheng spoke, Xie Yang just looked at him quietly. When he finally finished his nonsense, Xie Yang opened his mouth and asked, "finished?"

In the face of obviously angry Qiu Xing, although Bei Cheng is afraid, he still has some ideas to deal with. To Xie Yang, who is calm and calm, Bei Cheng's heart starts to beat. His mouth moves, but he doesn't know what to say. Finally, he just nods.

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"It's my turn. Who gave you the money? "

Bei Cheng answered quickly: "Fengdian."

Xie Yang laughed and nodded: "well, Fengdian is Fengdian again. How much money did the buyer give you to fool me by saying the name of Fengdian? "

Bei Cheng changed his expression and shook his head: "I don't know what you are talking about. It's the money that Fengdian gave me. Wang Xiaoyan is Fengdian's honey. I don't believe you can't find out. "

"Of course I can find out. Let me guess what kind of abacus you are now. Anyway, it is a society ruled by law. Even if Qiu Xing and I have money, we can't do anything to you. If you bite to death and don't tell the truth, we can only let you go. When we let you go, you can go to the real spender and let her find a way to send you abroad. With such a good handle, I don't know how much blackmail can be obtained. "

Bei Cheng's expression was a little dull, then he shook his head: "no How can I think so? Without this - "

" is it Tao Yi? "

Bei Cheng is surprised and accidentally bites his tongue. He covers his mouth and looks at Xie Yang in disbelief.

"I guess I'm right." Xie Yang smiles at Bei Cheng again, "let me guess You've got to do more than just make a fool of me? Since you choose to go abroad, there is no need to care about everything in China. You can tell as an insider that I bully others and play big names in the program group Or just cover me up with Shen Yan? "

When he heard the last sentence, he couldn't control it. He glared quickly, and then he was obviously upset.

"It looks like gossip." Xie Yang got up and went to Bei Cheng and patted him on the shoulder. "Bei Cheng, have you forgotten one thing? Tao Yi can really send you abroad through the Feng family's contacts. But have you ever thought about it, if you go abroad, there will be no business with enemies abroad?"

Bei Cheng was stunned and finally realized the biggest loophole in his escape plan. He looked straight at Xie Yang and suddenly collapsed and squatted down: "I just want to start over. I don't want to gamble. I want to start again Xie Yang, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, you don't revenge me, I just want to start again. It's Tao Yi. It's really her. It's Xu Chen who helped me lead the line with her. I'm sorry. I really know I'm wrong. "Xie Yang looked down at Bei Cheng and asked, "do you want to be a new man?"

Bei Cheng looks up at Xie Yang, tears on his blue face, and is in a mess.

Xie Yang sees into Bei Cheng's eyes: "give you a chance to climb ashore."

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