"All walks of life" program group is very good at "rubbing heat". The preview video is two minutes in total, including Xie Yang and Shen Yan in 40 or 50 seconds. The cover of the preview video is also the shot of Xie Yang appearing on the scene.

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Xie Yang brushes this micro blog on his way to work, so he opens it and has a look.

At the beginning, the video was the theme animation of the program. After the animation was played, Bei Cheng's face appeared on the screen, and then the camera zoomed away. He and another guest appeared side by side in front of him.

Xie Yang raises eyebrows.

It turns out to be a draw. It's a good starting point for the preview.

In the video, Bei Cheng holds two cards in his hand and is winking at him: "if you bribe me, I will give you a hint."

Xie Yang inside and outside the video smiles together.

"I believe in my own luck," Xie Yang said in the video

Then the card drawing starts. Here, the camera plays slowly and repeats the card drawing process for three times. The picture clearly shows that it is the card that another guest drew first, and then took the card.

When the card is drawn out, the camera is divided into two parts, showing the picture of two cards being flipped. The music was very nervous. I also cut the reaction of other guests.

Xie Yang found out that when he was drawing cards, Shen Yan, who seemed calm, actually had a peep. The

card turned over, but the result was beaten. Make complaints about the sound of the bell's voice, and the voice was cut off. The picture was cut off.

After that, the screen flipped and turned into a scene of two other groups of guests leaving for the workplace. It took about 30 seconds to get to the scene of him and Shen Yan. They read the task together, and the content of the task was also silenced. Then Shen Yan asked Bei Cheng, "is this the new punishment mechanism? Only punish teammates? "

He added a wow sound effect here, and then the picture was cut again. He and Shen Yan were in a conversation. He promised to stick to the task and not delay. Shen Yan said that he didn't need to insist. He could do as much as he could.

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The program group is very good at doing business. It not only slows down the conversation, but also adds a very warm BGM with subtitles of "considerate elders and younger generations".


Xie Yang raised his head and remembered with hindsight that he and Qiu Xing went out to work together. He locked off the screen of his mobile phone. He looked at Qiu Xing, whose eyes were not eyes and nose were not noses. He asked, "did you peek again?"

Qiu Xing's skin smile flesh does not smile: "I actually want to see."

What a strong vinegar taste.

Xie Yang suddenly approaches Qiu Xing.

If you're ready to take action, you'll be ready to help yourself.

However, Jieyang did not "act". After leaning over, he immediately pressed the mobile phone to turn on the camera and aimed at two people and took a photo.


Qiu Xing looks back at Jieyang's mobile phone and frowns: "what do you do?"

"In order to avoid the emergence of evil cults, give the fans hair sugar."

Xie Yang put down his mobile phone, enjoyed the photos he had just taken, then opened his microblog and switched to a large one. After the overwhelming message faded, he chose to write and edit.

Two minutes later.

[Xie Yang: stabilize the morale of the army. 】

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the microblog is accompanied by the selfie just taken. In the photo, he and Qiu Xing are shoulder to shoulder. He looks at the camera and smiles, while Qiu Xing looks at him sideways, probably due to the illusion of angle. In the photo, the corners of Qiu Xing's mouth are slightly cocked up, and his expression is rigid and cold, but his eyes are slightly gentle.

After the micro blog was sent out, there were comments soon. When I opened it, I found it was full of screams.

Xie Yang smiles.

When Xie Yang did these things, he deliberately made Qiu Xing very close, and he could not even see it. His expression is cloudy to clear up, but the mouth is not soft, hum: "you are so clever."


Thanks to the publicity and lucky draw, the single day sales of digital and physical albums broke the record on the first day of second life.

This achievement for a only a mini, or combination of professional, and debut time is only one year, absolutely is a miracle!

It's hard to avoid being envied if the results are too good.

Some of his unworthy colleagues blogged, saying that Xie Yang's album sold well because he had a rich partner. In fact, the album was just like that, and he also paid money to buy records.

There are also some albums that don't listen to the black powder that the sales volume does not represent word-of-mouth. Those online divine tunes can also sell record breaking, but they are not real music at all. Xie Yang is sensationalism.

Acid black people's speech soon ushered in a slap in the face.

On the night of the release of the album, a large number of professional musicians and music critics, as if they had made an appointment, gave a very high evaluation of "second life". Some of the people who published the comments are some of the senior musicians in the music circle. They have said that "second life" is a rare high-quality album with quality, soul, style and aesthetic advance in recent years.Not only the professionals have a high evaluation of "second life", but also the fans have a warm response to it. Several of the album's main songs quickly hit the hit lists of major music playing software. Xie Yang, the most worried song of other singers, does not exist in Xie Yang's body. When the prelude of "prosperous age" starts, everyone can't help but stop to listen.

