This time, Xie Yang's sudden lethargy still frightened Qiu Xing. After chatting with Xie Yang, Qiu Xing immediately called He Jun, asking him to send all the remote processing work of Rongding to him during Xie Yang's business trip, and told him to disclose the news that he was going to choose a deputy to Rongding's senior management.

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Xie Yang was arranged by Qiu Xing and did not raise any objection.

After arranging everything, Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang again, touched Xie Yang's face and said, "have a good rest these days."

Xie Yang nodded his head.

Qiu Xing's tight breath faded a little. He leaned over his forehead and leaned back to his chair. After a while, he suddenly asked, "the symptoms of acclimatization on you..."

Xie Yang immediately replied, "there has always been."

"Then why does Xie Xiu say you have never had this symptom before?"

"What can he know?" Xie Yang lied and said that his eyes did not blink. "After my mother died, he immediately got bored to my stepmother. After the stepmother came in, she immediately gave birth to my younger brother. I was at home like a transparent man, and he didn't know me at all."

Qiu Xing listened to his expression and hugged Jieyang and touched his back: "it seems that I have been very good to Jiexiu recently."

"Indeed. But you can't be too bad to him. I have to keep him to make money for me

Qiu Xing released Jieyang and looked at him with a black face: "are you short of money?"

"No shortage."

"Then you --"

"but who would think that the money is small."


The tight breath on Qiu Xing's body completely fades away -- the breath, does not have the good airway: "to drill the money eye to go?"

Xie Yang picked eyebrows: "if it wasn't for money, I wouldn't have done business with you at the beginning."

“……” Qiu Xing couldn't bear to cover Jieyang's mouth.

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After returning to the hotel, they went to eat first. After dinner, Xie Yang finally has time to check the status of the power core. Even if he was as steady as he was, he could not help showing his surprise.

Qiu Xing, who was sitting on one side and He Jun's remote processing work, noticed Xie Yang's expression and immediately covered the handset and asked, "what's the matter?"

“…… I want to go to the bathroom Xie Yang replied. After patting Qiu Xing, he got up and walked toward the bathroom. After entering the bathroom, he immediately closed the door, put down the toilet lid and sat down.

He looks at the core again.

It's not an illusion. The core of the power has been upgraded five levels in a row. Now his powers have nine levels.

Level 9, even in the end of the world, level 9 powers are rare. The ability is more difficult to upgrade later. In his last life, he spent so many years in the end of the world, absorbing the power of countless crystal nuclei. When he died, the power only reached level 7.

Although there are few level 9 powers in the end of the world, a large part of the reason is that the environment is too bad. When a power is upgraded, it is bound to be in a coma for a period of time. Many of the powers can't pass the upgrade period safely, but level 9 Xie Yang raised his hand and pressed his brow and depressed his mood.

After awakening his powers in his lifetime, he estimated that according to the situation of the world, it would take 10 years for his powers to reach the original level 7.

Ten years, and one night, this contrast, step by step, but so. The energy of that system itself is really terrible.

Thinking of the system, Xie Yang breaks his mind and carefully examines all corners of the power core, and he is again surprised.

The system has not been completely swallowed up by the repeated upgrades of the power core yesterday, and some fragments of dark energy are still floating in the power core unconsciously.

He frowned.

There is no residue. When he treats Qiu Xing, he will probe the power into Qiu Xing's body. In case these energy groups follow the power to touch Qiu Xing's body during his treatment

He immediately uses his power to block all these energy clusters, and then tries to eat them.

Obviously different from the previous arduous phagocytosis, Xie Yang felt dizzy for a moment, and then some fragments of the picture suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and there was the figure of wood Zhouyi in the picture.

Xie Yang stopped the encroachment on these small groups.

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This is He realized something, slowed down and tried to nibble at the ball again.

His head began to feel dizzy again. Some fragments of pictures flashed in front of his eyes. Xie Yang looked carefully and found that it was actually a picture of Shen Yan using the power of Mu Zhou Yi Dynasty.

He stopped nibbling.

So this small group actually exists like the fragment of system ontology? What was the data left in the system?

Xie Yang raised his eyebrows.

If you wait for the whole system to be digested by Zhou, you can know that the whole system is not complete?

It's a surprise.


Suddenly the bathroom door was knocked, Qiu Xing's voice came across the door: "Yang Yang? Are you ok? "Xie Yang regained his mind and found himself sitting in the bathroom for too long. He got up and flushed the toilet and washed his hands. He opened the door and said to Qiu Xing, "I forgot the time when I played with my mobile phone."

Qiu Xing frowned, raised his hand and pressed Jieyang's head: "don't do this in the future."

Xie Yang nodded and thought of something. He leaned over to kiss Qiu Xing and said, "ah hang, let's go on a date."

A meal of hatred.

"Three days before I started work, Qincheng said that there are several interesting scenic spots and a famous movie theme park in this city. Let's go and have a tour?"

Qiu Xing looked at Xie Yang with a smile, and finally showed a trace of young people's liveliness. He couldn't help but hold him tightly and said, "OK, let's go and play."


On Weibo, Qiu Xing's account, which had been quiet for several days, suddenly began to update photos frequently.

The background of the photo is obviously in a foreign country, and all the people in the picture are Xie Yang.

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Xie Yang, who eats delicious food, who bends down to pick presents from the stall, who clocks in scenic spots, who takes a picture with dolls in the paradise, and who feeds pigeons in the square In the picture, Xie Yang is all smiling brightly. The smile he used to leave the country for work in peacetime is totally different. When he looked at the camera, the joy and intimacy from his heart almost overflowed through the photo.

As long as you are not blind, you can see that Xie Yang in the photo is very happy and very close to the person who took the photo.

The crabmeat are excited, surprised and sour by the dense photos. It's exciting to see so many Xie Yang in private. The surprise is that he is so handsome, so sweet and so cute! Acid is, this appearance of Jieyang only belongs to Qiu Xing.

The comment area was brushed with lemon.


In the paradise, Xie Yang and Qiu Xing sit side by side on a bench. Xie Yang suddenly approached Qiu Xing and asked, "are you happy to bully fans?"

"What bullies fans." Qiu Xing quickly converged, locked the screen of the mobile phone, held Jieyang's hand, rubbed it, and asked, "is it cold?"

Xie Yang returned, without uncovering the topic of Qiu Xing's transfer. He held Qiu Xing's hand and said, "it's not cold. How long will the fireworks show start? "

"Soon." Qiu Xing put Xie Yang's hand in his pocket and looked at the paradise castle in front of him, "ten minutes at most."

Xie Yang also looked at the castle decorated with gorgeous and dreamy lights at night, moved his body and leaned his head against Qiu Xing's shoulder.

Qiu Xing side of the head, with the trend to kiss Xie Yang's head.

Another 10 minutes, after a pendulum like countdown, fireworks with the cheers of tourists around the sky, and then bang bang, scattered a gorgeous.

"Three days went by so fast." Xie Yang exhaled a breath of white air, and said with a smile, "I heard that the fireworks meeting at Christmas is more grand. Let's have a look at it next year?"

Qiu Xing also side of the head, looking at Xie Yang's eyes reflected by fireworks, reached for Jieyang's face, bowed his head and kissed it, crushing a positive response in the kiss.

Qiu Xing slept deeply and relaxed that night. Xie Yang opened his eyes and stared at Qiu Xing's relaxed sleeping face for a long time. Then he closed his eyes again and tried to penetrate the upgraded powers into his body.

After being familiar with it for a few days, he didn't dare to use the upgraded ability on Qiu Xing.

Level 9 power becomes more concise and softer. After entering the human body, it is just like a drizzle in spring. It moistens every corner quietly, and does not need Xie yang to drag and control.

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The effect is better than Jieyang expected.

Xie Yang was a little relieved. He let the power turn around in Qiu Xing's body, and then slowly went to Qiu Xing's brain.

This time, almost immediately after entering the enemy's brain, the ability clearly sensed the location of the enemy's focus. Then, without the effort of Jieyang's control, the soft level 9 power enveloped the location of the focus, swallowing and cleaning with a little moistening things silently.

Jieyang tries to "move" the location of the lesion. The ability immediately obeys his will and increases the traction on that lesion. Xie Yang even found that the level 9 ability can penetrate into the depth of Qiu Xing's body, and slowly separate the sick parts from the depth of Qiu Xing's body.

Although the efficiency is very low, it can be separated.

Apart from not being able to remove the diseased parts from the body, this separation is almost equivalent to a power version of tumor "cutting" surgery.

Xie Yang opened his eyes and looked at Qiu Xing. Seeing that Qiu Xing was sleeping soundly, he was not disturbed by the action of the power at all. His hanging heart was completely put down.

Great. If it goes on like this, it won't take long for Qiu Xing to reach the surgical conditions.


The shooting of brand D's new series of advertisements was arranged in an old castle. On the way to the castle, Xie Yang heard that the background music played on an open-air activity square on the street was actually "flourishing age".

Qin Cheng explained: "after the cooperation show, your popularity abroad has suddenly opened, and the sales of overseas albums have been increasing. In fact, I have received a lot of cooperation invitation from overseas, but because you are temporarily off work, I pushed all of them. To tell you the truth, it's a pity that such a good opportunity to open up the overseas market has missed this time, and I don't know when the next time will be. "Qiu Xing, who has been sitting quietly beside Jieyang and looks at the mail, frowns and looks at Xie Yang.

Xie Yang replied: "it's OK. As long as the song is good, the opportunity to open the market will always be available." Finish clapping Qiu Xing's leg, "stop your wishful thinking."

Qiu Xing took back his sight and continued to look at the email: "I didn't think of anything."

I believe you are the devil. My brows are frowning.

Before long, the castle arrived.

The shooting team of D brand has settled down in the castle. After getting out of the car, Xie Yang first exchanged greetings with the leader of the other party, then left Qincheng to contact with the other party, and took Qiu Xing to the makeup studio.

This time, Xie Yang is not shooting alone. There are also several international models with d-brand. When Xie Yang enters the dressing room, several models have already finished modeling and are gathering to talk.

Seeing Xie Yang enter the door, the models stop talking and look at him. After looking at Xie Yang, they all close their eyes and continue to talk and laugh.

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