One of the musicians' comments on "second life" accurately summarized the fans' thoughts after listening to the song.

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An old man with obstinate ears: Jieyang's music is poisonous. Once you get it, you will indulge in it and you can't extricate yourself. Xie Yang perfectly interprets what is from the ashes to the flourishing age, which is just like the original IUD. No, heyday is more extravagant than IUD. I love this flourishing age!

#Second life , ාාාාාාාාාාාාාාාා?ා??????????.


Once again, the work is flying towards Xie Yang.

Major music platforms have handed out olive branches to Xie Yang, hoping to be the first to interview Xie Yang or win the exclusive copyright of Jieyang new specialty. Numerous variety shows have invited Xie Yang, hoping to win the first live performance after the release of Xie Yang's new specialty. The major brands will also focus on understanding Yang, and want to achieve win-win situation of individual and brand.

However, Xie Yang didn't receive any work. Qiu Xing was about to undergo a third treatment. His mother's health was not very good. He needed to spend more time accumulating powers and had no time to work.

On the third day of the album's release and the day when the new issue of "all walks of life" was officially broadcast, the Internet suddenly burst out of the news that "all walks of life" MC becheng was addicted to gambling, had a huge debt, and was about to leave the "all walks of life" column.

At the same time, a recording was exposed anonymously. In the recording, a male voice asked Bei Cheng to find a way to make Xie Yang look ugly in the program. It was better to make Xie Yang more embarrassed and promised a large amount of money. Bei Cheng responded, saying that it was on him.

As soon as the information came out, the public opinion was in an uproar.

The newly launched Jieyang new college has attracted a lot of new fans and attracted a lot of passers-by's favor. It is the time when the heat is highest and the popularity of passers-by is the best.

The voice of condemning Bei Cheng and the program group is incessant. The video of Xie Yang hanging on the outer wall of the building for several hours, which was once photographed by passers-by, has been rediscovered. The microblog that Shen Yan sent two days ago to help Xie Yang speak has also been re noticed.

A few hours later, the show was on. Because the time when the news broke out was too close to the broadcast time of the program, the program group could no longer edit the program and could only play it as usual. As a result, all the crabmeat watching with full of indignation can see that from the draw, Bei Chengcheng has been digging holes for Xie Yang.

At first, he deliberately guided another group of guests to choose cards with takeaway signs, leaving the task of building exterior wall cleaner to Xie Yang, who has acrophobia. After that, he repeated Shen Yan's words with a worried tone of voice, implying that everyone Jieyang would delay Shen Yan and try to bring rhythm.

When Shen Yan had no choice but to give up the task due to physical reasons, he also cheated Xie Yang that he would come back to help Shen Yan finish the following work. However, he deliberately lost his way in looking for a doctor, so he dragged himself back to the end of the countdown.

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If Xie Yang had not been self-motivated, not only had he overcome acrophobia, but also had not believed Beicheng's lies, he would have been punished again and hung on the wall for a few hours.

They watched Xie Yang's face flushed with the sun and his hair wet with sweat. They noticed Xie Yang's body shaking when he landed on the ground. They were extremely distressed and angry.

Yes, Xie Yang was exposed to the sun for three hours, which was originally required by the task, not by shellfish. Shen Yan's physical problems are also unexpected accidents, but these can not cover up the Bei pair Xie Yang's various malicious!

What if Jieyang acrophobia is particularly serious? What if Xie Yang really believed in Bei Cheng's "come back soon" and didn't have time to complete Shen Yan's part of the task?

The MC of a program is so maliciously designed, cheated and brought guests' rhythm. Where is his professional ethics!

Countless people flocked to Bei Cheng's microblog to denounce his behavior as a cash pit guest. The popularity of the program "all walks of life" soared wildly, and the ratings quickly broke the record.

In their fury, everyone suddenly recalled the rhythm of the previous "Xie Yang deliberately pressured the program team, regardless of Shen Yansheng's illness, and forcibly chose the cleaning staff of the building's exterior wall". Then, they thought of the recording of Bei Cheng collecting money. They felt that their backs were cold, angry and aggrieved.

Why do you want to smear a new person like this? Who bought Beicheng? Who wants to harm Xie Yang?

More and more people flocked into Bei Cheng's microblog, asking him to confess who paid for his work, but he never responded, and later even cancelled his microblog.



Qiu Xing is in the third treatment.

Instead of staying outside the treatment room, Xie Yang went downstairs to the flower bed with his back against a tree, accumulating powers, turning over the topic of "who wants to harm Xie Yang" and smiles.No matter Tao Yi or Tao Yi, who is still standing behind her, wants to pit him, but no one knows, dreams.

The pit has been dug, and the day when the answer to this question is released on the hot search, it is the time when the person behind him is completely discredited.

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